Unify all heavens

Chapter 185 Encountering a resentful ghost in the sea!



As the waves crashed on the shore, waves of cold, moist wind blew onto the shore.

When the waves hit the rocks, seawater wetted a table built on the shore covered with yellow cloth.

At this time, the moon was high in the sky and there was no cloud in the sky;

The cold moonlight shines on the ground, not only shining the sea water with a cool light, but also covering the Bagua pattern on the side of the yellow cloth facing the sea with a layer of white light.

At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, and then there was a sound of thunder.


The huge thunder woke up half of the villagers in a village not far from the sea.


In an antique bedroom, a bald old man sat up suddenly, and then gasped with a pale face.

After a while, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, and walked to the door wearing pure white pajamas and a pair of slippers.


After raising his hand to push open the red-painted wooden door, he squinted his eyes and looked at the sky.

After seeing that there was no abnormality in the sky, he sighed thoughtfully, then took a deep breath and walked out.

When he came to the street, he took out a pipe made of fine wood and a box of matches from the pocket of his pajamas.


The weak light from the match illuminated the old man's face in a strange way in the night.


Just after he exhaled a puff of smoke, he heard the sound of walking not far away.


The old man's eyes widened suddenly and he shouted coldly.

"I was just about to look for you, but I didn't expect you to wake up!"

As an old voice rang out, a middle-aged man wearing fine silk, a pair of pure white pajamas, and slippers walked out from the shadows of the houses on both sides of the street.

After seeing the visitor, the old man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then took a puff of cigarette and frowned: "What did you come to see me for in the middle of the night?"

The middle-aged man sighed and said: "Well, their death anniversary is coming soon. I was so worried that I couldn't sleep well, but I was woken up by a thunder just now. I thought about it and decided to ask you. How was your chat with that master today? When can he come over? "

The old man couldn't help but frowned when he heard this: "Didn't you see the altar on the seaside? Why are you still suspicious?"


The middle-aged man sighed with a sad look on his face and said, "I won't feel at ease until I see that master!"

After hearing this, the old man took a puff of cigarette with his eyes lowered, and then said: "We have already contacted him. The master is on the boat at six o'clock in the morning!" After saying that, he looked up at the sky, then narrowed his eyes and said: " He should have set off from Hong Kong by now!"

"That's good, that's good!"

The middle-aged man exhaled heavily, and the sad expression on his face dissipated a little, then slowly turned around and walked into the shadows again.

After walking no more than two steps, he suddenly turned around and said with concern: "The sea breeze is biting, Uncle Biao, you'd better go back quickly!"

Uncle Biao nodded, and then as if he suddenly remembered something, he suddenly said: "Wait!"

After hearing what Uncle Biao said, the middle-aged man who had walked into the shadows walked out again.

"What's wrong, Uncle Biao?"

He asked with a nervous look on his face.

After seeing the nervous look on the man's face, Uncle Biao waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I just want to ask you, are you sure Xiaoxiang's mother stole a man in Hong Kong not long ago?"

The man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then his face suddenly turned gloomy. He nodded slightly and said, "When Jia Shu went to Hong Kong a few days ago, I saw it with my own eyes! And that slut even told outsiders about what happened here. !”

After Uncle Biao heard this, his wrinkled eyes suddenly twitched, and then he said with a cold gaze: "You will send someone to Hong Kong tomorrow morning to bring Xiao Xiang's mother back! And then wait until the ceremony is completed , just follow the village rules!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and when he was about to turn around, an awkward smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he turned around and said, "Uncle Biao, how about I go there myself!"

When he said this, his heart suddenly beat a little faster.

Uncle Biao was startled when he heard this, and then sneered and said, "Sooner or later, you will die on a woman's belly!"

The man smiled coquettishly upon hearing this.

Then I heard Uncle Biao say without any emotion: "Go if you want, but remember, don't leave any clue, otherwise, there will be one more person when the village rules are enforced!"

The man's face was overjoyed when he heard this, and he nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Thank you, Uncle Biao!"

After saying this, he walked home with a happy face.

Thinking of that woman's figure and appearance, his steps couldn't help but become a little brisker.

At this moment, even the sad look on his face has disappeared. I wish I could take a boat to Hong Kong now.

Looking at the man's back, Uncle Biao shook his head slowly, then sighed and said to himself: "Mom Xiaoxiang, if you didn't steal men, how could you have such a disaster!"

After saying this, he turned around and walked back into the house.

At this time, in the sea not far from here, Li Qing slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw that he was actually in the sea, his expression was suddenly startled, and then when he saw the rich Yin Qi and resentment in the sea water, his expression became stunned again.

Why is there so much yin and resentment?

While he was thinking, he swam towards the direction where the Yin Qi and resentment were the strongest.

After swimming for about five minutes, Li Qing discovered that more than a hundred corpses wearing Qing Dynasty soldier uniforms appeared in the seawater beneath him.

At first glance, these corpses are either missing arms or heads.

The familiar scene immediately reminded Li Qing of the golden coffin that once suppressed Jiang Fei.

Could it be that there is another zombie at the bottom of the sea?

Li Qing subconsciously widened his eyes, and then quickly swam next to these corpses.

Just when he swam to these corpses, he suddenly found that these corpses slowly turned to face him.

Then he saw transparent figures floating out from these corpses, and then looked at him with eyes full of resentment.


When he saw the eyes of these transparent figures that showed no fear but only hatred, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Generally speaking, with his current state of flying zombies, even the ghost king would have to flee when he saw him, let alone the resentful ghosts. However, these resentful ghosts slowly approached him uncharacteristically.

Completely ignoring his strong corpse aura.

After seeing this scene, Li Qing's eyes moved slightly.

Could it be that these resentful ghosts have been dead for so long that their thoughts have long since disappeared?

While he was thinking, he carefully observed these resentful ghosts, and then he discovered that the bodies of these resentful ghosts were completely full of resentment, without even a trace of Yin Qi.

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