Unify all heavens

Chapter 186 The master was scared to death!

Just when he was observing these resentful ghosts, he saw them suddenly rushing towards Li Qing in a swarm.

Because they are completely transparent, the sea water does not cause them any hindrance.

After seeing these more than a hundred resentful ghosts that were full of resentment and rushed toward him, a cold light flashed in Li Qing's eyes.

Since you are looking for death, then goodbye!

With his thoughts moving slightly, he slowly opened his mouth.

At the same time, he shouted coldly in his heart: "Ghost swallowing technique!"

As the ghost swallowing technique started to work, a strong suction force suddenly came out of Li Qing's mouth.

The ghost swallowing technique swallows invisible objects, so it did not absorb a drop of sea water. Instead, it ignored the sea water and pulled all the resentful ghosts rushing towards him into long, twisted light blue lines.

Immediately afterwards, he saw more than a hundred resentful ghosts being swallowed into his stomach.


Looking at the more than a hundred corpses floating in the sea in front of him, Li Qing sneered in his heart, and then passed through them and continued swimming towards the place with strong Yin Qi.

As he swam deeper and deeper, he discovered that there were five or six boxes of gold and silver jewelry on the seabed, as well as many baskets made of bamboo.

In these bamboo baskets, there are dozens of small fish of different colors swimming around at the moment.

When Li Qing approached these bamboo baskets, the small fish inside were frightened and swam away. However, they were all poisoned to death by the corpse poison Li Qing distributed in the seawater before they could swim very far.

Li Qing didn't care about this. At this time, his eyes were completely attracted by the skeleton in the bamboo basket.

After seeing the fist-sized stones filled in these bamboo baskets, the impression of a cruel punishment method suddenly sounded in his mind.

Dip the pig cage!

After squinting his eyes at the bamboo baskets, Li Qing turned his attention to the wooden boxes containing gold and silver jewelry.

What attracted him was not these gold and silver jewelry, but the rich Yin energy emanating from one of the boxes.

"Gudu Gudu~"

Li Qing raised his foot and kicked over the box with the strongest yin energy, and found that there was a blood-red bracelet inside.

The rich Yin Qi emanates from this blood-red bracelet.

After casually putting the bracelet on his wrist, Li Qing turned around and swam towards the sea.

At this time, it was already getting bright outside.

Even a sun hanging in the blue-white sky did not bring any warmth to the people on the ground.

The cold wind blew from the sea to the shore, making the hundreds of people kneeling on the shore tremble.

At the front of them, a round-faced Taoist priest was standing in front of the altar, waving a mahogany sword and chanting incantations quickly in his mouth.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Dong dong dong!"

On both sides of the kneeling villagers, there were fifty or sixty young and middle-aged men wearing only red trousers. They were waving the wooden hammers in their hands with serious expressions at the moment, and then rapidly beating the big red drum in front of them.

Although the drums were loud, they could not cover up the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.



Accompanied by the sound of the waves, the round wooden board covered with red cloth suddenly floated on the sea very close to the shore.

At this moment, the round-faced Taoist priest had finished reciting the incantation.

Because his Taoist practice is not too deep, his face is already covered with sweat at this moment, and his face is also red due to excessive exertion.

"Hoo ho!"

After taking a deep breath, he grabbed a handful of glutinous rice from a small jar on the altar and threw it out.


When the handful of glutinous rice passed through the candle placed at the front of the altar, a blazing flame suddenly ignited.

Then the round-faced Taoist priest took a sip of wine, picked up an exorcism talisman with his peach wood sword, and sprayed the wine in his mouth with a 'pop' sound. Then he stamped his feet fiercely, jumped up high, somersaulted over the altar, and landed on the round wooden board floating on the sea.

The moment he stood firm, he closed his eyes, then held the sword in both hands, shook his head and recited the exorcism spell.

A few minutes later, when he finished reciting the incantation, he squatted down with a soft drink, and then took out a Sanqing Bell from his arms.

"Ring ring ring!"

Then he held the Sanqing Bell tightly in his left hand and shook it vigorously on the tip of the peach wood sword to stand up.

"Ring ring ring!"

"Ring ring ring!"

After shaking for a few times, he narrowed his eyes and placed the Sanqing Bell heavily on the round wooden board covered with red cloth at his feet. Then he stomped his feet and somersaulted back to the altar. .

After seeing this scene, the eyes of the villagers who were kowtowing and kneeling suddenly showed a look of shock.

This master is so powerful, he will definitely be able to solve the problems in the village this time!

Thinking of this, a hint of joy appeared on their faces.

Little did they know that the round-faced Taoist priest was already filled with fear.

When he was doing the ritual on that wooden board, he suddenly felt a powerful corpse energy in the sea that he had never seen before. So he was only halfway through the ritual when he stepped back with a look of fear.

“What is that thing down there???”

Thinking of the corpse aura that made his body tremble, the round-faced Taoist priest suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then swallowed secretly. Then he threw Guiyou, who was tied to a circular wooden frame, into the sea in advance. Then, after pretending to recite a few spells, he threw the peach wood sword in his hand into the sea.

Then he saw the mahogany sword flipping several times in the air before being inserted straight into the pomelo floating on the sea.

This so-called Guiyou was originally used to suppress resentment, but with the Taomu Sword, it became a temporary magic weapon to suppress corpse energy.

After doing all this, the round-faced Taoist priest lit more than ten corpse-suppressing charms on candles, and then threw them away.

At the same time, Li Qing, who was almost approaching the sea, suddenly felt a disgusting force pressing on him, trying to push him back into the sea.


Li Qing opened his eyes fiercely and snorted coldly, and then violently burst out all his corpse energy, instantly dissipating the power within.

At this moment, the precious pomelo with the mahogany sword on the sea suddenly exploded with a 'bang'.

The moment Guiyou exploded, the round-faced Taoist priest suddenly turned pale and sprayed out a stream of blood mist.

Then he turned back with a look of horror on his face and shouted: "Get out of here quickly, there is a great terror in the sea!"

As his voice fell, the villagers who were kowtowing suddenly froze and looked at the mage blankly.

"Go quickly!!!"

"If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

After the round-faced Taoist priest shouted this sentence with a look of horror, he said to Uncle Biao at the front of the crowd: "Uncle Biao, quickly prepare for the flood of Jinshan drama!"

After he finished saying this, before Uncle Biao could react, another stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Then he threw himself backwards with a look of horror on his face.

Moments before his death, a sentence came to his mind.

"How can there be flying zombies in this day and age?"

But he never said these words until his death.

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