Unify all heavens

Chapter 146 Nanshan Town (4)

Because Qianhe and the other three were unable to speak during the casting stage, they were all stunned when they heard Uncle Jiu's voice, and then looked back subconsciously.

As a result, when they turned back, Shi Jian's hands had already formed the seal and were standing on his chest.

Then his eyes flashed with coldness, and he shouted expressionlessly: "Here comes blood!"

The moment he read these two words from his mouth, Taoist Master Qianhe and the others were shocked, and then they spat out a mouthful of blood mist with a 'pop' sound.

Then, as if being overcontrolled, the blood mist turned into a blood line and hit the back of Shi Jian, who was floating in the thunder dragon, at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Shi Jian's eyes instantly turned blood red, and at the same time, the sky and the earth suddenly lit up, followed by a thunderous sound in the sky.


Different from the thunder caused by Shi Jian's Ben Lei Fist, this thunder is the real sound of thunder from the Nine Heavens.

Shi Jian raised his head and looked up at the sky in surprise, only to see that the thunder struck straight towards the rear of the zombie group.

The moment Shi Jian raised his head, Taoist priests Qianhe, Wuye and Agui fell backwards with faces like gold paper and hit the ground with a 'bang'.

Uncle Jiu's face instantly turned livid when he saw this, and then he quickly ran beside Qianhe and the others. He saw that the clothes of the three Taoist priests were already wet with sweat, and their faces were blue and their whole bodies were shaking.

Looking at the appearance of these three people, Uncle Jiu was trembling with anger. He looked up at Shi Jian with his eyes wide open, but he happened to hear Shi Jian's cold voice.

"Wood stake technique!"

The moment he heard these three words, Uncle Jiu's face darkened.

At this moment, a huge "whoosh" sound suddenly occurred between heaven and earth, one after another.

At the same time, the leading zombies were less than a hundred meters away from the rock in front.

Along with the beating of these purple zombies, the ground is shaking every moment.

The Nanshan Town Archway not far away collapsed under this earthquake, which was even stronger than before.



After hearing the voice coming from behind, Shi Jian shouted indifferently: "Urgent like a law!"

The moment he finished speaking, the 'whooshing' sound became louder.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Jiu saw countless giant trees that were bare and looked like they had been processed by carpenters flying in from the left and right sides.

At a glance, these giant trees are all of the same size, more than three meters long and more than a foot in diameter, but their number is huge.

Amidst the whirring sound, the giant trees on the left and right turned around at the moment when they were about to collide, and then passed straight through the thunder and lightning around Shi Jian, carrying countless beating thunder snake lightnings, and whirred into those trees. Zombies.




The moment the giant tree hit Zi Zheng's body, three voices sounded in an instant. After the sound, the giant tree crashed into the second purple zombie behind, and the zombie it hit before had its flesh and bones shattered into pieces and turned into a pile of burnt black powder, floating between the sky and the earth amidst the whirring sound of the giant tree. .

If you look down from a high place at this moment, you can see that the original tens of thousands of purple zombies are rapidly decreasing among these giant trees.

Not even a minute has passed, and the number of these purple zombies has been reduced by a full 50%. And giant trees are still flying in a steady stream from the left and right sides of Nanshan Town.

When Shi Jian saw this, he suddenly laughed crazily.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amid laughter, his figure stepped forward suddenly, stepping on a giant tree that had just flown beside him. Then he quickly flew among the zombies following the giant tree at his feet.

As he moved forward, the thunder dragon that connected heaven and earth suddenly left the ground, struck Shi Jian instantly, and then enveloped him again.

When the thunder dragon enveloped him again, Shi Jian's eyes narrowed, and then he quickly formed a seal with his hands on his chest, and then he shouted loudly!

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!!!"

As these eight words were read out, the thunder dragon that enveloped him suddenly exploded with a 'boom', and then countless thunder snake lightnings spread out in all directions with Shi Jian as the center.

For a while, I only heard "crackling" sounds from time to time around me.

At the same time, Shi Jian's powerful aura suddenly dropped, and his face turned pale as paper.

Looking at the thunder snake lightning and giant tree that had not yet disappeared, Shi Jian's eyes were full of excitement. This was the first time he knew that when the Thunder Fist and the Wooden Stake Technique were combined, the power was so terrifying.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a whirring sound in his ears.

Subconsciously, Shi Jian turned his head and looked.

As a result, the moment he turned his head to look, he felt a huge force coming from his chest, and then he was knocked backwards by the huge force coming from his chest.

The moment Shi Jian flew backwards, he raised his head and sprayed out a stream of blood mist. Then his back hit a giant tree that happened to be flying behind him, and then his eyes went black and he fell heavily to the ground. , smashed into the burnt black powder on the ground.

Although Shi Jian didn't see clearly what was attacking him until he was unconscious, Uncle Jiu in the distance could see it clearly, and after Shi Jian was kicked away, he headed towards the road that was about to fall from the giant tree to the ground. The jumping figure ran away.

Seeing the figure falling to the ground and walking towards Shi Jian, Uncle Jiu, who was ten meters away, turned pale and shouted: "Slay the dragon!!!"

After hearing Uncle Jiu's voice, the bronze-armored Dragon Slayer subconsciously looked back.

When he saw Uncle Jiu, a grin instantly broke out on his lips.

"It turns out to be 'Ninth Senior Brother'!"

The moment he finished speaking, he ignored Shi Jian and suddenly jumped up and flew towards Uncle Jiu.

Just when he jumped up, the words "Slay the Dragon" shouted by Uncle Jiu also spread into Nanshan Town.

"Slay the dragon!!!"

Li Qing, who was standing on a roof somewhere and watching the battle a hundred meters away, heard these two words, his expression changed, and then he looked into the distance with cold eyes.

Although Tu Long was wearing bronze armor, he was wearing nothing on his head, so when Li Qing looked at him, he could recognize him at a glance even though he was hundreds of meters away.


The moment he saw the dragon slayer, Li Qing sneered, and then ordered to Nintendo and Jiang Fei beside him: "Jiang Fei, catch that zombie wearing bronze armor, whether he lives or dies!"

Nintendo and Jiang Fei's eyes lit up when they heard this. Different from previous orders, this was the first order given by Li Qing.

So the two of them glanced at each other the moment Li Qing's voice fell, and then shouted in unison with serious expressions: "Yes!"

As soon as the words fell, he flew into the sky!

First of all, thank you for sending your monthly tickets! Then I would like to thank book friend Mou Dafeng for the 100 starting coins. . .

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