Unify all heavens

Chapter 245 Complete Yin-Yang Corpse! (Part 2)

When Li Qing suddenly raised his head, the Yin-Yang Corpse who was about to approach Li Qing was still sneering in his heart.

What age is this, and you still use this kind of tactic to distract your eyes?

Still looking at the sky?

What's in the sky?

Could there still be flying saucers?

With this thought in mind, he grinned and accelerated his approach to Li Qing.

However, when he was only five or six meters away from Li Qing, he suddenly felt that his body had become much heavier.

Subconsciously, he looked up.

At this sight, his body froze suddenly, and his face was full of horror.

what is that?

When the Yin-Yang Corpse merged, they were not aware of external events, so he didn't know that when he merged, Li Qing used three drops of blood essence to activate the purple coffin.

Therefore, at this moment, Yin Yang Corpse's heart was filled with shock.

I saw a purple cloud appear in the originally clear sky.

Moreover, in the center of this cloud is a huge purple coffin.

Although his position is still far away from the sky, and with his eyes he cannot see the specific shape of the purple coffin.

But for some reason, the moment he saw the purple coffin, the shape and texture of the purple coffin automatically appeared in his mind.

After seeing this, Yin Yang Corpse turned his eyes away from the scene in the sky with great difficulty, and narrowed his eyes to look at Li Qing not far away.

Li Qing smiled coldly at him, raised his hand to point to his position, and shouted coldly: "Suppress!"

As soon as Li Qing's words came out, the huge purple coffin in the clouds in the sky suddenly exuded a powerful aura that seemed to come from ancient times.

Then Yin Yang Corpse felt that his body was suddenly enveloped by this aura. Then when his face changed drastically and he wanted to struggle out of this aura, he saw a purple light that was ten meters thick suddenly shot down from the sky.

The purple light was so fast that it hit Yin Yang Corpse almost the moment he saw it.

The next moment, the Yin Yang Corpse was bombarded by this purple light and quickly smashed towards the ground.


When he fell to the ground, there was a deafening sound.

This sound was so loud that it not only spread throughout half of Hong Kong, but even Li Qing in the sky could hear it clearly.

At this time, in a garage not far from here, Zhong Kui and Tu Tuye looked at the scene displayed by the water and moon technique on the wine table.

In the picture, it is the scene of Yin Yang corpse being smashed to the ground by the purple light in the sky.

Just when they saw this scene, a roar appeared in their ears.

Under this roar, Tu Tuye's eyebrows trembled violently, and the hand he was stroking his beard froze.

For a long time, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Is this...is this a magical power?"

After he finished saying this, Zhong Kui frowned, shook his head and sighed: "It's not a magical power, but its power is not much different from a magical power!"

After saying this, he took a breath and said seriously: "The point is, this is a pseudo-supernatural power that is not within the Three Realms!"

When he said this, his hands hidden in his cuffs trembled slightly, which showed that his heart was not as calm as on the surface.

After hearing Zhong Kui's words, the Earthly Master couldn't help but shake his head and exclaimed: "A mere flying zombie knows such powerful pseudo-magical powers. This kid's future is limitless!"

When Zhong Kui heard this, he didn't know what he thought of, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

After a while, when Li Qing in the picture was flying towards the ground, he said: "Tell me, with this kid's strength, if he kills wantonly in the world, who can stop him?"

After saying this, he looked at the Earth Master, took a deep breath and added: "You need to know that not only the Yin and Yang corpses, but also you and me can't stop attacks from outside the three realms!"

After hearing what Zhong Kui said, Tu Tuye suddenly changed his color!

He was just watching the battle, but he forgot about it!

Thinking of this incident at this moment, his divine heart started to beat violently.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the yin and yang corpses in the picture, Tu Tu Ye said with twitching eyelids: "With this kid's character, he shouldn't do that, right?"

After Zhong Kui heard this, he laughed loudly, then looked at the Lord of the Land, narrowed his eyes and said, "As a land man, you should know better than me what the character of zombies is like!"

The land man became silent after hearing this.

How can zombies have any character?

If zombies had a xinxing, how could they be reduced to the point of being abandoned by the Six Paths?

Thinking of this, he could only sigh.

After Zhong Kui glanced at Lord Tutu, he turned his attention to the picture again.

However, although his eyes were staring at the picture, he was thinking about other things.

On the other side, Li Qing was already standing on the ground.

In front of him was a huge pit more than twenty meters long and wide.

At this time, dust was spreading above the pit.

Looking at the big pit in front of him, Li Qing said in a cold voice with no expression on his face: "Yin Yang Corpse, I will give you a chance to live. As long as you hand over the child's soul, I will let you go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an embarrassed figure slowly flying out of the dust.

When the figure flew out of the dust, it looked at Li Qing not far away with a gloomy face.

After more than ten seconds passed quietly, the Yin-Yang Corpse slowly said: "What a flying zombie, what an attack from outside the three realms!"

After saying these words, the lower half of his body suddenly turned into black powder, shattering and floating away.

As if he didn't feel his own situation, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Qing, and asked: "I want to know why these things are not in Nintendo's memory?"

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, and then sneered: "Because when I use it, I always carry him on my back!"

After hearing Li Qing's answer, Yin Yang Corpse looked at Li Qing seriously, and then took out a small bottle from his arms.

Just when Li Qing thought he would hand it over to her, he saw Yin Yang Corpse suddenly sneered ferociously.

Then with a "bang" sound, the glass bottle was crushed to pieces in front of Li Qing, and even Kang Xingui's soul in the bottle was not let go.

After seeing this scene, Li Qing's color suddenly changed, and his face gradually became ferocious.

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at the Yin-Yang corpse, grinning with a cruel look in his eyes.

"very good!"

The moment he finished speaking, he jumped up suddenly, grabbed the Yin-Yang corpse in his hands, and stuffed it directly into the purple coffin.

Not far away, Zhong Kui, who saw this scene from the Water Moon Technique, almost shouted.


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