Unify all heavens

Chapter 243 Exchange! (Down)

But if this Yin-Yang corpse is not destroyed, it will be difficult to defeat him after he becomes a complete body.

Moreover, his own attack method is very simple. If he lets the Yin-Yang Corpse go, the next time they fight, he may be the one who is destroyed.

Moreover, Nintendo was also swallowed up by this Yin-Yang corpse. He should destroy this Yin-Yang corpse to avenge Nintendo.

As for after killing him, if Zhong Kui and Tu Tu Ye cause trouble for him, he will hide in the purple coffin for ten or twenty years.

Thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes filled with murderous intent. Then he lowered his head suddenly, opened his mouth and bit the Yin Yang Corpse's neck again.

Just when he took another big breath of demonic energy, he heard Yin Yang Corpse say in a panic: "Wait, wait, if you kill me, you will never find that newborn child again." Got it!"

Li Qing paused when he heard this, and then said in a serious tone: "How do you know I'm looking for that kid?"


The yin-yang corpse laughed a few times and said: "I, I learned this from Nintendo's memory, so to be on the safe side, I only swallowed Nintendo and didn't touch the child!"

Li Qing heard this and sneered: "You are really smart, you can even think of threatening me with that kid!"

The yin-yang corpse laughed a few times and said nothing.

Speaking of it, she was also very surprised about this matter. A dignified flying zombie would care so much about a child, and even let another flying zombie protect it for this reason.

Just as she was thinking in her mind, she heard Li Qing snort and say: "This building is only so big. After killing you, am I still worried about not being able to find him?"

"You can't find him even if you turn the building upside down!"

Yin Yang Corpse shook his head slightly when he heard this.

Then he said: "Since I didn't kill that kid, I have already thought about the consequences of not being able to beat you!"

After Li Qing heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "In that case, as long as you hand that child over to me, I will let you go once!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, Yin Yang Corpse immediately sneered.

"Hehe, if I only let you off once, then you should kill me!"

After she said this, Li Qing narrowed his eyes subconsciously and said in a serious tone: "Don't you want to push yourself to the limit? It's not good for you or me to fight to the death!"

After hearing the impatience in Li Qing's mouth, the yin-yang corpse said: "As long as you agree to my request, I will return that child to you!"


Li Qing raised his eyebrows.


The Yin-Yang Corpse chuckled twice and then said: "As long as you return my husband to me, I will give that child to you!"

After saying this, she was afraid that Li Qing would not agree, so she added: "And I will stay away from Hong Kong in the future and will never set foot in this land again in this life!"

Li Qing's eyes moved when he heard this. No matter what, he had to take Kang Xingui away from Yin Yang Corpse's hands first. After all, he would need Kang Xingui's help in the future.

As for whether to destroy the Yin-Yang corpse after capturing Kang Xingui, it depends on the timing.

And although he had obtained the spell of external incarnation, it was given to him by Zhong Kui, and from his perspective it was difficult to see whether there was anything wrong with this spell. So I have to ask the happy Buddha of the future.

As for what Yin Yang Corpse said about leaving Hong Kong, he didn't care at all.

After all, when the yin and yang corpses are combined, their strength will be greatly increased. It's still hard to say whether he can beat him or not.

If he couldn't defeat the Yin-Yang Corpse, how could the Yin-Yang Corpse leave Hong Kong? At that time, whether he can leave Hong Kong safely is a question.

Therefore, the urgent need now is to replace Kang Xingui from the hands of Yin Yang Corpse.

Thinking of this, Li Qing nodded slowly and said: "You give me the child first, and then I will return your husband's head to you!"


Yin Yang Corpse agreed simply.

Then after Li Qing let her go, she took a deep look at Li Qing, and then Li Qing saw her belly suddenly bulge.

Then I saw a pair of bloody hands piercing her belly and lifting Kang Xingui out of his deep sleep.

After seeing this, Li Qing narrowed his eyes.

He really didn't expect that this Onmyoji would put Kang Xingui in his belly.

After seeing the surprised look on Li Qing's face, Yin Yang Corpse sneered in his heart.

After she merged with her husband, she snatched the child from Li Qing's hands.

She wanted to see what was different about this child that made Li Qing, a dead body, care so much.

And when she merges with her husband and becomes a complete body, she will no longer be afraid of Li Qing.

Thinking of this, she handed Kang Xingui, who smelled of blood, into Li Qing's hands. Then she looked at Li Qing expressionlessly and said, "You can give me back my husband now!"

Li Qing sneered when he heard this and said sarcastically: "Now that the child is in my hands, why should I return your husband to you!"

After saying this, his eyes narrowed and he shouted coldly: "Suffer death!"

After saying that, the figure moved and took control of the livid-faced Yin-Yang Corpse again.

After being controlled by Li Qing again, the Yin-Yang corpse immediately gritted his teeth and said, "You actually deceived me!"

Li Qing heard this and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, after I kill you, I will send your husband to you!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and prepared to continue biting the Yin Yang Corpse's neck.

But at this moment, the sneer of the Yin-Yang corpse came to his ears.

"Would you like to look at that child in your hands, making a decision?"

After hearing this, Li Qing's face changed slightly, and then he subconsciously lowered his head to look at Kang Xingui, only to see that Kang Xingui's face gradually turned deathly gray.

"Did you take away his soul?"

After Li Qinghan said these words in a cold voice, he heard Yin Yang Corpse sneer and say: "You can be cunning and go back on your word, so naturally I have to take precautions!"

After she finished saying this, Li Qing slowly let her go, then stared at her, and said in a cold voice: "If it goes on like this, it won't be good for us! In this way, I will Give your husband’s head back to you, and you give this child’s soul back to him!”

Yin Yang Corpse looked at Li Qing, blinked and smiled: "Okay!"

When she finished speaking, Li Qing lifted the male head out of the purple coffin and said coldly: "Where is the child's soul?"

After Yin Yang Corpse heard this, the hand in her belly poked her belly and handed out a small bottle.

Then she looked behind her husband's head in Li Qing's hand and said, "I'll count one, two, three, let's throw it at the same time!"


Li Qing nodded.

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