Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 9: My explosion magic? No, it's my explosion magic!

"We need to recruit companions."

After taking a bath, shaking the empty baby bottle, he said to Akua and Sato Kazuma: "We are too weak now, and we urgently need to increase the number of adventurer team members."

"But, will anyone join?"

Sato Kazuma squeezed his clean chin, "We are all novice adventurers, no one should choose to join us."

"No, there will be!" Zhou Fangwu was full of determination.

Huihui and Darkness haven't joined yet, this team is incomplete!

It's just that the time for the three of them to embark on the road of adventurers has been much earlier. Will they still meet Huihui and Darkness?

Zhou Fangwu expressed doubts.

However, the fate of things will always be so similar, how can the constriction of the timeline be changed by ordinary people?

The next day, the Adventurer's Guild.

The three sat at the wooden table, waiting for their teammates to join.

A little girl about 13 or 4 years old stood beside the crowd and introduced herself loudly.

"I've read the recruitment announcement! My name is Huihui, my profession is a great magister, and I am the one who controls the strongest magic [Explosion Magic]!"

She has smooth short black hair and a lovely face, her red eyes glow slightly, her face is very pale with malnourished 'poverty', although she is wearing a magician's robe and a high hat, she still wears a blindfold on her face for some reason , the aura around him is also very weird.

She is Huihui.

finally come!

In order to ensure a smooth encounter with Hui Hui and Darkness, Zhou Fangwu posted a notice that specifically marked the selection threshold of "only superior occupations".

Although two of the three are senior occupations, they are all novices. Generally, experienced senior occupations will not choose to join, which greatly guarantees the smooth joining of Huihui and Darkness.

To be honest, Zhou Fangwu was already prepared to wait here for half a month.

But unexpectedly, due to fate, Huihui also showed up early.

"Huihui... is that right? Please sit down first." Zhou Fangwu pulled away the chair next to him with a happy face, motioning for her to sit down quickly.

"Hey, senior Zhou Fang, are you really okay, I always feel that something is wrong with her."

Sato Kazuma leaned close to Zhou Fangwu's ear, and said, "This girl, you can tell that she has a brain problem at a glance!"

Kazuma Sato has always been in strange places and has an extremely keen intuition.

Is this super lucky?

Really want!

Akuya looked at it and asked, "Those red eyes... are you the Crimson Demons? Crimson Demons have strange names and behaviors that are different from ordinary people, but they are born with high intelligence and magic power, and most of them have The potential to become a great magister."

"That's it!"

Hearing Akua's question, Megumi nodded and handed over the adventurer card, and at the same time said weakly on the table: "Well, I have a heartless request... Before the interview, can I have something to eat first?" I haven't eaten for three days."

Huihui looked at the three of them pitifully, and at the same time, there was a heart-rending 'grunt' sound from her stomach.

"Before the interview, of course, you have to fill your stomach first."

Zhou Fang handed over the menu to Huihui, and at the same time checked her adventurer card.

"The value is so high! Is she really only level 6?"

"Indeed, the magic value is also very high. If she can really explode magic, it will be really amazing!"

Akuya and Sato Kazuma yelled at the side, saying that they made a lot of money.

Zhou Fangwu, who knew the truth, didn't say anything, but said meaningfully: "The specifics need to be verified in practice, so let's enjoy the food first."

After eating and drinking, the three of them came to the plain outside Novice Village.

A giant toad spotted the four of them, and rushed towards them bouncing around.

"I would like to state in advance that although explosion magic is the strongest magic in the explosion system, it takes a long time to prepare. On the contrary, please hold that giant toad until I am ready."

Huihui stood on a high place in the plain, adjusted her aura, and gave orders to the three people beside her.

"Oh, leave it to us!" The three replied.

At this moment, another giant toad also spotted several people not far away.

"Tsk, there's one more!"

Sato Kazuma clicked his tongue, the toad slime bath hurt him a lot.

"Satou-kun, Aqua, I entrust you with the other giant toad."

Zhou Fangwu focused his attention on Huihui who was about to release the explosion magic, "I want to try 'that' and see if it works."

Sato Kazuma immediately understood what Zhou Fangwu meant, "Oh, it's up to you, Senior Zhou Fang!"

That's right!

Now is the time to verify Zhou Fangwu's ability, he wants to test whether he can imitate Huihui's explosion magic!

[A master swordsman who cannot burst magic is not a good adventurer! 】

"Let's go, Aqua!"


Sato Kazuma took the blessing strengthening magic added by Aqua to contain the giant toad that had already run nearby.

Huihui's preparations were also finished here, and she chanted a spell that was extremely reminiscent of the second disease.

"Blacker than black, darker than darkness, let me place my true red golden light here. When the time of awakening comes, the degenerate principles of the absurd church will appear as invisible distortions.

Let's dance, let's dance, let's dance.

The collapse of the original wish of my power, the collapse that no one can match, will burn all the phenomena of the world and come down from the abyss.

This is the strongest attack method of human beings, and it is also the most extreme attack magic!

! "

A large amount of magic power was released from Huihui's body, and a flash of light fell from the sky. With the dazzling light, waves and loud noises shaking the surrounding air, the sharp blast pushed Zhou Fangwu back half a meter.


The smoke and dust from the explosion covered the sky and the sun, and the endless wind and sand came blowing along with the giant toad's flesh that was blown into pieces. The giant toad's original position only left a giant crater, and the surrounding area was exuding unbearable heat.

"So strong!"

Zhou Fangwu sincerely praised, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com This might destroy the world!

"But now it's mine!"

Parsing started...parsing done...imitation started...imitation complete!

【Acquire Explosion Magic】

He took out his adventurer card, which showed that he had learned the explosion magic.

Not only that, Zhou Fangwu also learned [high-speed chant], [magic power expansion], [magic power throttling], etc., which are very practical additional skills.

Presumably, these are what Megumin learned to improve her explosion magic.

However, these have all become Zhou Fangwu's!

"Help me... help me, Senior Zhou Fang!!"

Kazuma Sato was running on the grassland, with the giant toad chasing after him, like a leopard chasing a girl with a syrup in her hand.

"Sato-kun, increase your speed, I'll save you!"

Huihui, who had released the explosion magic, was already lying on the ground and couldn't get up. Now he could only rely on Zhou Fangwu to save him.

Immediately, Zhou Fangwu picked up Huihui's staff and began to chant magic.

"Blacker than black, darker than darkness, please place my true red golden light here. When the time of awakening comes, the depraved principles of the absurd church will appear as invisible distortions.

Let's dance, let's dance, let's dance.

The collapse of the original wish of my power, the collapse that no one can match, will burn all the phenomena of the world and come down from the abyss.

! "

A flash of light fell from the sky, and a huge explosion resounded throughout the plain again, chasing Sato and the really giant toad that was blown up to ashes.

"This, this is... my explosion magic?!"

"No, it's my explosion magic!"

PS: Everyone, count the votes! please!

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