Unify all heavens

Chapter 230 Chaos in the Police Station (End)



After hearing the sound of glass breaking, Superintendent Ashin had the courage to look back, but he missed the scene of Li Qing flying towards him.

Seeing the broken glass, Superintendent Ashin's expression froze.

He has lived so long and has seen many horror movies, but this is the first time he has seen a ghost jumping out of a window.

At this moment, Li Qing flew past him with a whoosh.

When the air flow messed up Superintendent Ashin's clothes, he looked back with wide eyes in horror.

At the same time, he subconsciously took out the gun from his waist.

And at the moment he turned back, the sound of glass breaking was heard again behind him.


Hearing the sound of glass breaking again, Superintendent Ashin's eyes suddenly trembled. Then he swallowed and looked around suspiciously.

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew in from the broken window.


When the wind blew, footsteps suddenly came from the corridor.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

The moment Superintendent Ashin heard the sound, he looked around in horror and whispered with trembling lips.

"Why can I only hear voices but not see people?"

In his eyes, there was no one else in the corridor except him.

Not far away, Jin McGee looked down at Meng Chao with his hands on his hips helplessly.

He no longer knew what to say.

This night, Meng Chao's sneakers were laced eight times if not ten times.

While Meng Chao was squatting at the corner of the corridor tying his shoelaces, Superintendent Ashin was carefully holding his gun and slowly retreating.

Just as he retreated to the corner of the corridor, Meng Chao's shoelaces were finally tied. Then when he was about to stand up, he saw a figure appearing in front of him.

Meng Chao looked up and saw Superintendent Ashin slowly retreating with his back to him.

After seeing Superintendent Ashin like this, Meng Chao stood up curiously and patted Superintendent Ashin on the shoulder.


Superintendent Ashin, who was already tense, suddenly turned his eyes upward and fainted from fright after being suddenly patted on the shoulder by Meng Chao.

Jin McGee looked at the unconscious director with a look of shock, then looked at the confused Meng Chao, tutted and said, "You're done!"

Just when Meng Chao had a troubled expression on his face and didn't know what to do, Colonel Miyake entered the police station again.

When it flew out of the window before, it got brave enough to transform into a bat and hid under the window, pressing its body tightly against the wall.

And just after it was attached to the wall, the sound of broken glass came from the window above its head, and then it saw Li Qing flying past its head like a black light.

Colonel Miyake knew that if Li Qing didn't find it, he would definitely come back to the police station to look for it again.

Judging from Li Qing's flying speed, this time will definitely not take long.

So when Li Qing disappeared into the night, it quickly landed on the ground, returned to its human form and entered the police station.

It needs to find someone to suck blood, and then restore its strength as soon as possible before Li Qing comes back.

Just when it entered the police station, it saw a female police officer with a ponytail and a police uniform walking out of a room holding a stack of documents.

When the policewoman saw Colonel Miyake standing at the door like a vampire, her eyes widened.

Then just when she opened her mouth to scream, Colonel Miyake had already jumped beside her, then grabbed her neck and bit her.


As the hot blood was swallowed by it, its atomized leg that was kicked by Li Qing slowly condensed again.

At this moment, the whistling wind suddenly sounded in its ears.

The moment he heard the news, Colonel Miyake grabbed the dying policewoman and hurriedly hid in a nearby room.


After Li Qing fell to the ground with a gloomy face, he squinted his eyes and looked in front of him.

In just one minute, he had looked around the police station, but could not find Captain Miyake.

At the speed of that Captain Miyake, it was absolutely impossible for him to disappear so completely in such a short period of time.

So Li Qing thought it might still be hidden in the police station.

At this moment, smelling the smell of blood in the Yin Qi, Li Qing's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

As expected, Captain Miyake is hiding here.

Because the Yin Qi in the police station was too strong, he could not detect the traces of the Miyake Captain just by feeling, so Li Qing prepared to use the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique to absorb all the Yin Qi in the police station.

If the club hadn't been destroyed yet, he wouldn't be able to suck out all the negative energy in the police station even if he used the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique.

Because at that time, the yin energy in the police station was endless.

But now that club had been destroyed by him before, so after Li Qing used the Taotie to Swallow the Sky, the Yin Qi in the police station rushed towards him from all directions.

For a time, whether it was the windows on the wall of the police station or the chandelier on the ceiling, they all swayed violently in the raging wind.

Colonel Miyake, who was hiding in a room not far from Li Qing, suddenly showed a look of confusion on his face after feeling the yin energy raging in the police station.

But before it could figure out the reason for this, all the raging Yin Qi suddenly disappeared.

At the door of the police station, Li Qing slowly pursed his lips, then looked at the room only three meters away from him with a cold face. Then his body moved, and the room door smashed with a bang.

When the wooden door burst into pieces, Li Qing pinched Colonel Miyake in his hands before he could react.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

When all the pieces of the wooden door fell to the ground, Li Qing lifted Colonel Miyake who was looking at him in horror.

"Tell me the general's position in your mouth!"

After he said these words in a cold voice, Colonel Miyake, who was being choked by him, suddenly showed a sarcastic smile.

"I will tell you! And I will take you there myself! Because the general is more powerful than you imagine!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes and glanced at Colonel Miyake who was sneering, and said with a sinister smile: "Okay, then I will go and see the powerful general you talk about!"

After saying this, he grabbed Colonel Miyake and flew out of the police station.

When flying into the air, Li Qing said coldly: "Come on, point in the direction!"

Colonel Miyake sneered: "You just need to fly towards the center of the city!"

Upon hearing this, Li Qing turned into a black light and flew towards the city center.

On the other side, in the room on the first floor of the police station, the body of the policewoman sat up slowly and expressionlessly.

Then he stiffly walked out of the room.

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