Unify all heavens

Chapter 138 Discovery (please subscribe)

Taoist Master Wuye looked at Uncle Jiu, who was frowning, and then at Mamadi, who was seriously injured and unconscious. He pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Ninth, how about this, let's leave our senior brother to Uncle Liu's care first, and then I will accompany you. I’m going to Renjia Village. I’m going to the medical center to find a doctor, and I’m going to see if I can find Ahao and Aqiang! After all, since this Nintendo has turned into a corpse, he will definitely go to the Ren family!”

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "That's all we can do!"

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Taoist Wuye shouted loudly.

"Uncle Liu? Uncle Liu?"

After about three to five seconds, Uncle Liu's voice was heard from upstairs.

"Wuye, you called me??"

After hearing Uncle Liu's old voice, Uncle Jiu and Wu Ye looked up and saw Uncle Liu holding on to the bamboo escalator at the top of the stairs and walking slowly downstairs.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Master Wuye hurriedly walked to the stairs and helped Uncle Liu down, saying, "Uncle Liu, it's like this, Senior Brother Mamadi is seriously injured, Senior Brother Ninth and I want you to help us take care of him, and then Let’s go to Renjiacun to find a doctor!”

Uncle Liu's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and he said in surprise: "Mummy is seriously injured? Come on, let me see!"

Upon hearing this, Taoist Master Wuye helped Uncle Liu to the table.

When Uncle Liu walked to the table, he realized that Uncle Jiu was also there. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said, "Eh? Isn't this Feng Jiao? We haven't seen each other for seventeen or eighteen years!"

Hearing Uncle Liu's words, Uncle Jiu's face darkened instantly.

After seeing Uncle Jiu's appearance, Uncle Liu laughed and joked: "I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still the same. As soon as someone calls your name, your face changes!"

"Uncle Liu, you'd better take a look at Mamadi first!"

Uncle Jiu said helplessly.

Hearing this, Uncle Liu shook his head helplessly, then raised his hand and touched Mamadi's forehead, then opened his mouth, stretched out a finger and pressed his tongue. Then he said in surprise: "He's seriously injured! But it's okay. I can treat this injury. You can rest assured leaving him here with me!"

The moment Uncle Liu finished speaking, Taoist Wuye asked in surprise, "Uncle Liu, do you still know how to treat a doctor?"


Uncle Liu snorted twice when he heard this, and then said: "Although the old man is not a master of Xinglin, he still knows a little about Qihuang!"

Wu Ye was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said: "That's the best. Senior Brother Mamadi will be left in your care, Uncle Liu, while Senior Brother Ninth and I will go find A Hao and A Qiang who were captured by zombies!"

Uncle Liu frowned and said, "Those two boys were actually captured by zombies? Then you must act early!"

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard this, then turned to Taoist Wuye and said, "Wuye, hold on to my arm and don't let go!"

Although Wuye was confused, he still reached out and grabbed Uncle Jiu's left arm.

After Uncle Jiu glanced at him, he clasped his fists at Uncle Liu and said, "Uncle Liu, let's take our leave first!" He then took out the talisman he had just put in from his arms.

Just when he was about to stick it on his leg, he heard Uncle Liu say in surprise: "That magic talisman from that old guy Lingri? This is a good thing!"

Uncle Jiu smiled, then turned to Taoist Wuye and said, "Hold on!"

The moment he finished speaking, he and Taoist Priest Wuye turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Uncle Liu tremblingly raised his hand to tidy up the beard that was blown by the wind on his face, then raised his head and shouted upstairs.

"Little guy, come down and help me carry Momami to the room upstairs!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a little zombie wearing linen clothes, less than one meter tall, with a blue face and two black eyes appearing upstairs.

"Bang bang bang"

The little zombie jumped down from the stairs, then easily lifted it up, and then jumped back upstairs.

Just as Uncle Liu was sighing that it was great to be young and walking slowly upstairs, Uncle Jiu and Taoist Wuye also appeared at the entrance of Renjia Village.

Because he was afraid of scaring the villagers, Uncle Jiu stopped when he first entered the village.

Looking at Renjiacun, where a figure had appeared in front of him, Uncle Jiu stepped forward. However, after taking two steps, he suddenly found that Taoist Wuye had not followed.

When he looked back, he saw Taoist Wuye's eyes were dull, standing there motionless as if he was stupid.

"Hello? Wuye? Wuye?"

After Uncle Jiu called out twice, Taoist Wuye woke up as if from a dream.

He looked at his surroundings, then looked at the three characters "Renjiacun" written on the archway in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, then jogged two steps to Uncle Jiu, and said with a look of amazement: "Brother Ninth, this magical talisman Where did you get it?"

Uncle Jiu smiled and said, "If you want it, I'll ask Uncle Lingri for one later."

Taoist Priest Wuye was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you so much, senior brother!"

Uncle Jiu smiled and shook his head, then turned and walked towards Renjiacun.

Because the sky was already dark at this time, some villagers came out to farm with hoes, and it was very lively with people coming and going on the road.

This was just the entrance to the village. When Uncle Jiu and Taoist Wuye walked onto the street, they found that there were already many people setting up stalls on the street.

Then when they walked to Baijia Inn, they saw a large group of people gathered in front of the inn.

Not only Baijia Inn, but also the wall on the far side of Baijia Inn was surrounded by more than ten people.

"Tsk, tsk, I don't know who this shopkeeper Sima offended, but he died so miserably! Alas, when will this muddy world come to an end!"

"Isn't that true? Not long ago, I heard that a town was massacred by zombies. Gee, that's terrible. From seventy-year-olds to newly-born children, everyone was spared and died from the zombies. In my hand! Alas."

Uncle Jiu knew what was going on here because he had been here before, and he walked past the crowd without stopping.

Taoist priest Wuye didn't know this. After taking a look at the miserable dead shopkeeper Futai inside the inn, he sighed and walked to another place.

"Tsk, tsk, this young man was so handsome, it would be a pity to die!"

After hearing the voices of the villagers, Taoist Wuye thought that the person surrounded by the crowd should be the waiter of Baijia Inn. However, the moment he squeezed into the crowd, his eyes widened suddenly, and his face changed drastically as he looked into the distance. Uncle Jiu shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Ninth, Ahao is here!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw Uncle Jiu running towards him quickly.

When Uncle Jiu squeezed into the crowd, he saw that the Ahao Wuye said was the corpse of the young man he saw when he passed by before.

After he squatted next to Ah Hao, he first glanced at Ah Hao's neck with a frown. When he saw that there were no traces of zombie bites, he suddenly became suspicious. Then he stretched out his two fingers and pressed Ah Hao's neck, only to find that it was soft.

"He was actually strangled to death?"

Uncle Jiu stood up with a gloomy expression, and then when he looked up inadvertently, he saw many cats gathered on the eaves.

This is the tenth update to make up for yesterday, and I would like to thank the book friends for enduring the cold wind and talking alone, the book friends can’t stop taking medicine, the book friends struggle I golden, the book friends sf is so nervous, the book friends are even more miserable and painful, the book friends A reward from the power of your friend’s shadow!

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