Unify all heavens

Chapter 187 Frightened Villagers

Seeing that this famous mage in Hong Kong actually vomited blood twice and died, Uncle Biao's expression became dull.

Then he quickly turned around and shouted to the villagers who were kneeling behind him with a surprised look on their faces: "Everyone, run! There is a big terror in the sea!!!"

After hearing his words, the villagers looked at each other and started talking in low voices.

"Ghosts should be afraid of the sun, right?"


"Then what great terror could there be in the sea? Is there a monster?"

"Our ancestors have been living on this island for generations. Have you ever heard that there are monsters in the sea? If there were, the previous generations would have died. How could it be our turn!"

"That's right!"

"And I have only heard that there are treasures in the sea. It is said that our ancestors threw them in. So, I guess the mage is either pretending to be dead to deceive us, or he is a liar in name only!"

After hearing the villagers' comments, Uncle Biao also showed doubts on his face.

As far as he knew, no ghosts had dared to appear during the day since ancient times. Could it be that the mage was really pretending to be dead?

Thinking of this, he turned around and slowly squatted down, then rested his head on the chest of the mage's corpse.

After feeling the heartbeat disappear, Uncle Biao's eyes suddenly widened.

This mage didn't pretend to be dead?

So, is there really a great terror in the sea?

Thinking of this, he quickly stood up and shouted: "Everyone, go back quickly. Even if there is a big terror in the sea, it will be at night. In the afternoon, we will follow the Master's instructions and sing "Water Covers the Golden Mountain!"


Just as he finished speaking, he heard an explosion suddenly coming from the sea behind him.

"what happened?"

Uncle Biao looked back quickly while thinking about it, only to hear a 'wow~' sound as a wave fell from the sky and hit him.


Uncle Biao wiped his face with his wet sleeve, spit out the sea water in his mouth, and then looked towards the seaside.

At the same time, other villagers also looked towards the sea.

Then he saw a young figure with a slightly blue complexion and wearing tattered robes slowly floating up from the sea.


As Li Qing flew up from the sea, the corpse energy suppressed by the sea water immediately spread.

At this moment, the originally cold sky suddenly became gloomy, and a strong wind blew by the seaside.



The originally calm sea suddenly became rough under the influence of Li Qing's corpse energy.



As the sea wind became stronger and stronger, the sky suddenly turned dark.

But even if the sea breeze is cold, it is not as cold as the villagers' hearts.

The scenes happening around you at this moment all indicate that this figure floating in the sea is not a human being!

"Ghost, ghost, ghost"

After looking at Li Qing's figure slowly floating in mid-air, Uncle Biao trembled and murmured with a pale face.

Looking at the trembling villagers in front of him who were frightened by him, a trace of doubt flashed in Li Qing's eyes.

Judging from the clothes of these villagers, the world he traveled through this time seemed very modern.

Thinking of this, he slowly flew from the sea to the shore and stood on a rock. Then he set his sights on the altar not far from him.

After seeing a watch on the altar, Li Qing's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he was even more convinced that the world he traveled through this time was a modern world.

Although I only took a quick glance at it, the workmanship of that watch didn't look like a product from the Republic of China era at all.

In addition to his watch, Li Qing also paid attention to the corpse of a Taoist priest only two meters away from him.

In addition to being fat, this Taoist also had a face that looked very familiar to Li Qing.

It seems that I have really traveled back in time to a certain movie!

Li Qing's eyes moved slightly and he began to recall the horror movies he had watched.

Maybe it was because too much time had passed, but Li Qing found that he had almost forgotten many of the movies he had watched before, except for some distinctive ones.

At this moment, I saw Uncle Biao's eyes twitching and he turned around and shouted to the villagers: "You go and prepare for the big show of water flooding the golden mountain, I will pester him!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Li Qing with a look of death.

"Water overflowing with Jinshan drama???"

Li Qing's eyes widened when he heard this, and then he quickly lowered his head to look at the Taoist corpse.

At this moment, a movie suddenly appeared in Li Qing's mind.

If we talk about the ghost movies he has watched in his previous life, there are countless movies that have a Taoist priest in the beginning, but there are only a few that have a big hit in the whole movie.

Among these movies about singing and acting, there is only one that starts with a Taoist approach.

Thinking of this, he looked at the old man who was running towards him and had already taken less than five steps, and then said a tentative sentence.

"Private land?"

Unexpectedly, after he finished saying this, Uncle Biao, who was running towards him, suddenly stopped, and then took a few steps back with a look of horror on his face.

"you you you"

As he spoke, his eyes widened suddenly, and then he covered his chest with a painful expression. Then with a sound of 'uh~', his eyes rolled up and he suddenly threw himself backwards.


Are you actually scared to death by this sentence?

Li Qing was a little stunned, and then looked at the villagers, only to see the villagers standing up in fear and running desperately in a certain direction.

"He is Qin Zhi's subordinate, run quickly!!!"

"Son, run quickly!!!"

After hearing the word 'Qin Zhi', Li Qing gradually narrowed his eyes.

It seemed that what he had guessed was indeed correct. This time he came to the movie world of "Corpse House".

Speaking of which, Li Qing has forgotten most of the plot of this movie. He only remembers that in this village, an expert used methods to suppress a Qin corpse. Then the Qin corpse broke through the seal and killed the people in the village. Kill them all.

Thinking of the scene in the movie where Qin's corpse soared into the sky, Li Qing's eyes flashed with light.

If he guessed correctly, the Qin corpse was in the same state as him.

However, after being suppressed by the master for hundreds of years, the Qin corpse had become a fat sheep in Li Qing's eyes.

After absorbing the corpse energy from this Qin corpse, even if he cannot evolve into the Corpse King, his strength will be greatly improved.

Because in this Qin corpse, in addition to the small corpse energy, there is also imperial energy!

Thinking of this, he jumped up into the sky and looked towards the ground.

I saw that in the back hill of this village, there was indeed a sealed place exuding Taoist Qi.

After feeling the weakness of those Taoist Qi, Li Qing sneered and flew over.

At this time, in a building somewhere in Hong Kong, there was a middle-aged man wearing glasses at his home. A strange iron plate hanging on the wall suddenly started to rotate.

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