Unify all heavens

Chapter 171 Fighting King Tie! (Down)

"Tiancoffin, suppress!"

As these four words were shouted, the purple coffin on Li Qing's chest suddenly turned into a purple light and rushed into the sky, leaving only an empty gold chain hanging on his chest.

After hearing Li Qing's voice, Wang Tie reacted immediately, and then looked in the direction of the voice.

But when he saw that there was only a plain with dry land in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What about the evil beast?"

As he spoke, he turned around sharply and narrowed his eyes to look around him.

When he saw that there was only an empty plain around him and no figure of Li Qing, Wang Tie was startled, and then murmured thoughtfully: "I can only hear his voice but not see his form. Could it be that that evil beast actually knows the art of invisibility?" Can’t do it?”

Speaking of this, Wang Tie's eyes flashed with a cold light, and then he sneered: "So what if you know the invisibility technique? Look, I have broken your invisibility technique!"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his foot and chopped it hard on the ground.

Then there was only a "boom" sound, and the ground around Wang Tie was like waves, rising and falling with Wang Tie as the center and spreading out in all directions.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a moment, the upturned waves of soil made a roaring sound amid the dust.

When he saw Tulang approaching him, Li Qing suddenly raised his head and looked up into the sky as if he felt something.

Then a purple light suddenly appeared in the light blue sky.

The moment he saw the purple light, Li Qing's eyes showed a strong look of expectation.

This was the first time he used the suppression technique after upgrading the purple coffin. Because he didn't know how powerful it was, he sacrificed two-thirds of his heart essence and blood at once.

Although after doing this, his state became unstable again and there was a tendency to fall into the jumping state, Li Qing was not worried at all.

Because the nameless mantra is refining the fist-sized mass of blood between the chest and abdomen all the time.

Not far away, Wang Tie closed his eyes and was sensing everything around him with his heart.

Because his realm is only at the early stage of the Golden Core at this time, he cannot use his spiritual consciousness at all, and can only rely on his heart to feel the movement around him.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a whirring sound coming from above.

The moment he heard the sound, Wang Tie's heart moved.

"Could it be that that evil beast didn't understand the art of invisibility, but the art of flying to heaven?"

Thinking of this, he sneered, opened his eyes, and then looked up.

Just when he raised his head, an extremely huge purple coffin falling from the sky appeared in his eyes.

"This is, this is."

After seeing this purple coffin, Wang Tie's expression changed instantly.

Then with a frightened expression, he tried to avoid the area covered by the purple coffin.

But just as he was about to take off, the whirring in his ears suddenly became louder, and then he felt his body become heavier without warning.

Just when he was stunned, Li Qing in the distance jumped over the one-meter-high earth waves, and then quickly stepped on the earth waves towards Wang Tie like a gust of wind.

Although Wang Tie felt something in his heart the moment Li Qing stepped on the soil waves, he did not dare to look back. He just blushed and took difficult steps away from the area covered by the purple coffin.

As the purple coffin got closer and closer to the ground, Wang Tie also felt that his body became heavier and heavier, and a huge pressure appeared on his body out of thin air, oppressing him all the time.

Relying on his body that was as stiff as jumping, although the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, Wang Tie still gritted his teeth and moved forward step by step with difficulty.

Seeing that he was about to walk out of the area covered by the purple coffin, Li Qing finally came one meter away from Wang Tie, and then flew up and kicked Wang Tie in the chest.

Although he heard the sound of Li Qing raising his leg and kicking him, Wang Tie also reacted, but because of the increasing pressure on his body. Although he thought about raising his hand to block Li Qing's feet, his body became slower under the pressure.

So just as he raised his hand, Li Qing's foot had already kicked his chest.

Despite the pressure from the purple coffin, Wang Tie's body still staggered backwards due to Li Qing's kick.

At this moment, the purple coffin was less than a hundred meters away from the ground, and it was still smashing down faster than before.

After seeing the purple coffin getting closer and closer to the ground, Wang Tie looked horrified and tried to stand up with all his strength. However, just when he made a move to turn over and prepare to stand up, Li Qing jumped up fiercely and stood on the ground. While in mid-air, he violently waved his arms.

Then the moment he landed, his fist hit Wang Tie hard on the back of the head.

Just hearing a 'bang', Wang Tie swayed to the ground with stars in his eyes.

When Li Qing saw this, he punched his head again with an expressionless face. His body's hardness had reached the point where it would not turn into bones. So after he punched him, Wang Tie's head was immediately buried deeply in the soil.

"Whirring whirring!"

Because the purple coffin was not far from the ground, hurricane after hurricane appeared around Li Qing.

After hearing the wind, Li Qing stood up suddenly, then raised his foot and stomped on Wang Tie's waist. The moment he used the force, he jumped out of the purple coffin.

The moment Li Qing landed, he saw a purple coffin more than two meters high and more than ten meters long falling on Wang Tie with a 'bang'.

The moment the purple coffin came into contact with the ground, there was another huge "boom" sound, and then waves of air appeared around the purple coffin.

In these air waves, Li Qing's body was blown more than ten meters along with the sputtering dust.

After standing firm, Li Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at Zi Coffin, then shouted coldly: "Tian Coffin, take it away!"

Following his voice, the huge purple coffin instantly shrank to the size of a palm, and then turned into a ray of purple light and returned to his chest.

At this moment, Li Qing heard a weak cough not far away.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I really underestimated you, you evil beast!"

The moment he heard the sound, Li Qing was startled, and then looked towards Wang Tie.

I saw Wang Tie, covered in blood, slowly crawling out of the big pit where the purple coffin had been smashed.

"What a hard life!"

After Li Qing said this with a gloomy face, he rushed towards Wang Tie.

Now the distance of more than ten meters was just a blink of an eye for him, so when he came to Wang Tie, Wang Tie had not yet crawled out of the pit.

Seeing Li Qing appear in front of him so quickly, Wang Tie sneered weakly: "Hehe, just based on your strength of jumping to the point of freezing? Even if I am injured right now..."

Li Qing didn't have much time to listen to his nonsense, so when he opened his mouth to speak, Li Qing raised his legs.

Then, before Wang Tie could finish his words, Li Qing's foot kicked him hard in the face with a gust of wind.

Second update. . .

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