Unify all heavens

Chapter 144 Nanshan Town (2)


After seeing the little zombie being beaten away, Uncle Liu quickly let out a worried roar despite still pinching it in Jiang Fei's hand.

The moment he finished speaking, he felt a chill all over his body.


Then Jiang Fei's angry sneer was heard.

Just when Jiang Fei was thinking about how to punish this old ghost, his ears moved and he heard Li Qing's beating sound.




As the sound of beating came from the door of the inn, Jiang Fei, Nintendo, or Uncle Liu who was lifted off the ground by Jiang Fei's neck, all looked back.

Li Qing was seen licking the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth while jumping towards them with a cold face.

After seeing the blood stains on the corner of Li Qing's mouth, Uncle Liu's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened, and he asked with an ugly face: "He's numb."


Before he could finish speaking, he heard Li Qing's expressionless and indifferent reply.


Uncle Liu had an expression of disbelief when he heard this, and at the same time there was a look of self-blame in his eyes. If he hadn't been greedy for life and feared death and handed the mortuary order to this Zi Zong, even if his body hadn't recovered yet, he would have been able to deal with it. With only purple stiffness.

After Li Qing said this, he looked at Uncle Liu with cold eyes, and then said coldly: "You don't need to blame yourself, I will send you to see him right now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth with four fangs, and then sucked hard at Uncle Liu.

The moment he saw this scene, Uncle Liu's face was filled with horror, and his lips trembled as he said, "You, you can't be like this!"

While he was still talking, his head suddenly became sharp and long, and then his entire face was pulled into a black line by the strong suction force. Then not even a second later, Uncle Liu's entire body was here. It was pulled into a line by the suction, and then like a dark noodle, it was sucked into Li Qing's mouth.

Unlike the nameless magic that can be instantly transformed and absorbed, this ghost swallowing technique takes three hours to turn the ghost into ghost energy for Li Qing to absorb.

Li Qing obviously didn't feel hungry or full, but after swallowing Uncle Liu, he could feel a feeling of fullness.

The purple light in his eyes moved slightly, he frowned and looked at Jiang Fei and asked, "Where is the little jumping stiff?"

Hearing this, Jiang Fei knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered his head in response to Li Qing's strange look and replied: "After the subordinate captured the old ghost, the little zombie swung his arm to attack the subordinate. If the Lord agrees, he will be beaten away, please punish me!"

Hearing this, Li Qing chuckled and said, "Just fly away, it's just a little jumping zombie."

After saying this, he stiffened his arms and took out the map from his arms and handed it to Jiang Fei. Then while Jiang Fei was looking at the map, he said, "Let's go to Nanshan Town now!"

Jiang Fei looked at the map seriously for a long time, then nodded, stood up, turned around and squatted down.

After Li Qing put his arms on his shoulders, he jumped into the air and flew quickly in the direction of Nanshan Town on the map.

The moment Jiang Fei took off, Nintendo also flew up and followed closely.

Only the little zombie that was slapped by Jiang Fei and stuck on the tree was left struggling miserably.

At the same time, a hurricane slowly dissipated under the huge archway outside Nanshan Town, and then two figures appeared out of thin air.

After they appeared, they suddenly discovered that there were already six or seven figures standing under the archway of Nanshan Town.

Uncle Jiu took the body talisman off his leg and put it into his arms, while he and Taoist Wuye walked towards those figures.

Just when he was about to reach the foot of the archway, he saw a figure walking towards him quickly.

When this figure approached, Uncle Jiu suddenly smiled.

"Chizuru! Long time no see!"

While he was speaking, Taoist Master Qianhe placed his hand on his chest and said with a smile, "I've met Ninth Senior Brother!"

Uncle Jiu nodded and asked worriedly: "How's it going? Is Dragon Slaying here?"

Taoist Master Qianhe shook his head slightly when he heard this, and then said: "Uncle Lingri said that Tulong may have felt the aura of him and Uncle Lingyue, so he may have been hiding now! I don't know the more specific things. !”

Uncle Jiu nodded, and then walked towards the figures of the two martial uncles, Lingri and Lingyue.

After Uncle Jiu left, Taoist Wuye smiled at Taoist Qianhe and said, "Senior brother!"

When Taoist Master Qianhe nodded with a smile, Taoist Master Wuye asked in a low voice: "Senior brother, you have to introduce me to me later, because I came down the mountain relatively late, and many senior brothers only heard their names but never met them. !”

Qianhe heard the words and smiled and said: "Let's go then. Before Dragon Slaying comes, I will take you to meet some senior brothers!"

As he spoke, he took him to the foot of the archway, then pointed at a middle-aged man with a majestic look and said, "This is Senior Brother!"

As soon as Taoist Priest Qianhe finished speaking, Taoist Priest Wuye said to Shi Jian with a smile on his face: "I've heard of Senior Brother for a long time, but it's a pity that I only got to see him today. I hope Senior Brother will forgive me!"

Because Taoist Wuye came with Uncle Jiu, Shi Jian didn't show any kindness to him. He just nodded slightly after he finished speaking and said with a majestic expression: "It's okay!"

At this time, Taoist priest Qianhe brought Taoist priest Wuye in front of a fat figure, and said with a smile: "This is senior brother Agui!"

After Master Wuye greeted him with a smile, Master Qianhe took him to the next person.

"This is Senior Brother Four Eyes!"

"This is Master Ikkyu!"

Just when Priest Qianhe was introducing the others to Priest Wuye, an extremely strong corpse aura suddenly appeared on the mountain directly opposite the Nanshan Town Archway.

Immediately afterwards, the group of people under the archway felt the ground beneath their feet vibrate with a "bang bang bang" sound.

Then the angry old voice of Uncle Lingri was heard.

"Maoshan disciples, listen to the order! Set up the formation to reverse the universe!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the people who had been gathering in a circle to chat suddenly scattered and ran towards the two positions of Qian and Kun.

Lingri, who was wearing an apricot Taoist robe with a rosy complexion but a white beard hanging down his chest, saw this scene and shouted coldly: "I and your uncle Lingyue will deal with that beast while we wait to guard Nanshan Town. Don’t let those zombies enter the town!”

The moment he finished speaking, he and an equally old woman turned into a hurricane and swept away into the distance, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, two figures flew in the sky.

Looking at the thousands of zombies beating chaotically on the ground, whether it was Jiang Fei, Nintendo, or Li Qing, their eyes showed shock.

I was also drunk. I was stuck last night. I wrote the chapter from about 10 o'clock to nearly 4 o'clock in the morning. I thought it might be better today, but ended up being stuck for another day. I sat in front of the computer from 11 o'clock in the morning to night. I didn't feel like it until seven o'clock. I'll have two updates today. I decided to go to bed early tonight. My back is sore and my eyes hurt. I will finish the story early tomorrow morning and continue to fight.

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