Unify all heavens

Chapter 220 Kang Xingui is born (Part 2)

As the gunfire rang out, more than a dozen beautiful figures rushed out on the field.

"Lin Qingqing, come on! Don't lose again!"

When the nun's voice shouted through the loudspeaker, the cheerleaders of the Red Cotton Club suddenly jumped up and waved their bouquets.

"Come on Lin Qingqing!"

High in the air, Li Qing glanced at Lin Qingqing, who was running forward desperately under the sound of cheers, and then flew towards the small foreign-style building not far from the school.

Twenty seconds later;


After pushing open the wooden door, Li Qing's eyes flashed with surprise.

His room was actually very clean and tidy. He had been away for about three to five days. Logically speaking, there should be dust in the room, but at this moment, it seemed that those girls might have come to clean his room while he was away.

After looking at the waxed floor, Li Qing levitated and slowly floated on the bed.

After lying on the bed, he rested his arms on his head and looked outside through the glass.

It had been a long time since he lay down quietly and looked at the world outside like this.

Compared to Happy Ghost's world, the world he traveled through before was full of crises, and he might be suppressed if he wasn't careful.

After Li Qing had been enjoying himself peacefully on the bed for more than an hour, the laughing sounds of the girls came from outside the house.

"Qingqing, you are so great, I have long been disgusted by your superiority!"

"Yes, yes, Qingqing, it seems that your training this month is still effective!"

Xiaoyu and another girl whom Li Qing had never seen gathered around Lin Qingqing, smiling and praising Lin Qingqing.

When Lin Qingqing heard what they said, her head suddenly raised high, like a proud swan.

But at this moment, she suddenly saw Li Qing lying in the room.

Lin Qingqing thought she was dazzled, so she rubbed her eyes.

After seeing her actions, Xiaoyu smiled strangely and said, "Qingqing, what's wrong with you? Is it because you shed tears of excitement because you won against Gao Guoren?"

Lin Qingqing rolled her eyes at her, then touched her with her elbow and whispered, "Xiaoyu, look, that big ice cube is back!"

"Big ice cube?"

Xiaoyu was stunned when he heard this, what a big ice cube.

Because this nickname of 'Big Ice Cube' was secretly given to Li Qing by Lin Qingqing, Xiaoyu didn't know it.

But when she followed Lin Qingqing's gaze, the confusion on her face suddenly turned into surprise.

Li Qing, who had disappeared for three days, appeared again.

As for the other girl, she asked with a confused look: "Where are the fat brother and fat sister-in-law? Isn't this their house?"

Lin Qingqing and Xiaoyu smiled and said nothing. The last time they were punished by the nun and the principal on a rainy night because of Zhu Bangyan's incident, if they let others know about Li Qing's incident, they might be expelled directly.

Although Li Qing looks exactly like a normal person, Xiaoyu and Lin Qingqing know that he is a more powerful 'ghost' than Zhu Bangyan!

At this time, Li Qing glanced at the three girls who were looking at him through the window.

After seeing the joy between Lin Qingqing's brows, Li Qing thought that this girl might have defeated the 1.8-meter tall Gao Guoren with her own strength just like in the original drama.

Thinking of this, he began to think.

In the original drama, after Lin Qingqing won the first place in the competition, it was not long before Kang Xingui was born.

Outside, after seeing Li Qing glance at a few of them and then turn his head away, Lin Qingqing said to Xiaoyu: "Let's go find him!"

After saying this, she turned back to the other girl and said: "Qiqi, let's go back first. Remember to play ball with me tomorrow!"

The girl smiled softly when she heard this, then nodded and turned around and left.

After she left, Lin Qingqing and Xiaoyu trotted to Li Qing's room.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't seen Li Qing for a few days. When the two of them arrived in front of Li Qing's room, they suddenly found that they were not as afraid of Li Qing as before.

After a slight hesitation, Lin Qingqing opened the door, then hummed softly and said, "Big Ice Cube, where have you been these days?"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows when he heard Lin Qingqing's name for him, then opened his eyes and glanced at them, and said lightly: "Something has been done!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, Lin Qingqing and Xiaoyu looked at each other in surprise.

This is the first time Li Qing has answered their questions since he moved here.

When they were surprised, Li Qing asked: "Where is the girl with short hair? Why didn't you see her?"

When Lin Qingqing heard this, she asked with a strange face: "You are attracted to her, are you? I advise you to give up. She has been pregnant for several months and is lying in the hospital now. I heard that she will be pregnant when the child is born. marry!"

After hearing this, Li Qing shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Because the child in that girl's belly is the reincarnation of Zhu Bangyan, that's why I ask you!"

Lin Qingqing and Xiaoyu, who were still shocked that Li Qing said so many words at once, suddenly widened their eyes in disbelief after hearing the content of Li Qing's words, and exclaimed in unison: "No way. ?The child in sister Lin’s belly is actually the second best in the list?”

The moment she finished speaking, Lin Qingqing stretched out her hand to cover her mouth as if she had thought of something, and said in surprise: "Then he will be born soon?"

After saying this, she turned back to look at Xiaoyu with a strange smile, and said with bright eyes: "Xiaoyu, what if we don't become godmothers to Zhu Bangyan?"

They were both young, and it was the time when the elves were eccentric, so after hearing Lin Qingqing's suggestion, Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly widened, looking eager to try.

Just when she opened her mouth to speak, Li Qing suddenly sat up, frowned and asked: "Being born soon? What do you mean?"

After hearing Li Qing's voice, Lin Qingqing hummed softly behind her hands, walked a few steps forward, stood in front of Li Qing and said, "The doctor said that she was pregnant at a young age, and the child might be a premature baby. !”

After she finished speaking, Xiaoyu nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes! The doctor also said that Sister Lin may have a baby in the near future!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes when he heard this. If Kang Xingui was really born recently, then he would have to go to the hospital for a while.

The hospital was originally a yin place. If a few ghosts appeared during this period to cause trouble for the girl, Zhu Bangyan might be stillborn.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Which hospital is she in? Let me go and see how long it will take for Zhu Bangyan to be born!"

Lin Qingqing and Xiaoyu looked at each other when they heard this, and then said at the same time: "We want to go too!"

After saying this, the two of them said to Li Qing: "Wait for us for a while, let's go change clothes!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they turned around and ran out of the room in a hurry.

Thanks to the book friend Yijiu Yijiu 722, the book friend Pangu Youyou, the book friend please call me Da Wet Chest, the book friend please call me Chen Yingjun, the book friend Ancient Xingtian, the book friend would rather be a monk than an immortal for many rewards!

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