Unify all heavens

Chapter 139 Night Talk (Part 1)

"Is that a blood stain?"

The moment he saw these cats, Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows.

Because the mouths of these cats, without exception, are stained with blood.

He thought for a while, then slowly took a few steps back, and then said to the gloomy Taoist Wuye: "Wuye, come on!"

Taoist Priest Wuye raised his head with confusion, then stood up and walked to Uncle Jiu and asked, "What's wrong, Senior Brother Ninth?"

Uncle Jiu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the eaves, then raised his hand and patted Taoist Wuye on the shoulder, and said at the same time: "Send me to the eaves here!"

Upon hearing this, Taoist Priest Wuye glanced at the eaves, then nodded and squatted down, then held his hands tightly between his thighs.

After Uncle Jiu glanced at him, he raised his left foot and stepped on Taoist Wuye's hand, then nodded.

At this moment, Taoist Priest Wu Ye opened his eyes and shouted loudly: "Get up!" As he spoke, he raised his hands vigorously.

The moment he raised his hand, Uncle Jiu stepped on his hands with his left foot, stepped on Taoist Wuye's shoulder with his right foot and jumped directly onto the eaves.

The people around were stunned when they saw this. They all looked at Uncle Jiu's back with dumbfounded eyes, and were speechless for a moment.

After jumping up to the eaves, Uncle Jiu's eyes were attracted by the corpse not far away.

This is a young man with a collapsed chest, and there are more than ten cats of different colors surrounding his chest.

Uncle Jiu narrowed his eyes and walked quickly to the corpse, then squatted down and waved away the cats around the corpse.



After the cats were driven away by him, he stretched out his fingers and pushed the corpse's cheek to the side.

When he saw the two tooth cavities on his neck, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes. Then he grabbed the corpse by its collar and prepared to take it down.

But when he picked up the body effortlessly, Uncle Jiu's expression changed instantly.

Because judging from the weight of this corpse, it looks like an empty shell.

He thought for a while and jumped off the eaves with the body.


When the people around saw Uncle Jiu jumping down from the eaves with a corpse, their expressions suddenly changed and they backed away.

Originally, when Taoist priest Wu Ye saw A Hao's body, he still felt a little lucky, thinking that A Qiang should still be alive, after all, A Qiang was not found next to A Hao's body.

But when Uncle Jiu brought down Aqiang's body and placed it on the ground, Taoist Wuye's face suddenly turned ugly.

He no longer knew how to explain to Mamadi that there were two apprentices in total, and now they were all dead.

When Uncle Jiu saw Taoist Wuye's ugly face, his expression darkened. Just when he was about to ask, Taoist Wuye shook his head and sighed, "This is Aqiang!"

Uncle Jiu sighed when he heard this, and then looked at the two corpses with complicated eyes.

In terms of seniority, he was still the uncle of these two corpses, but they met under such circumstances.

Uncle Jiu silently took out the magic talisman from his arms, and then said to Taoist Wu Ye: "You carry A Hao on your back, I will take A Qiang, let's go back to the Zombie Inn first!"

As he spoke, he picked up Aqiang's body. After Wuye Taoist Master carried Ahao on his back and grabbed his arm, he attached the magic talisman to his leg again.

The next moment, the wind blew violently.

The crowd around them stared blankly at the two living people and the two corpses that suddenly disappeared in front of them, and the scene fell silent for an instant.

A middle-aged aunt raised her hand with dull eyes and tugged on the clothes of the person next to her, and asked expressionlessly: "Am I dreaming?"

The man also replied expressionlessly: "I saw it too!"

The middle-aged aunt nodded, then took a deep breath the next moment, her face suddenly changed and she shouted: "Ghost!" Then she ran away in horror.

As she said 'ghost', the crowd around her immediately reacted and ran away in panic, shouting.


"Oh my God!"

At this time, a strong wind suddenly appeared in the Zombie Inn.

After the strong wind dissipated, the figures of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Wuye stood on the open space on the first floor of the Zombie Inn.

After hearing the sound coming from downstairs, Uncle Liu, who had just finished giving Ma Ma the medicine, slowly walked out of the house and looked downstairs.

Then, his face changed slightly, and he walked down the stairs slowly, holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

When he walked downstairs, Taoist Wu Ye and Uncle Jiu had already placed the bodies of A Hao and A Qiang on the floor.

Looking at the two corpses on the floor, Uncle Liu shook his head and sighed, "I didn't expect these two young men to be dead."

After he said this, the atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

At night, the stars are bright and the moon is high in the sky.

In the silent starry sky, two figures suddenly passed through the sky and landed not far from the Zombie Inn.

The moment he landed, Li Qing waved his hand to Jiang Fei and Nintendo to restrain their aura, and then he jumped slowly and cautiously towards the window of the inn, hiding his figure.

Because Li Qing jumped slowly and landed softly, the sound he made was minimal.

As he gradually approached the inn, he heard the voices of two men coming from the room.

"Senior Brother Ninth, Uncle Liu said that Senior Brother should wake up tonight. Please tell us how we should comfort him when he wakes up. Even if one of Ahao and Aqiang survives, I don't have to worry so much!"

"Taoist Master Wuye?"

The moment he heard the sound, Li Qing's heart moved.

Then he slowly jumped to the window and looked up.

Then his eyes instantly narrowed.

"Why is Uncle Ninth here too?"

In the room, Uncle Jiu was drinking wine silently while listening to the melancholy sighs of Taoist Wu Ye.

In fact, he has heard this sentence no less than five times today.

Seeing that the sky was getting late and Taoist Wu Ye was still melancholy, Uncle Jiu put the wine cup in his hand on the table, and then said in a deep voice: "Just relax, it's not you who killed A Hao and A Qiang. , why are you anxious, you should be thinking about how to deal with that zombie now!"

After saying this, Uncle Jiu slowly stood up.

Then, whether accidentally or intentionally, he put his hands behind his back and said: "I checked Aqiang's body in the afternoon. Because it was exposed to the sun, the corpse aura in the body had dissipated a lot, but there was still a trace of it. Judging from the concentration of this zombie aura, the zombie that bit Aqiang to death should be above the walking zombie!" while walking slowly towards the window where Li Qing was.

Seeing Uncle Jiu walking towards him, Li Qing's expression suddenly changed.

Because Uncle Jiu kept looking in his direction, Li Qing did not dare to move rashly for fear that he would accidentally make a sound and be silenced by Uncle Jiu.

Although Jiang Fei and Nintendo are not too far away from here, there is still some distance after all.

If Uncle Jiu made a sudden move, the two of them would not be able to rescue him in time, even if they were flying dead.

This is the first update for the 27th, and I plan to go to bed early tonight. Everyone, go to bed. The city lord will continue to code and pay off the debt early tomorrow. Thank you to the book friend Qianyu, the book friend is more painful, the book friend’s shadow power, Rewards for book friends who are dreaming all day and night, book friends who are fengben*wugen, book friends who are frightened all the way, book friends ewfgy, and book friends Yi Niang.

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