Unify all heavens

Chapter 226 Royal Army Club (Part 1)

After seeing Li Qing falling from the sky, the faces of these Yin soldiers instantly turned from blue-black to white.

So far, they still can't tell that Li Qing is not human at all.

"Baga! You, you cunning Chinese, actually followed us? Do you know where this place is?"

One of the Yin soldiers opened his eyes wide and threatened Li Qing with a fierce expression.

Li Qing sneered and said nothing, and what he answered was a dark sword light.

Although after seeing the sword light, these seven Yin soldiers all raised their bayonets to block it.

But under the corpse-slaying sword, the seven Yin soldiers didn't even last a second before they all turned into balls of Yin energy.


Li Qing snorted twice and waved his hands to disperse the yin energy, then turned to look at the police station in front of him.

Unlike most police stations, the police station in front of me is located close to the wilderness. Therefore, the gloomy atmosphere of this police station is extremely strong.

Although the door of the police station faces a road, its strong popularity and sunshine can suppress the negative energy in the police station during the day.

But at night, the negative energy that had been suppressed during the day covered the police station again.

Li Qing was still shocked when he saw the yin energy in the police station in front of him that was even stronger than that in the hospital. Is there something wrong with the chief of this police station? Even though he knew that the place was full of gloom, he didn't say anything about moving the police station.

But then again, the reason why the police station has such a dark atmosphere is simply because of the Japanese pirates inside.

As long as he kills all the Japanese pirates in the police station tonight, the police station will be safe from now on.

Thinking of this, Li Qing stepped in from the gate.

After entering the door, Li Qing saw a pink Wansheng lamp like a lantern hanging from the ceiling. This showed that people in the police station still knew that the station was not safe.

However, this Ten Thousand Victory Lantern can only block some wandering ghosts. For those shadowy creatures that can transform, this Ten Thousand Victory Lantern is just a decoration.

Li Qing shook his head slightly, then walked under the lamp and walked up the wooden stairs.

Speaking of which, even at night, there should be people on duty at the police station, but Li Qing couldn't see anyone.

If the Yin Qi here were a little lighter, he could still feel the popularity.

After all, as a police officer, his popularity is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Crunch, crunch~"

Accompanied by the sound of wooden boards full of cracks and wormholes on the stairs, Li Qing walked up to the second floor.

Just as he walked up to the second floor, he suddenly noticed a fire outside the window on his left.

Then a woman's voice was heard outside.

"Why is it that it's not yet the Hungry Ghost Festival yet, so many things are being burned in a police station?"

After Li Qing heard the sound, he raised his eyebrows and walked to the window, then looked down through the glass.

In the corner of a dilapidated wall downstairs, a short-haired policewoman in uniform and two male policemen in plain clothes were burning paper money and paper figurines.

After seeing the two plainclothes policemen, Li Qing raised his lips.

It was really fate that the two plainclothes police officers outside who were burning paper money were the two he bumped into on the road when he first came to the city.

After the short-haired policewoman finished speaking, she threw a paper figure into the fire in front of her with a look of helplessness.

At this time, the plainclothes policeman who looked exactly like Wen Cai said with a smile: "You have only been here not long, and you don't know many things!"

After hearing this, the short-haired policewoman suddenly said curiously: "Then tell me!"

"Oh, I'm afraid that after listening to this, you won't dare to work at night in the future!"

After saying this, the plainclothes policeman who looked like a scholar threw a wad of paper money into the fire, then clapped his hands, looked around, and whispered: "Do you know where our police station used to be?" ?”

The short-haired policewoman glanced at him when she heard this, then crossed her arms and couldn't help but tighten her clothes and asked: "Could it be a mass grave or a funeral parlor or something?"

Seeing her like this, the handsome policeman next to him said: "Where did the funeral parlor come from? This place was used to be an imperial army club! I heard Uncle Zhong in the restaurant say that when the island country surrendered, those imperial troops were there There was a collective suicide here, and it is said that a general also died!"

After saying this, he picked up the pair of golden boys and girls on the ground, shook the paper figures and continued: "So we need to burn more golden boys and girls to serve them, so that they don't rebel!"

Hearing this, Li Qing from upstairs suddenly sneered.

Not to mention past years, starting from this year, those imperial soldiers will never be able to enjoy the service of golden boys and girls again.

"How can this place look like a club? And why does it have to be burned after twelve o'clock?"

At this time, the policewoman's voice came from downstairs again.

When she just finished saying this, the policeman who looked like a scholar curled his lips and said: "Because the gate of hell will open after twelve o'clock? As for here, there used to be a nightclub downstairs and a gun room upstairs. !”

After saying this, he threw a female paper figure wearing a pink cheongsam into the fire.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly frowned and subconsciously turned his head to look at the end of the corridor.

I saw three beautiful women wearing cheongsam suddenly appeared in the originally empty corridor. They were smiling and walking straight through the corridor.

Among them, there happened to be a woman wearing pink clothes.

After seeing this, Li Qing smiled slightly.

It was better to come early than to come by chance. He happened to meet the time when the gate of hell opened.

The three women who passed by the end of the corridor looked just like ordinary people, but in Li Qing's eyes, they were all ghosts who had managed to take form by relying on the Yin Qi in the police station.

Thinking of this, he levitated and flew quickly towards the end of the corridor.

When he flew to the end of the corridor and turned around, he happened to see a fat man wearing glasses walking out of the cell with a dull look on his face.

In Li Qing's eyes, the fat man's figure was translucent, and he looked like his soul that had just left the body.

After the fat man walked out of the cell, he held the woman transformed from the paper man into his arms, raising and lowering her hands while kissing her crazily.


Li Qing couldn't help but sneer when he saw this. The world is really full of wonders. This was the first time he had seen that a living person could have his soul pulled out of his body by a paper man.

How sexy is this?

It is really not a pity to die for such a person!

Because he had to rely on the paper man to find the ghost gate, Li Qing did not disturb them, but just watched all this with a cold eye not far away.

After being held and kissed by the fat man for a long time, the paper man suddenly saw Li Qing floating in the air not far away.

I don’t know what this paper figurine was thinking. After seeing Li Qing, her face suddenly became serious, and then she nodded slightly towards Li Qing, and then seduced the fat man’s soul not far away with all her beauty. Go to a wall.

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