Unify all heavens

Chapter 145 Nanshan Town (3)

Li Qing had heard that Tulong had a zombie army some time ago, but he had never seen it until now.

Viewed from a high altitude, the dense zombie army below looks like a purple torrent, sweeping down from a thousand-meter mountain.

Everything that stood in front of them, whether rocks or trees, was instantly annihilated in this 'purple mountain torrent'.

Even though Li Qing was high in the sky, he could still hear the roaring and beating sound coming from below.

At a glance, I saw nearly ten thousand purple zombies jumping down the slope of the mountain with a bang, and the shock caused was almost as strong as the earth dragon turning over.

The whole land was shaking at this moment!

With the roaring sound produced by the beating of the purple zombies, countless gravels on the ground were also blown away by the ground, then fell, and then were blown away again. Even the huge archway in Nanshan Town slowly cracked amid the waves of vibrations.

Under the archway, looking at the gravel falling from time to time, Uncle Jiu and others all changed their colors.

Shi Jian's face was gloomy and he shouted coldly: "We can't let these zombies get closer, otherwise the Nanshan Town will be shaken to the ground!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taoist Priest Wu Ye echoed: "Elder brother is right!"

Shi Jian glanced at Taoist Wuye, nodded slightly to him, with a hint of kindness in his eyes, and then said: "So I hope that all the junior brothers can open a forum to help the poor Taoist, and use all the spiritual power of all the junior brothers. Infuse it into me, and then I will use the Thunder Fist to split up these zombie armies. At that time, all the junior brothers will fight on their own and suppress this zombie army in one fell swoop!"

After hearing Shi Jian's words, Uncle Jiu frowned secretly. If he followed Shi Jian's method, it would be possible to disperse these zombie armies, but the spiritual power in their bodies has been exhausted, so why fight on their own? It is impossible to deal with so many zombies just by relying on corpse-suppressing charms or some magic weapons.

Thinking of this, he frowned and expressed his thoughts.

"Senior Brother, if we instill all the spiritual power into you, we shouldn't be able to deal with so many zombies with just talismans and magic weapons!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Taoist Master Wuye nod his head and said: "Senior Brother Ninth, what you said makes sense!"

Shi Jian's face instantly darkened, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Uncle Jiu, and asked coldly: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Uncle Jiu pondered for a moment and said: "In my opinion, Wuye, Gui Qianhe and the others helped the senior brother to separate these zombies with the Thunder Fist. When the senior brother uses the Thunder Fist, you go to the rear to recover your spiritual power, and I and I Masters Four Eyes and Ikkyu are blocking the zombies in front, and will replace us when your spiritual power recovers!"

After he finished saying this, several other people nodded slowly. In this way, none of them would be too tired, and they might be able to hold on until the two master uncles Lingri and Lingyue came back.

Shi Jian sneered, glanced at the few people who nodded, then stared at Uncle Jiu with a cold look in his eyes, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, just do what you said!"

After saying this, he walked forward for more than ten meters with a cold face, looking at the zombie army jumping towards them in the distance with cold eyes, and his heart was extremely gloomy.

At this moment, Taoist priest Qianhe, Agui and Taoist priest Wuye quickly moved all the tables and instruments from behind to a place two meters away from Shi Jian, and began to arrange them quickly.

The moment they set up, they saw wisps of beating electric light appearing on Shi Jian's body, and then the sky also turned dark at this moment, separated from the corpse aura in the distance.

After seeing this, Qianhe and the other two people hurriedly waved their mahogany swords to pick up a piece of yellow talisman paper on the altar in front of them, and then silently recited the incantation with their hand seals.

About ten seconds later, the three of them held their breath and concentrated at the same time. They took out a ball of red rope from their arms and threw it into the air in front of them. Then they shook the peach wood sword twice and stabbed it into the ball of red rope that was about to fall. among.

The next moment, the three of them shouted in unison: "The Tao transforms the three pure states, the laws and the five elements, and the fire comes!" As soon as they finished speaking, the yellow talisman paper surrounded by the red thread group burst into flames without any wind.

At this moment, the three of them shook the peach wood sword a few times again, and pointed their other hand at Shi Jian in front of them.


The next moment, the ball of red rope was seen spinning rapidly on the wooden sword, and then the outermost thread of the red thread flew straight towards Shi Jian.

The moment the three threads touched Shi Jian's back, they were like three red snakes, wrapping around Shi Jian's waist. Then Shi Jian's face suddenly turned red, and a wisp of white mist immediately rose above his head. However, the faces of Qianhe and the others quickly dimmed at this moment, and they became a blur in the blink of an eye. It turned white, and then a dense layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

At the same time, the electric snake jumping on Shi Jian's body began to thicken rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The originally thin electric snake became as thick as a finger in an instant, and then the sky suddenly lit up, and then There was a huge rumbling sound.


Amidst the thunder, Li Qing's expression in the air changed instantly, and he hurriedly asked Jiang Fei and Nintendo to land in Nanshan Town behind Uncle Jiu and others.

The moment he landed, he saw thousands of thunders surging in the sky, and then gathered into a huge thunder dragon. With the rumble that resounded throughout the world, the giant dragon suddenly swam down from the sky and crashed into Shi Jian's body.

Just hearing a 'boom', the ground under Shi Jian's feet instantly turned black.

Not only was Shi Jian himself unscathed, but he slowly floated up in the body of this huge thunder dragon that connected heaven and earth, and his whole body was bathed in the thunder and lightning.

He felt the endless spiritual power in his body, and suddenly another powerful technique came to mind.

"Stake Technique"

After thinking of this technique, Shi Jian's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, the spiritual power in his body is enough to ensure that he still has more than half of it left after using the Thunder Fist, but if he wants to use the wooden stake technique, the spiritual power will not be enough, unless he adds the blood essence of the three Taoists behind him.

And if the essence and blood in their bodies were used, the cultivation of the three Taoists would definitely be greatly reduced, and they might even die on the spot.

Thinking of this, a look of hesitation appeared on Shi Jian's face.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that the dense army of zombies in front of him had all jumped down the mountain, and the top ones were about to jump over.

After seeing this, Shi Jian's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of coldness.

In order to be able to suppress more purple zombies, just a few Maoshan disciples should be sacrificed!

Presumably they would understand if they knew what they were thinking!

Thinking of this, Shi Jian bit his right index finger fiercely, and then quickly wiped it on the three red ropes around his waist.

Not far away, Uncle Jiu's face changed drastically when he saw this scene. He immediately opened his eyes and shouted loudly at Qianhe and the others: "Release the Taomu Sword quickly!"

Thank you to book friend Jian Ning I for tipping 100 starting coins, book friend Yao Yao Yao Yao Can’t Stop Ah for tipping 500 starting coins, and book friend An Ning I for tipping 10,100 starting coins!

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