Unify all heavens

Chapter 221 The hospital is haunted (1)

At night, Li Qing sat cross-legged on the roof of St. Mary's Hospital, squinting at the stars in the sky.

Perhaps because of the chaos in the world, the date of Kang Xingui's birth was completely advanced.

After he, Lin Qingqing and Xiaoyu came to the hospital in the afternoon, the doctor told them that Kang Xingui might be born around the Ghost Festival.

And the Hungry Ghost Festival is the day after tomorrow!

After learning the news, Li Qing looked strange. That sister Lin was only a few months pregnant and was about to give birth to a baby?

Isn't she afraid of just giving birth to a placenta?

And the doctor looked calm and calm, without any surprise or shock.

In Li Qing's estimation, even if Kang Xingui was to be born, it would definitely take a month or two.

This is still taking into account that she was born prematurely.

In addition, although tomorrow is the Ghost Festival, the yin energy in the hospital is already very strong.

Li Qing guessed that there might be ghosts appearing tonight, because the yin energy in the hospital was no less than that in Fenglin Building at this time.

With such a strong Yin Qi, even if all the corpses in the morgue tonight were transformed, Li Qing would not find it strange.

After all, in the Maplewood Building a few days ago, didn't the charterer transform into a corpse under the strong Yin Qi?

At this moment, many people suddenly came to the door of the hospital, including police, sanitation guards, fire alarms, and unkempt middle-aged men in white coats.

When Li Qing, who was sitting on the roof of the hospital, saw this, a trace of curiosity suddenly flashed in his eyes.

What happened? Why did so many people gather at the entrance of the hospital?

Just when Li Qing was thinking about flying down to take a look, he saw a large truck parked next to those people. Then I saw the door at the back of the carriage being pushed open from the inside.

When those people saw the door open, they rushed over one by one.

Li Qing frowned immediately when he saw this.

Although it was dozens of meters away from the ground, he still felt the corpse energy in the carriage.

The corpse energy belonging to Zi Zhan!

The next moment he felt the corpse aura, Li Qing flew silently from the roof of the hospital like a bat.

Just as he was about to land not far away, several medical staff carried out two zombies from the bed of a large truck!

The moment the two zombies were carried out, whether it was the fire alarm, the police, or the middle-aged men in white coats, they all couldn't help but gasp.

Then each one exclaimed with enthusiasm: "What a complete ancient corpse! Even the clothes are not rotten!"

When they swarmed up and wanted to take a close look at the two purple zombies, Li Qing also landed on the ground not far away.

Because the eyes of everyone nearby were attracted by the two purple zombies, they did not notice that a person suddenly fell from the sky behind them.

After landing on the ground, Li Qing walked out of the alley beside the hospital, then raised his eyes and looked not far away.

In fact, before landing on the ground, Li Qing had already seen the two purple zombies clearly in mid-air.

The two purple zombies were different from the ones he had seen before. The zombies he had seen before were all wearing Chinese mourning clothes, and the two purple zombies were indeed wearing real Qing Dynasty court clothes.

The male zombie had court beads on his chest, and was wearing a lavender court dress embroidered with birds, a flower feather on his head, and black official boots on his feet.

As for the other female zombie, she was wearing a pink and purple dress embroidered with birds, a flag on her head, and embroidered flag shoes on her feet.

In addition, what surprised Li Qing was that there were no corpse-suppressing charms on the foreheads of these two purple zombies, and there were no corpse-suppressing magic weapons on their bodies. But the two purple zombies remained motionless. It was clear that they were surrounded by humans, but they seemed to be suppressed.

After Li Qing couldn't figure it out, he subconsciously walked towards the group of people standing in front of the carriage.

When he walked next to those people, he saw a fat man with eyes exactly like Manager Yi, looking up at the two purple zombies while looking at his feet.

Beside him, there was an old man with gray hair, a sinister face, and a cane.

When Li Qing approached them, the old man squinted at him.

After seeing Li Qing walking straight past them, the old man turned back to the fat man and whispered: "Don't look at it. Since these two zombies have been sent to the hospital, they will definitely be put into the morgue. Let's take them with us tonight." The guy is coming!”

The fat man's face turned bitter when he heard this, and he whispered: "But doctor, I'm afraid I won't last tonight!"

After the old man heard this, a flash of ridicule flashed in his eyes, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and comforted: "Don't worry, you were only bitten on the arm by the zombie, not on the neck. Hold on for three seconds." Five days is still no problem, how can it be so easy to transform into a corpse!"

After saying that, he patted the fat man on the shoulder, then turned and left.

After the doctor walked three to five meters, the fat man curled his lips and hummed: "Huh, it's simple. Anyway, it's not you who gets bitten by the zombies..."

While speaking, he glanced at the two purple zombies again, and then left with a sigh.

Looking at the fat man's back, a flash of understanding flashed in Li Qing's eyes, and he unexpectedly encountered the plot of that movie.

In this way, the reason why these two purple zombies were not suppressed by the corpse-suppressing charms and remained motionless was because they drank a large amount of inertia.

Now that he knew the reason why the two purple zombies were motionless, Li Qing had no interest in staying here.

It was already dark at this time, and he should go back to the hospital.

Just as he was walking towards the entrance of the hospital, he saw several doctors in white coats holding a man in a black windbreaker and a peaked cap passing him.

When she saw this man, Li Qing's face was startled, and then his eyes fell on the flowerpot held in this man's arms.

After the man was carried into the hospital, Li Qing couldn't help but cover his forehead.

Starting tomorrow, around the Hungry Ghost Festival, the evenings in the hospital will definitely be lively.

Even if it wasn't the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts, there would probably be dozens of ghosts.

Because it wasn't the Ghost Festival yet, and he had already bumped into many protagonists from ghost movies.

But for him, the more ghosts the better, because it means that the strength of his soul will increase again.

Thinking of this, Li Qing sneered and walked into the hospital.

At this moment, if a wise person stands outside the hospital and looks towards the hospital, he will find that the outside of the hospital has been shrouded in thick black fog.

And this layer of black fog is becoming more dense as time goes by.

Sister Lin's ward was on the fifth floor. For Kang Xingui's safety, Li Qing went directly to the fifth floor, then pushed open the ward with a 'squeak' and walked in.

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