Unify all heavens

Chapter 228 Chaos at the Police Station (Part 1)

Compared to this fat man who was having fun playing mahjong and showed an expression like he was about to kill everyone. Li Qing's attention was focused on this room. If he remembered correctly, there was a box in this house.

Inside the box is the head of the Japanese pirate Colonel Miyake.

Because this Japanese pirate once led troops to commit suicide here, this place has become a world of its own because of its strong ghost energy, and the head of this Japanese pirate is the foundation of this world. Therefore, the Japanese pirate Yin soldiers in this world can leave the world at will, but they are trapped in this world.

Because of this, it needed someone to take it out and resurrect it in the original play.

At this time, just like in the original play, the fat man finally realized something was wrong when he saw several cards in a row that were exactly the same.

Just as he was finishing another shot with a panicked expression, Li Qing finally found the box.

He didn't expect that the box was hanging at the top of the room.

At this time, the fat man lost another round using the method of the previous three rounds.

"No, you won't really hit a ghost, right?"

The next moment he said these words in confusion and a hint of fear, the originally bright room suddenly went dark.

"Hehehehe, take your life!"

Then they saw the three mummies appearing in their original forms, with terrifying faces reaching out to grab the fat man and Li Qing.

"No, don't kill me!!!"

When the fat man saw this, he immediately screamed in fear and quickly stood up and tried to turn around and run away.

Before he could stand up, two mummies strangled his neck and controlled him. As for the other mummy, it looked above its head in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

The two mummies looked up while thinking about these three words in their hearts.

Then they saw the lifeless young man floating above their heads, and what he was holding was the black box containing Colonel Miyake's head.

After they were stunned for a few seconds, their expressions changed and they shouted sternly: "Put the box down!"

As the voice fell, the mummy, which had been confused from the beginning, finally reacted.

Then I saw it jumping up with fear and fear on its ferocious face, trying to grab Li Qing's ankles.

After all, the roof of this room is not too high, and it only needs a slight jump to reach the ceiling.

But the moment he jumped up, Li Qing had already dodged in advance, and then sneered and called out the corpse-slaying sword from the purple coffin.

Then the next moment the dark sword light of the corpse-slaying sword flickered, the three mummies in the room and the fat man all turned into streams of Yin Qi.


As the door to the room opened, all the mummies and ghosts outside subconsciously turned their heads to look.

After being stunned for less than a second, dozens or hundreds of mummies and resentful ghosts began to rush towards Li Qing with hideous and terrifying faces.

Facing these femininities that could scare countless people just by their appearance, Li Qing just sneered, and then like chopping melons and vegetables, he killed all the femininities in this club without even taking a minute. Became Yin Qi.

Originally, Li Qing was planning to leave and then go to the hospital to see if Kang Xingui was born.

But just as he was about to walk out of the club, the box he was holding suddenly sucked out all the negative energy in the club in an instant, and then a Japanese pirate man dressed like a vampire jumped out of the box. .

The next moment it appeared, it screamed at Li Qing with a gloomy face.

"@#4%%...%\u0026*, # %... # ¥#@##¥¥%!"

As a result, Li Qing didn't understand a word of what it said.

Seeing that Li Qing didn't understand, it changed to poor Chinese again.

"Stupid China ghost, you will be killed by the general!"

After hearing this, Li Qing was not only not angry, but also showed a strange smile.

"Come, tell me, where is the general you mentioned?"

Colonel Miyake was stunned when he heard this. He originally thought he could scare Li Qing.

But now it seems that not only did it not scare Li Qing, but it also seemed to have caused trouble for the general.

Thinking of this, its face darkened, and then it raised its leg and kicked Li Qing.

Seeing that this foot was about to kick him, Li Qing's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes became cold.

If you can't ask, then you can only let it lead you to find it yourself!

Thinking of this, he also raised his feet.

The strength of this Colonel Miyake is very good compared to the ghosts in the club who were just killed by Li Qing, but it is only good.

He didn't know the classification of the strength of foreign ghosts, but just by looking at the aura, this Commander Miyake was probably on the same level as Mr. Ren.

This was Li Qing's conclusion because it could fly. If it couldn't fly, not to mention Li Qing, even Mr. Ren could easily beat it.

After all, Colonel Miyake is just a barbarian vampire.

When Li Qing was distracted, his foot had already collided with the foot kicked by Colonel Miyake.

Perhaps it was because Li Qing was in the wrong position. The moment the Miyake Colonel's foot was kicked by Li Qing, he kicked him out of the club with a 'bang' sound.

At the same time, Superintendent Ashin was walking out of the bathroom with a happy face.


After exhaling with a satisfied look on his face, he couldn't help but puff up his chest and said to himself: "Oh, I won't be able to come to such a comfortable bathroom tomorrow, and I don't know where I will be moved!"

After saying this, he put his hands behind his back.

"I hope the bathroom in the new place will be easier to use!"

As he said this, he walked towards the temporary prison in the police station.

Then the next moment he walked out of the corner of the corridor, he saw a man dressed like a foreign vampire limping towards him.


The moment he saw this man, Superintendent Ashin narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly thought of the bald man he saw outside the police station a few days ago and what he said.

He had forgotten exactly what the bald man said.

He only remembered that the general meaning of the bald man's words was that some monsters and monsters were likely to appear in the police station during this period.

For Superintendent Ashin, if he didn't recognize the bald man, he might really believe it.

Unfortunately, he knew the bald man and had worked together before.

So he never believed what the bald man said.

So after meeting Colonel Miyake, Superintendent Ashin suddenly sneered in his heart.

"This guy must be the bald guy who came to scare me!"

He snorted coldly when he thought of this, thinking in his heart.

"3927, 3927, in order to make me believe the lies you said, you also found an actor to scare me? Okay, I will expose your scam now!"

Thinking of this, Superintendent Ashin's face turned gloomy, and then he sneered and blocked Colonel Miyake's way.

It is said that the next chapter is the anti-theft chapter, which will be released at 12 o'clock. After a dozen or twenty minutes of release, it will be revised with the main text. . . . By the way, in the next chapter, the city lord will explain to you the problems that occurred in the recent chapters.

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