Unify all heavens

Chapter 227 Royal Army Club (Part 2)

When the paper man in pink clothes walked to the wall, he didn't encounter any obstacles and disappeared directly on the wall. A huge wooden door appeared on the wall.

Li Qing watched helplessly as the fat man's soul pushed open the wooden door and walked in. Then he turned into a black light and flew over.

After slowly landing on the ground, he looked up at the wooden door in front of him.

Speaking of which, these ghosts of the Imperial Army were quite powerful. If it weren't for the paper man leading the way, even he wouldn't be able to find the wooden door.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry, and what he is good at is fighting, and he doesn't know how to beat the wall.

Thinking of this, he put the corpse-slaying sword back into the purple coffin, then raised his hand and pushed open the wooden door.

The moment he pushed the wooden door open, Li Qing's eyes blurred, and then he saw a luxuriously decorated hall appeared in front of him.

In this hall, there are more than twenty deck chairs.

On these lounge chairs, some young women wearing cheongsam were lying on them.

And beside these women, stood a young man in a formal dress.

In addition, directly opposite him was a brown wooden bar. There were three or five young men sitting in front of the bar who were drinking, and inside the bar stood an old man in a dress.

"There are so many ghosts~"

After seeing this, Li Qing raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Generally speaking, in his eyes, all tricks can't deceive him.

However, this place was a phantom array arranged with blood, so when he looked around, he saw scenes specially presented to outsiders by these ghosts.

However, because the level of the ghost who arranged this formation was too low, after he circulated the corpse energy in his eyes, the scene in the hall changed instantly.

The originally magnificent hall was full of blood stains and corpses. Lying on the lounge chairs were paper figures, and standing next to the paper figures were wandering corpses.

As for the bar, it was a coffin, and behind the bar was a mummy with blown-out hair.

The people who were sitting outside the bar drinking wine turned into hideous-looking resentful ghosts, and the red wine in their hands turned into black-red blood.

Just as Li Qing looked around at the scene here, a zombie with a face full of rotten flesh and corpse insects swarming in its eye sockets walked stiffly in front of him, then bent down slightly and said: "Welcome to club!"

When it bent over, a piece of rotten flesh on its chest fell to the ground with a 'snap'.

Even its voice became sinister, as if it was roaring.

Li Qing nodded with the corner of his mouth raised, and then walked towards the bar under its guidance.

Regardless of whether these wandering corpses or paper figures are minions, Li Qing is not ready to touch them before killing their boss, so as not to scare others.

After Li Qing sat down on the rotten wood pile (wooden chair) in front of the coffin (bar counter), the mummy with blown-up hair laughed strangely, and then growled in an extremely sinister voice: "What would the guest like to drink? "

Li Qing raised his head and glanced at it, only to see that one of its eyeballs fell directly on the coffin while it was talking.

Next to Li Qing was the soul of the fat man. At this moment, the fat man was drinking blood from the goblet with an intoxicated look on his face.

In Li Qing's eyes, when the fat man drank all the blood in the cup, his face changed from white to blue.

Li Qing knew that at this moment, the fat man had become a so-called lonely ghost.

If you don't drink that cup of blood, it can still return to the body, and it will be weak for a while after waking up at most. But after drinking that cup of blood, its soul has been contaminated. Although it can still return to the body, when it wakes up, it is no longer a human.

When he saw Li Qing, he didn't reply, he just paid attention to the fat man.

The mummy tapped the coffin with its finger, and then said with a sinister smile: "This guest seems to also want to drink our club's special red wine~" As he spoke, he bent down and took out half of his arm from under the coffin, and then took it out again. A goblet.

Then he grabbed the half of the arm with both hands and pulled hard, and black and red blood flowed from the broken arm into the goblet.

After filling the goblet, the mummy pushed the wine glass in front of Li Qing and said with a weird smile: "Guests please!"

Li Qing glanced down at the glass of blood, then slowly shook his head and said, "I don't drink!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, the mummy smiled ferociously and said, "Hey~ Don't drink? Then have some snacks!"

As he spoke, he took out a rusty kitchen knife from behind, chopped the half-severed arm into several pieces, and then pushed it in front of Li Qing.

As a result, before Li Qing could say anything, the fat man's eyes lit up.

"Any more snacks? Then I'm welcome!"

As he spoke, he picked up a finger with red nails and put it into his mouth and started eating.

After seeing this, Li Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

After the fat man finished eating his fingers, he patted his belly and asked, "Since your place is called a club, is there anything to do?"

After hearing what the fat man said, the mummy focused on him and growled: "Hey, I wonder what this guest wants to play?"

The fat man rubbed his hands when he heard this, and asked with bright eyes: "I wonder if there is mahjong?"

After it finished speaking, the mummy showed a strange smile on its face, then clapped its hands and said, "Take this guest to gamble!"

When a wandering corpse came over and took the fat man away not far away, Li Qing also stood up and said with a strange smile: "Is there mahjong? Then I'll play a few games too!"

Before the mummy could stop him as he spoke, he walked over to the fat man in two steps.

The fat man turned around and said with a smile: "My friend, do you also like to play mahjong?"

Li Qing shook his head when he heard this, and said with a smile: "I don't like playing mahjong, I like to play more exciting things!"

The fat man opened his mouth after hearing this, and when he was about to ask Li Qing, the wandering corpse had already bent down, raised his hand as if to invite and said: "There is a gambling table inside, and the two guests can play as much as they like! "

Just when it finished saying this, it heard a voice coming from the room with the door tightly closed in front of it.

"After waiting for so long, someone is finally here. Come in and play with us!"

After hearing this, Li Qing sneered and pushed open the door.

I saw a large square table in the room, with three mummies sitting on the three corners of the table.

"Oh? It's actually two people?"

After seeing Li Qing and the fat man outside the door, the three mummies inside suddenly had strange smiles on their faces.

One of the mummies stood up and said with a smile: "I'm old and can't play anymore, so I'll just watch you play!"

As he spoke, it gave way and stood aside.

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