Unify all heavens

Chapter 172 The request of Lord Youruo


The moment Li Qing's shoeless foot hit Wang Tie's face, Wang Tie's head tilted back and he let out a muffled sound.

Then there was a "click" sound, and Wang Tie's ten fingers that were clasped on the edge of the pit left ten long traces on the ground, and then he smashed back with blank eyes.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing jumped down from the edge of the pit, and then when he passed Wang Tie's fallen body, he straightened his palms and slashed hard on Wang Tie's throat from top to bottom.

With a sudden "click" sound, Wang Tie's body hit the ground in the pit at an extremely fast speed.


The moment he hit the ground, Li Qing's feet also stepped heavily on his chest.

Seeing Li Qing stepping on his chest, Wang Tie's eyes twitched, and then with a sullen face, he raised his hand to grab Li Qing's ankle without saying a word.

Because Wang Tie had been seriously injured, his body's sensitivity naturally declined.

So when he reached out to grab it, Li Qing had already raised his leg high, and then stamped hard on Wang Tie's gloomy face.


Before Wang Tie could react, Li Qing's foot stamped his head deeply into the soil.

"Ho ho ho!"

At this moment, Wang Tie, who was under Li Qing's feet, suddenly covered his throat and made a strange sound. Then a strong look of madness appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, his body was slowly inflating like an inflated balloon.

As his body swelled, countless bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared on Wang Tie's old face, and then his eyes suddenly bulged.

Li Qing was shocked when he saw this, and a sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart.

Seeing Wang Tie's belly swelled into a ball, he didn't have time to think too much and hurriedly used Wang Tie's body to jump up.

The pit that was only five or six meters deep jumped out the moment Li Qing jumped up.

The moment he jumped out of the pit, he looked back, then his face suddenly changed, his eyes widened and he murmured: "Is this old guy actually going to blow himself up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran forward.

Just when Li Qing ran more than ten meters, Wang Tie's body, which was as swollen as a balloon, flew out of the pit.

At this time, even his arms and legs were three to four times thicker than a normal person, and his head and body were like a gourd.

From a distance, every part of his body that was exposed outside his clothes was covered with streaks of blood.

Although Li Qing was in the invisible stage, Wang Tie could clearly hear the sound he made while running.

Although Li Qing could not be seen, with the sounds of running, Wang Tie's eyes like two white light bulbs stared at the ground in front of him, and then he flew towards Li Qing with cruel eyes. go.

Because he couldn't stay in this form for long, he only flew more than ten meters, and Wang Tie suddenly opened his mouth and let out a strange, deafening cry.


As he screamed, his body exploded violently.


Along with this explosion, a wave of energy that seemed to destroy the world swept across from the place where Wang Tie exploded in all directions.

Under the energy of this explosion, the first thing to bear the brunt was the large rectangular pit created by the purple coffin.

Just hearing a "boom", the big pit suddenly sank dozens of meters downward, and even became a hemisphere.

Then the ground around the crater was pushed by the heat wave-like explosion energy, forming a circle of hot air waves mixed with dust.

When Wang Tie blew himself up, Li Qing's expression changed drastically and he sped up his escape.

But before he ran a hundred meters, he was overtaken by the heat wave from behind, and was then pushed into the sky by the heat wave.

Looking at the place only more than twenty meters away from him, Li Qing hurriedly wanted to hide in the purple coffin.

The air in front of him was distorted, and he couldn't guarantee that his body could withstand it.

"Blessing from the coffin of heaven!"

When he shouted these four words, the purple coffin on his chest glowed purple.

Then, just as the purple coffin was slowly getting bigger and ready to be put into the coffin, Li Qing suddenly found that the world in front of him had become distorted.

Then, a majestic female voice sounded in his ears.

"Since you have won this battle, I will tell you something. If you agree, I will personally send you out of the City of Two Realms!"

The moment this voice rang in Li Qing's ears, Li Qing found himself back in the Yinju.

Behind him, Jiang Fei and Nintendo were still lying there, and the Youruo City Lord in front of him was looking at him expressionlessly.

Li Qing looked at the Lord of Youruo City, but his mind was thinking about what just happened.

He had clearly activated the purple coffin before, but the Lord of Youruo City was able to close the activated purple coffin without him knowing.

This was the first time he had seen someone with such terrifying strength.

At this moment, Lord Youruo City was heard saying: "You must have heard that there was a purple coffin inheritor who was adopted by the Buddha as a mount!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard this. He had indeed heard about this matter. According to Zhubi, the inheritor of the Purple Coffin betrayed the Purple Coffin.

Seeing Li Qing nod, Lord Youruo said: "As the inheritor of the Purple Coffin, you will inevitably meet that Buddha in the future. What I want you to do is to get a piece from that Buddha that is contaminated with him. A breath item! If you agree, I will personally send you out of the City of Two Realms!"

Li Qing's eyes widened when he heard this.

Get an item from the Buddha who surrendered a purple coffin inheritor? Is this possible?

Although even he himself felt that this matter was impossible to accomplish, he still nodded slightly.

Because even if he would meet the Buddha, he didn’t know when it would be, and he didn’t know if he would survive until that time.

Write a bad check first to get through the present safely.

After all, although the Lord of Youruo City did not say what the consequences would be if Li Qing did not agree, Li Qing did not dare to gamble.

Seeing Li Qing nod, Lord Youruo waved his sleeves at Jiang Fei and Nintendo, then turned around and said, "Come with me, I will send you out of the city right now!"

Upon seeing this, Li Qing was about to open his mouth and ask Lord Youruo to solve the problem between Jiang Fei and Nintendo, but saw the two of them standing up with confused expressions on their faces.

"My lord, just now"

Before Jiang Fei could finish speaking, Li Qing shook his head slightly, then stepped forward to catch up with the figure of Lord Youruo.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Fei glanced at each other with Nintendo, who also looked puzzled, and then followed him without saying a word.

As soon as he came out of Yinju, Li Qing found that all the running residents in the city would stop and bend down respectfully when they saw the woman in front of him.

"Meet the City Lord!"

"Meet the City Lord!"

Only then did Li Qing know that this woman was actually the city lord of these two realms cities.

Just as they were walking along the street toward the city gate, Li Qing suddenly discovered that the young man in front of him had crushed a red object.

For some reason, Li Qing's heart suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis at this moment.

First update. . .

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