Unify all heavens

Chapter 222 The hospital is haunted (2)

Sister Lin was the only one in the ward. After seeing Li Qing come in, Sister Lin was startled, and then subconsciously made a move to get up.

"What are you going to do?"

When Lin Qingqing and the others came this afternoon, Li Qing did not come in, but just stood outside the door and watched.

So when she saw Li Qing suddenly coming to the ward, Sister Lin's face was full of shock, and even her heart was filled with butterflies in her stomach.

She also knew that Li Qing was a 'ghost'.

Although Li Qing had never harmed them, seeing Li Qing appear so late, she still couldn't help but feel panicked.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing said calmly: "You don't need to panic. I am here to protect the fetus in your belly. His difference will attract some evil things!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, she looked down at her belly, then raised her hand and stroked it gently.

For some reason, when Li Qing said that the fetus in her belly was different, she felt not only no joy, but only worry.

After seeing her like this, Li Qing hesitated for a moment, and then reminded: "No matter what you see or hear these days these nights, treat it as if you don't know it! And don't fall asleep!"

After saying this, he lay down on the other hospital bed and closed his eyes.

Sister Lin glanced at Li Qing not far away with some fear, then sighed worriedly, sat up slowly, and pulled out a book from under the pillow.


Although she was flipping through the book, her attention was always on her belly.

All he could think about was the word 'feminine' in Li Qing's mouth.

Seeing the clock hanging on the white wall quickly turn to 23:40, Sister Lin suddenly felt depressed.

She didn't know why, but she was breathing heavily.

"Da, da, da~"

As the time on the clock got closer and closer to 0 o'clock, the feeling of depression in her heart gradually increased. Even the book she held in her hands was soaked with cold sweat in her palms.


At this moment, a bell suddenly sounded in her ears.

As if she had been given a slap in the face, Sister Lin suddenly looked at the clock on the wall with wide eyes.

During this time, the bells outside rang one after another.

"Dong, dong, dong~"

When the twelfth tone sounded, Li Qing opened his eyes fiercely.

He felt that there was a very strong ghost energy pouring into the ward from the door at this moment.

Li Qing sat up cross-legged with a cold face, then opened the door of the ward with a wave of his hand, and then said coldly to Sister Lin: "Close your eyes, and then cover your head with the quilt! No matter what sound you hear, don't lift it." Open the quilt!”

After hearing Li Qing's words, Sister Lin nodded with a pale face, then slowly lay down without saying a word, and then covered her head with the quilt.

At this time, Li Qing's ears heard a 'bang bang' sound, as if a heavy object had fallen to the ground.

At the same time, in a ward on the first floor, a flower on the window sill slowly rotated, pointing in the direction of the morgue.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground became louder and louder, until it woke up the buck-toothed man sleeping on the bed.

After he woke up, he looked at the pot of flowers on the window sill, then clicked his tongue and put on the black windbreaker on the bedside, then held the flower pot and opened the door and walked out.

He didn't know that when he opened the door, a female ghost in red jumped up the stairs step by step.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

As the sound got closer and closer, Li Qing's expression suddenly changed from cold to weird.

Although he hadn't seen the ghost yet, he could tell from the strong ghost aura that it was a powerful ghost.

A jumping ghost?

Li Qing raised his eyebrows.

In his impression, ghosts may fly or walk, but there has never been one that jumped forward.

At this time, Sister Lin also heard a 'bang bang' sound in her ears.

After hearing this voice, her body couldn't help but tremble, and then she subconsciously covered her ears.


At this time, a sudden gust of wind blew into the ward from the corridor.

In Li Qing's eyes, the floor of the ward was already full of white mist at this moment, and looking from the open door to the corridor, the corridor was already full of green light.

"Have you reached this level yet?"

Li Qing sneered when he saw this.

If he releases his corpse energy at this moment, not to mention the hospital, even all the ghosts and ghosts around the hospital will run away in fear.

But Li Qing was not prepared to do this.

Although he wanted to protect Kang Xingui, he also wanted to increase the strength of his soul by relying on the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique.

And if he releases his corpse energy, he doesn't have to think twice to know that thunder will strike from the sky.

When Li Qing was curious about why this evil ghost was beating forward, he saw the water glass on the bedside table trembling slightly.

The banging sound became louder and louder.

At this moment, the curtains in the ward fluttered in the cold wind, and then a figure in red appeared at the door.

The moment he saw this figure, Li Qing was startled, and then clicked his tongue in amazement.

No wonder there was a banging sound.

This fierce ghost turned out to be a female ghost with her head upside down!

At this moment, her head was touching the ground, her feet were stretched straight up to the sky, and her arms were tightly attached to her waist.

"Bang, bang!"

While Li Qing was observing the female ghost, it jumped forward twice with its head touching the ground and jumped into the room.

Half of the female ghost's head was rotten, and there were no eyes in the two eye sockets. Before it came close, Sister Lin on the hospital bed felt a chill enter the bones from the soles of her feet.

"Bang, bang!"

Because this female ghost has no eyes, it cannot see the situation in the ward, and because Li Qing's aura is covered by the Arhat, it cannot feel Li Qing's presence.

So as soon as it entered the house, it started beating like "bang bang" and approached Sister Lin's hospital bed.

When Li Qing saw its two dark eye sockets, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "So it's a blind man?"


The moment Li Qing finished speaking, the female ghost jumped fiercely and turned around, facing Li Qing's direction, and then jumped towards Li Qing at an extremely fast speed.

"Bang bang, bang bang!"

Just when it approached Li Qing's bed and was about to jump forward, Li Qing sneered and kicked it in the belly.


As the sound rang out, the female ghost, whose head had just left the ground, was kicked by Li Qing and flew out of the door.

Then Li Qing flew to the door of the ward in a flash and looked towards the corridors on both sides.

Although the ghostly aura of this female ghost was strong, it was not the one he had felt before.

Thanks to the book friend Jelly Potato Cube for the 500 starting coins!

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