Unify all heavens

Chapter 229 Chaos at the Police Station (Part 2)

Colonel Miyake didn't expect that Li Qing's strength was so terrifying. It couldn't even resist the opponent's kick.

Fortunately, its position was perfect, so it was able to escape from the club with Li Qing's kick, otherwise it would have ended up being destroyed by Li Qing like other ghosts.

Thinking that Li Qing might rush out of the club and kill it in the next moment, Colonel Miyake felt panic in his heart. So the moment it was kicked out of the club and landed on the ground, it limped forward regardless of its legs that had begun to atomize.

Its eyes were fixed on the window not far ahead. As long as it jumped out of that window, it could fly to the general for protection.

Seeing that he was only seven or eight meters away from the window, Colonel Miyake became even more nervous.

I heard a saying in China.

“As long as it’s not until the last moment, don’t relax!”

Because it thought this sentence made sense, it kept it in mind.

"Bang bang!"

Perhaps because of being too nervous, the moment it heard the sound of walking in its ears, it subconsciously looked back.

It thought it was Li Qing chasing after him.

But when it turned around and saw nothing, a look of doubt suddenly flashed across its face.

Could it be that I heard it wrong?

Just as it was thinking this and turning back, it saw a middle-aged policeman wearing glasses appearing in front of the window.

Its club has been a neighbor of this police station for who knows how many years. Although it has never been out of the club, it knows everything that happens in the police station.

So after seeing this middle-aged policeman wearing glasses, he immediately recognized him as the new chief of the police station, Superintendent Ashin.

Seeing that Superintendent Ashin was standing in front of it at this critical moment, Colonel Miyake's expression suddenly turned ugly.

Before it could reach Superintendent Ashin, it had already narrowed its eyes and shouted with murderous intent: "Get away!"

At this time, Superintendent Ashin stepped in front of the window.

After hearing Colonel Miyake's words, Superintendent Ashin was startled for a moment, then he snorted coldly and rushed towards him. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Colonel Miyake who was about to rush towards him. He opened his eyes and cursed: "Look at you. Looks like this, people don’t look like humans and ghosts don’t look like ghosts, so it’s inappropriate for a good actor to act like a ghost for a private life?”

Originally, when Colonel Miyake saw Superintendent Ashin walking towards him, he subconsciously showed a sinister smile on his face.

But when Superintendent Ashin opened his eyes and scolded it, the grin on its face suddenly froze.

In its eyes, the moment Superintendent Ashin opened his eyes, a layer of red light suddenly enveloped him, and even the weak flames on his head and shoulders suddenly became stronger at this moment.

After seeing this, Colonel Miyake hurriedly stopped and looked at Superintendent Ashin who was walking towards him with a wary expression.

There are three fires on the human body, located on the top of the head and on the shoulders.

These three fires are weakest in early childhood, strongest in adulthood, and weakest in old age.

Superintendent Ashin's three flames are caught between the prime of life and old age.

Originally, with its strength, it wouldn't be afraid of Superintendent Ashin's three fires if it tried to get injured.

But Colonel Miyake did not expect that Superintendent Ashin would be so lucky.

And when people are in good fortune, they are immune to all evil.

Not to mention that it had been kicked and injured by Li Qing at this moment, even if it was at its peak, it would never dare to invade the person in charge of Hongyun.

Because this means going against heaven!

So I saw Superintendent Ashin chattering at it, but it didn't dare to move, standing there like a wooden stake.

At this time, Superintendent Ashin had already walked in front of Colonel Miyake, looking at him with an angry face, and he almost poked Colonel Miyake in the face with his raised finger.

"Look at your costume. You're so weird and have no professional ethics at all. Even if you're pretending to be a ghost, you should still pretend to be a bit like you. A good zombie pretends to be a vampire instead of pretending to be a zombie? You really think I, Superintendent Ashin, are really scared. ?”

After Superintendent Ashin said this, he saw that Colonel Miyake had no reaction at all. He suddenly became angry again, snorted and cursed: "Although you feel ashamed under my condemnation, this does not mean that you You can stand here like a piece of wood!" As he spoke, he grabbed Colonel Miyake's hand.

Looking at Colonel Miyake's pitch black nails, Ashin couldn't help but snorted.

"Hmph, look at your nails again. You're imitating other people's nail polish, and you keep them so long! What? Do you want to scratch someone?"

As he spoke, he wiped Colonel Miyake's hand on his face, stared, and said reluctantly: "Come on, scratch one and let me see!"

At this moment, Colonel Miyake couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes.

It really wants to kill Superintendent Ashin!

When Superintendent Ashin saw the corner of his eye that couldn't help twitching, he immediately shouted angrily: "Under the condemnation of Superintendent Ashin, you didn't even apologize, but instead twitched at the corner of your eye? Aren't you ashamed! I tell you You, pretending to be a ghost at the police station late at night is disrupting the police's handling of the case."

Colonel Miyake's left leg had been loose since he came out of the club because of a previous kick with Li Qing.

Superintendent Ashin hadn't noticed its legs before, and his attention was entirely on Colonel Miyake's face and outfit.

But when he was talking about this, his eyes finally caught sight of Osaka Miyake's left leg that had become atomized to the top of his thigh.

At this moment, he also felt the cold and biting fingers of Commander Miyake on his face.

"C-could it be that this is a real ghost?"

After thinking of this, Superintendent Ashin suddenly felt panic in his heart, but after he had said this, he could only pretend to be calm and quickly changed his words: "If, if it weren't for the difficulty of seeing you, I would kill you Locked up, locked up!"

After he finished speaking, he swallowed and snorted coldly. Then with his legs trembling, he took a few steps forward with difficulty. He waved his hand and said, "You are a first offender. I will give you thirty, no." , disappeared in ten seconds!"

Because he had begun to feel fear in his heart, the red light that had been shrouding his body slowly weakened.

After seeing this, Colonel Miyake suddenly showed a sinister smile on his face.

It has been putting up with Superintendent Ashin for a long time, and now it can finally take action!

Just as it was thinking this and quickly reached out to grab Superintendent Ashin's neck, a "whoosh" sound suddenly came from behind.

Colonel Miyake looked back and saw Li Qing flying towards it with a sneer.

The moment he saw Li Qing's figure, Colonel Miyake's expression changed.

Compared to killing Superintendent Ashin, Colonel Miyake felt that his own life was more important, so even though the corners of his eyes were twitching and he wanted to kill Superintendent Ashin very much, seeing Li Qing approaching, it could only He ran towards the window in fear.

Let’s talk about the recent chapters first. In fact, some parts can be skipped directly. After all, you have already watched the movie. But if you skip it, the plot will be a little incomplete, so after thinking about it, the city lord decided to just write it like this. Another thing I want to talk about is that some readers are disgusted with the words "Royal Club", but you only saw these five words, but did not see that in the text, wherever there are Japanese pirates, the city lord uses a few A few come to express. As for these five words, it’s because they are like that in the original play.

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