Unify all heavens

Chapter 136 Prison (please subscribe)



In the dark prison, the sounds of whips waving one after another were heard loudly, accompanied by numb screams.


After hearing Mamadi's screams, a shirtless guard opposite him sneered and waved his whip again.



After four more whips, the shirtless guard suddenly found that his hands were numb and numb under the whips, and he didn't even scream.

The guard took a closer look and saw that Mumadi had fainted. He subconsciously looked back and glanced not far away.

In that position, there was a man sitting on a wooden chair and yawning.

After taking a look at the man, the guard took two cautious steps forward, then bent down and whispered: "Captain! Captain? That mustache fainted!"

After hearing what the guard said, the captain stretched, then yawned and said, "He passed out after just over twenty lashes? Douse him with water to wake him up and continue lashing him until he confesses!"


The guard nodded, then turned around and picked up a bucket of bitterly cold deep well water from the corner. Then he took two steps forward and with a 'swish' sound, poured all the water in the bucket onto the unconscious Mamadi.


The moment the biting well water splashed onto Mamadi's body, he screamed and woke up. Then, after taking a breath of air, he whispered weakly: "You, you arrested the wrong person, I, I didn't."

Before Mama could finish speaking, he saw the guard in front of him sneering and waving the whip with water in his hand.


As the whip drew a bloody mark on Mamadi's face, Mamadi's unfinished words were instantly swallowed into her stomach, and then she let out a miserable cry.

"I told you not to admit it!"

"I told you not to admit it!"

The guard waved his whip vigorously while gritting his teeth and chanting fiercely with a ferocious expression.



As the whip whipped faster and faster, Mamadi's eyes suddenly showed a dazed look.

On the street not far from the prison, Uncle Jiu was walking with worried eyes.

He held a compass in his hand, and underneath the compass was pressed the Ma Ma Di Bagua Mirror.

Relying on the faint breath on the Bagua Mirror, Uncle Jiu slowly approached the prison.

He raised his head and glanced at the high-walled compound in front of him, and his face suddenly looked astonished.

"Police station?"

Could it be that Momadi committed something and was imprisoned?

Uncle Jiu thought about this and walked towards the police station where there was a wooden plaque hanging on it.

Under the plaque of the police station, two guards were chatting.

A younger guard looked at the sky, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "It's finally dawn, and I finally made it through the whole night! I must go to the Baiyuan Garden in the next village after receiving my pay. Merry merry!”

After hearing what he said, the middle-aged guard next to him sighed: "Xiao Han, it's not that I'm talking about you. You must know that the word sex means a knife. If you always play like this, you will hurt your body. It's better to be like my brother." I’ll go to the south of the village to gamble a bit, it’s not only safe but also exciting!”

Hearing this, the young guard chuckled and said, "Brother Liu, why did I hear that when you were young, you stayed in the Baihua Pavilion day and night? I'm afraid you changed your interest after you found it useless!"

Hearing his words, the middle-aged guard suddenly smiled awkwardly. Just when he was thinking about how to respond, he saw a middle-aged man with gray hair walking towards them.

After seeing this middle-aged man, the middle-aged guard's eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to greet him before he stepped onto the steps. Then he glared and said, "What do you do? Don't you know this is a police station?" No idlers can wander in!"

Listening to the middle-aged guard's words, Uncle Jiu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Master, I'm new here and I want to ask you about someone!"

As he spoke, he took out a silver dollar and put it into the middle-aged guard's arms.

Seeing Uncle Jiu being so arrogant, the middle-aged guard suddenly smiled and said: "You can ask me all you want about little things. Don't dare to say anything else. But in our Renjia Village, from the squire to the village chief to the homeless and beggar, there is no one like me." Old Liu Tou doesn’t know!”

Uncle Jiu smiled slightly when he heard this, and then asked: "What I am looking for is a middle-aged man with a mustache, loose clothes, and who likes to stare."

As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he saw the guard's expression change, and then he heard him say: "Is this middle-aged man particularly unhygienic? Is he picking his nose or scratching his butt?"

Uncle Jiu's face changed slightly when he heard this, and then he put another silver dollar into the guard's arms, and then asked tentatively: "Does the official know this person?"

The middle-aged guard glanced at Uncle Jiu, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, but with a smile on his face. Then he patted Uncle Jiu on the shoulder and said, "I know, for the sake of your two silver coins, I will take you with me." You can go find him!"

Although Uncle Jiu saw the cold light flashing in the guard's eyes, he didn't care in his heart. He pretended not to know and smiled slightly: "Then there is Mr. Lao!"

The guard's eyes flashed with coldness again, but on the surface he smiled and waved his hands and said, "Isn't it what our police department should do to help the people with small things?"

As he spoke, he turned around and said, "Come with me, and I will take you to see him right now!"

When passing by the young guard, the young guard glanced at Uncle Jiu, frowned suddenly, and then asked: "Brother? Who is this?"

The middle-aged guard smiled strangely and said pointedly: "That relative with the mustache!"


The young guard screamed strangely, then blinked at the middle-aged guard and said, "Brother, everyone who meets you has a share!"


The middle-aged guard said nothing, just smiled, and then led Uncle Jiu into the police station.

Compared with before, after entering the police station, the guard's face became colder. Without saying a word along the way, he led Uncle Jiu straight into the prison.


As the iron door of the prison opened, Uncle Jiu's expression changed slightly.

Did Mamadi really commit a crime?

Just as he was thinking this, he felt a force coming from his back, and then he involuntarily staggered forward and stepped into the dark and damp prison.




Along with the sound of the whip, the scream of a middle-aged man and the vicious voice of gritted teeth reached Uncle Jiu's ears.

"Let's see if you tell me or not!"

"If you don't say thirty lashes, I'll give you fifty lashes!"


This is the eighth update to make up for yesterday, and I would like to thank the book friends whose nicknames are no longer used, the book friends fall in love with the dream of destroying the world, the book friends take care of the world with a flick of their sleeves, the book friends start with a heartbeat and finally lose their heads, the book friends light up cigarettes and smoke trolls, the book friends Youmo ask for rewards from Dao Ye and book friend ewfgy!

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