Unify all heavens

Chapter 137 Serious Injury


The moment he heard the screams, Uncle Jiu frowned subconsciously.

Although they hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, as they were both junior brothers, he knew the scream was Mami Di's.

Thinking of this, he frowned and walked quickly inside.

At this moment, a man's voice was heard.

"Captain, this mustache fainted again!"

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he ran quickly in the direction of the sound.

Just after he turned the corner and saw Mumadi's miserable appearance, he heard a man sitting on a chair in front of him say: "Huh? Fainted again? Why can't this mustache twitch so much!" He stretched as he said this He yawned, and then said: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if he faints, find me a piece of cloth and stuff it into his mouth, and then shoot him straight away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a middle-aged man with gray hair passing by him and walking straight towards the unconscious Mamadi.


The captain was stunned when he saw this, and then said angrily: "Hey! Who are you? Who let you in!"

Uncle Jiu ignored this voice, and just looked at his clothes with a gloomy expression, which was covered with blood, and his body was pockmarked with dozens of scars. Then he slowly turned to look at the captain and said coldly: "Sir, can you tell me what crime my junior brother committed?"

"Haha, what crime did he commit? He committed the crime of seeking wealth and murder!"

After the captain heard what Uncle Jiu said, he immediately sneered.

Uncle Jiu sneered when he heard this. How dare Momadi dare to seek wealth and murder?

He shook his head silently, then turned around and pinched his fingers, then pointed at the iron chain on his numb wrist and shouted softly: "Open!"


With the sound of the chain breaking, Mumadi immediately fell towards the ground.

Just when his body was about to hit the ground, Uncle Jiu took a step forward and held his shoulders.

He looked at the broken chain with his mouth open, and then at Uncle Jiu's back. His face suddenly changed and he pulled out a pistol from his waist. Then he pointed the pistol at Uncle Jiu and shouted in surprise: "You Who is this demon?! How dare you play magic in front of this captain!"

While he was speaking, Uncle Jiu had already carried Mami on his back.

Seeing this gray-haired middle-aged man treating him like nothing, the captain's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he put his finger on the trigger.

But just when he pulled the trigger, he saw Uncle Jiu's hands quickly making a seal on his chest, and then pointed at him.

Just when the captain was stunned, he suddenly found that the hand holding the pistol suddenly lifted up and pointed the gun at himself.

The captain was stunned for a moment, then raised his other hand and grabbed his gun-holding hand with a look of panic.

At this moment, he heard a voice coming from his ear.

"Sir, I will take my junior brother away first. By the way, I will find out the truth of this matter. If he really killed someone for money, I will personally send him here!"

After saying this, Uncle Jiu carried Momami away from the prison.


After hearing the sound of the door opening in the distance, the guard who had been standing there stupidly came back to his senses.

"Captain? Where are the people?"

He walked up to the captain and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

After Uncle Jiu left the prison, the captain found that his arm could be used again. Just when he was about to put the pistol back on his waist, he heard the guard's question.


After hearing this, the captain, who had been holding back his anger, smiled maliciously, waved his hand to the guard and said, "Come here and I'll talk to you!"

The guard did not doubt that he was there. After hearing the captain's voice, he took two steps forward and walked to him, and put his face in front of the captain.


Seeing the guard approaching, the captain immediately snorted twice, then fiercely slapped the guard in the face with his hand.


As the sound rang out, the guard was immediately whipped around in a circle.

"You still have the nerve to ask me? Haha, if you didn't say anything, I would have thought you were dead!"

When he said this, he was so angry that he stepped forward and kicked the guard hard.

At this time, Uncle Jiu had already walked out of the police station carrying Momami on his back.

When they were leaving the house, the two guards looked shocked when they saw Uncle Jiu actually carrying Momami out.

But at this time, Uncle Jiu was no longer in the mood to pay attention to these two people. As soon as he left the police station, he reached out and put a magic talisman on his leg, and then he turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the street in an instant.

Only the two guards with frightened expressions on their faces were left at the door of the police station, staring blankly at the street.

On the other side, in the Zombie Inn.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Taoist Master Wuye still didn't wait for Mamadi, so he was about to get up and leave, thinking of coming back at night.

But the moment he stood up, he felt a huge gust of wind in front of him, and then his eyes blurred.

The next moment, Mami was placed on the table covered in blood.

Taoist priest Wuye was stunned for a moment, then looked up.

When he saw Uncle Jiu's gray hair, his expression suddenly changed.

"Senior Brother Ninth! Your hair???"

Uncle Jiu shook his head slightly when he saw this, and then said: "I am not familiar with this place and don't know where the medical center is, so I can only carry it here!"

After listening to Uncle Jiu's words, Taoist Wuye looked at Mamadi.

After seeing Mumadi's miserable appearance, his face turned gloomy, and then he asked: "Senior brother, who was injured like this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mamadi, who was lying on the table, suddenly opened her eyes weakly.

The moment he saw Uncle Jiu, a look of urgency appeared in Mami's eyes. After coughing a few times, he grabbed Uncle Jiu's arm as if he had found his backbone, and then said angrily: "Master, Senior brother, my two apprentices, A Hao and A Qiang, were kidnapped by Ren Nintendo! You, you must, help me, help me."

Before he could finish his sentence, he passed out again because of his serious injuries.

Seeing Mamadi fainting again, a trace of worry flashed in Uncle Jiu's eyes, but he said with a coldness in his mouth: "I haven't even started training yet, so I will learn from others and accept disciples!"

After saying this, he frowned and asked Taoist Wuye beside him: "Wuye, do you know who this Nintendo is?"

Taoist Priest Wuye had a look of surprise on his face, narrowed his eyes and replied: "Ninten is an old man from Renjia Village, and he is also a walking corpse in my brother's shipment!"

Uncle Jiu's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he frowned and said, "In other words, Nintendo has become a zombie?"

When he finished saying this, he suddenly thought of the torn corpse-suppressing charms and other magical tools he saw on the street when he first entered Renjia Village.

Thinking of this, he added in a deep voice: "And the level is definitely not low!"

(The third update of Book Friend Confused De Zhu Wan reward will be released after completing the chapters on the outbreak and today’s chapter.)

This is the ninth update from yesterday. Thanks to book friend Chuzhong~縸遁, book friend 20170122153017000, book friend Kurosawa Eagle, book friend Mo Shuo Pong Wang, book friend said to be called Yu Jin, book friend what the hell 12, Rejected by book friends and rewarded by stallion writers!

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