Unify all heavens

Chapter 242 Exchange! (superior)

"Since we can't reach an agreement, then I have no choice but to kill you. I also want to try to see if I can find out how you traveled through the world after swallowing you!"

As the Yin-Yang Corpse finished these words, a "whoosh" sound suddenly came from Li Qing's ears, as if something was approaching him quickly.

Then there was a 'bang' sound, and a hole the size of a head appeared in the wall of the corridor, and then the male head of the Yin-Yang Corpse flew out of the hole in the wall. Like a cannonball, it flew straight between his legs.

Seeing this, Li Qing hurriedly flew up to avoid the flying head, bent his legs and kicked it again.


The flying head sneered a few times upon seeing this, rolled a few times in the air to avoid Li Qing's legs, and then flew backwards towards his body.

Although this is Li Qing's first time fighting the Yin-Yang Corpse, he can know from the movie he watched in his previous life that the Yin-Yang Corpse at this moment is not complete.

Because it is not a complete body, the Yin-Yang corpse at this moment is the easiest to deal with.

Thinking of this, Li Qing quickly approached the Yin Yang Corpse.

"We can't let him become a perfect body!"

While he was thinking this, he had surpassed the male flying head, arrived in front of the Yin-Yang Corpse one step ahead, and without hesitation, he punched the Yin-Yang Corpse on the head.

The yin-yang corpse with a female head immediately covered its mouth and laughed after seeing Li Qing's actions.

"Hehe, your attack method is a bit monotonous!"

As she spoke, she took a few steps back and looked at the male flying head.

After Li Qing heard this sentence, his heart moved.

This yin-yang corpse is right. Although the ghost skills he has learned are close to close combat, he himself does not have any close combat physical skills. He relies entirely on his own reaction ability.

It seems that after this matter is over, he will have to learn some physical skills or something. Otherwise, with his attack method, if he encounters someone who reacts faster than him, he will definitely be beaten from head to toe.

At this time, Feitou had already surpassed Li Qing and flew towards the chest of Yin Yang Corpse.

But just when he was about to touch his body, Li Qing quickly stretched out his hand and clasped the top of his head, then raised his leg and kicked Yin Yang Corpse on the chest.

Yin Yang Corpse did not expect that Li Qing would take the time to attack her after grabbing Feitou, so her body immediately took several steps back under Li Qing's kick.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly sneered and put the flying head under his palm directly into the purple coffin space.

His purple coffin does not belong to any world, and as long as he does not enter the purple coffin, the things that are put in it will never come out again.

At this time, the female Yin-Yang Corpse, who finally stood firm, saw this scene, her face suddenly changed, and she screamed urgently.


After shouting these words, she spat out a spit of black light at Li Qing with a gloomy face, followed closely behind the spit, and rushed towards Li Qing with her teeth and claws bared.

Li Qing turned his head slightly to avoid the spit, then stretched out his hands to hold her arms, then with a cold snort, he raised his leg and kicked her knee.

Then there was a "click" sound, and the left leg of Yin Yang Corpse was kicked off by Li Qing.

Yin-Yang zombies are also a type of zombie, so even if her left leg was kicked off by Li Qing, she didn't care at all. Instead, because she was close to Li Qing, she opened her mouth and bit Li Qing.

Li Qing sneered when he saw this. When it came to biting people, he was much more experienced than this Yin-Yang corpse.

Seeing that the female head was about to bite his neck, a cold light flashed in Li Qing's eyes, and then he moved his hands slightly, grabbed the Yin Yang Corpse's arms with his backhand, and then twisted hard.

Among the creatures that Li Qing has bitten, there are very few creatures whose bodies are still intact after being bitten by Li Qing. Most of them had either broken arms or all their limbs.

So before he decided to bite the Yin-Yang corpse, he broke the arms of the Yin-Yang corpse as usual.

When two "click" sounds were heard in succession, Li Qing let go of the hands holding the Yin Yang Corpse's arms, and instead grabbed her shoulders with one hand and pinched her neck with the other to prevent her from getting close to him.

Then he appeared behind the Yin-Yang Corpse in a flash, opened his mouth and bit her neck.

After feeling Li Qing's movement behind him, Yin Yang Corpse suddenly had a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

She learned from Nintendo's memory that Li Qing's training method was different from theirs. He only needed to absorb the corpse energy of zombies to evolve quickly.

Although there is no corpse energy in her body, only demon energy, it is impossible for Li Qing to rely on her demon energy to evolve, but after Li Qing absorbs her demon energy, her strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

At this moment, she could only hope that after Li Qing absorbed her demonic energy, he would explode or be seriously injured due to uneven aura in his body.

Just as she was thinking this, Li Qing's fangs had pierced her skin, and he took a big breath of demonic energy.

After feeling that a large amount of demonic energy was missing from itself, the Yin-Yang Corpse began to feel Li Qing's aura.

She extremely hoped that Li Qing would be seriously injured because of this breath of evil spirit.

But when she felt that not only was Li Qing not injured, but because of this breath of demonic energy, his aura became a little stronger, a flash of horror suddenly flashed in her eyes.

how come?

He actually transformed the demonic energy?

Thinking of this, a look of despair flashed across her face.

Could it be that he could only wait for himself to slowly turn into a corpse under Li Qing's words?

While she was thinking about how to escape from Li Qing, Li Qing was intoxicated by the changes in her body.

He found that after the nameless mantra transformed the demonic energy, the organs in his body that had long since dried up showed signs of recovery.

Although Li Qing was indifferent to the dryness of the organs in his body, it was still good to be able to become full or completely revive.

However, compared to the full recovery of the internal organs, Li Qing is still more looking forward to plundering the Yin-Yang Corpse's talent of not being afraid of attacks within the Three Realms.

In this way, he will no longer be afraid of Taoism!

Moreover, he will be more confident when facing Zhong Kui or Tu Tu Ye.

After all, although he is a flying zombie at this moment, in the eyes of Zhong Kui or Tu Tu Ye, he is worse than a mole.

Ants are not much stronger.

After thinking of this, a look of anticipation flashed in Li Qing's eyes, and then he took a big breath of demonic energy from the Yin Yang Corpse's body.

At this moment, the body of the Yin-Yang corpse has become much thinner. Li Qing believes that it won't take long before he can suck the Yin-Yang corpse into a dry corpse.

At this moment, Yin-Yang Corpse suddenly shouted with fear: "No! Don't suck me anymore! If you suck me dry, the gods of the underworld will definitely not let you live freely in the world!"

Li Qing's face was startled when he heard this, then he relaxed and started thinking.

This yin-yang corpse is right. Don't look at Zhong Kui and the others. Now they are giving him ghost skills and the magic of his external incarnation, and they also promised to give him a good fortune.

But this is all under the premise that their attacks are ineffective against the Yin-Yang Corpse.

If he sucks this Yin-Yang corpse dry, then Zhong Kui and Tu Tu Ye will definitely not let him fly around in the world like a zombie.

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