Unify all heavens

Chapter 170 Fighting King Tie! (superior)

at the corner;

Li Qing's face was full of confusion at this time, because for some reason, the two corpse kings in front of him suddenly became motionless.

When they raised their fists, Li Qing was ready to dodge, but for some reason the two corpse kings who had already raised their fists suddenly stopped.

It's like time has been suspended.

Looking at the two motionless corpse kings, Li Qing narrowed his eyes, then gently touched Jiang Fei beside him with his elbow, and said softly: "Jiang Fei, go test these two corpse kings." !”

Jiang Fei: "."

After not hearing Jiang Fei's response for a long time, Li Qing frowned and looked around, only to see Jiang Fei's face was solemn as if he had not heard his words, and his eyes were fixed on the two corpse kings in front of him.

After seeing this, Li Qing suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and quickly raised his hand to push Jiang Fei.

"Jiang Fei? Jiang Fei?"

As he spoke, Jiang Fei was pushed backwards.

With just a 'bang' sound, Jiang Fei's body fell straight backwards and hit the ground.

Li Qing's eyes widened when he saw this, and then he quickly turned to look at Nintendo.

Nintendo's eyes were full of cruelty, and he looked at the two corpse kings opposite him with bared teeth.

"Nintendo? Nintendo?"

Li Qing shouted his name and pushed him.


Just like Jiang Fei, Nintendo fell backwards and hit the ground.

"W-what's going on?"

The expression on Li Qing's face changed, and then he cautiously took two steps forward and stood in front of the two corpse kings.

Just like Jiang Fei and Nintendo, the two corpse kings were motionless.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing's eyes narrowed subconsciously.

Is this a time pause? then what?

While he was thinking, he raised his arms and pushed the two corpse kings hard.



After watching the two corpse kings fall straight to the ground without any resistance, Li Qing suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere had become strange.

Just when he was about to put Nintendo and Jiang Fei into the purple coffin and escape, he heard the crisp sound of copper bells ringing in his ears.

"Ring ring ring!"

"Ring ring ring!"

As the sound of the bell approached, Li Qing heard the sound of 'tapping' footsteps at the corner.

After hearing the footsteps, Li Qing's face showed a strong look of alert. While slowly retreating, he put his hand on the purple coffin on his chest.

"Heavenly Coffin."

Just as he read these two words, a young woman suddenly walked out of the corner.

This woman looked like she was only in her twenties, but her aura brought a sense of pressure to Li Qing.

And what frightened Li Qing was that when this woman appeared in front of him, he found that his body had stiffened.

At this moment, Li Qing only had consciousness, and his body had become so stiff that he could not even blink.

And for some reason, Li Qing's series of emotions have disappeared since he became a zombie, and even his heart has long since withered into a hard lump as hard as stone.

But when he saw this woman, his heart started to tremble slightly.

For a moment, all Li Qing could see was the woman and her slightly trembling heartbeat.

He looked at this woman standing quietly a few meters away from him, wearing a long red grosgrain dress, with hair tied high on the temples, and an ethereal and pure appearance.

Li Qing felt that his heart was showing signs of recovery.

Lord Youruo glanced at Li Qing quietly, and then focused on his purple coffin.

Then he said softly with an expressionless face: "You have actually fused with a purple coffin!"

Just as she finished speaking, four figures walked out behind her.

The moment he saw Wang Tie, Li Qing's consciousness was filled with murderous intent.

After sensing Li Qing's murderous intent, Lord Youruo was slightly startled, and then said softly: "You want to kill him?"

After Youruo City Lord finished these words, Wang Tie's face behind him suddenly showed a look of deep fear, but he did not dare to say a word, but his body trembled slightly.

Because now everything is out of his control.

At this moment, his life was completely in the hands of Lord Youruo.

He originally thought that after leading Youruo City Lord out, Youruo City Lord would kill the three people and imprison him at the same time, but he did not expect that from the moment Youruo City Lord appeared, the direction of development of the matter would deviate. Take control.

Sure enough, a figure like Lord Youruo cannot be calculated.

Wang Tie thought and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Looks like it might be picked up today.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard City Lord Youruo whisper to Li Qing: "Since you are also the inheritor of the Purple Coffin, since you want to kill him, I will give you a fair solution! If you survive, I will tell you something. If he survives, I will resurrect you and take you as a corpse slave!"

After hearing the words of City Lord Youruo, a trace of envy flashed in the eyes of the spirit corpse elder behind him when he looked at Li Qing.

At this moment, Lord Youruo gently waved his hand towards Wang Tie.

The next moment, there was a crash, and the 'Forbidden Spirit Lock' on Wang Tie fell from his body.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Tie felt that his strength had returned to the early stage of the Golden Core in the blink of an eye, and then stopped abruptly when his spiritual power broke through to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Although his state is still half human and half corpse, his strength is much stronger than before.

At the same time, Li Qing suddenly found that his stiff body had recovered.

At this time, Lord Youruo said: "Your current combat power is basically at the peak of the early stage of Jindan. Whether you can survive depends on your own efforts!"

As she spoke, she waved her hands gently, and then she saw Li Qing and Wang Tie disappear from the Yinju.

"Space magic?!"

When the three people behind him saw this, their pupils shrank sharply. Then he became more honest, not even daring to take a breath.

On the other side, Li Qing and Wang Tie suddenly found that the scene around them had been replaced by a plain in the blink of an eye.

Li Qing had experienced similar situations many times, so the moment he appeared on this plain, he reacted and hurriedly used the invisibility technique.

Wang Tie, who was on the side, looked confused at first, and then a look of deep shock appeared on his face, as if he had thought of something.

At this moment, Li Qing had already disappeared.

Li Qing didn't think too much about the mysterious woman. After all, no matter what a person in that state did to him or asked for, he couldn't resist.

So Li Qing decided to kill Wang Tie first. After all, the old man had imprisoned him in the alchemy furnace first and then tricked him before.

Although this old man is very strong, Li Qing is still ready to give it a try!

Thinking of this, he shouted loudly: "Tian Coffin, suppress it!"

First update.

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