Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 10: Megumi enlists in the army

It is still the Adventurer's Guild.

"Please don't be joking! The great magister doesn't know conventional magic, what's the matter with burst magic?!"

"I'm not kidding! I really only know explosion magic!"



"Didn't you lie?"

"No lie!"

Sato Kazuma looked at Megumin with disgust, leaned close to Zhou Fangwu's ear, and whispered, "Senior Zhou Fang, we can't let her join our team!"

"Why?" Zhou Fangwu looked at him amusedly.

"Aren't you kidding me only with explosion magic? From this point of view, she's just useless, a problem child of the same level as Aqua! We already have one problem child in our team, so we can't add any more! "

Sato Kazuma said sinisterly: "Anyway, senior Zhou Fang has learned her explosion magic secretly, she is useless, so abandon her!"

Sato Kazuma deserves to be synonymous with insidious villains, and he really brings villains.

However, Zhou Fangwu will not let him succeed.

"Satou-kun, Megumin can explode magic, it's a very rare talent! And—"

Zhou Fangwu looked at Huihui, and said seriously, "It's not that you can't be an adventurer if you only know how to use explosion magic!"

"But, Megumin who only knows explosion magic is useless in the dungeon! And after releasing the explosion magic, won't she just become a burden?"

Sato Kazuma strives to exclude Megumi, not wanting her to join the team.

"Then don't accept the mission of the dungeon, or let us complete the mission of the dungeon, wouldn't it be fine?"

Zhou Fangwu comforted Sato Kazuma, trying to make him accept Megumin, "You have also seen the power of explosion magic, don't you admit its destructive power?"

"If you have to say that, it's true..."

Sato Kazuma shuddered suddenly when he thought of the explosion magic released by Megumin.

The power was too terrifying, which left a deep impression on him.

"Right! There's nothing that can't be solved with a burst of magic. If there is, then another shot!"

Zhou Fangwu patted Sato Kazuma on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "I am not omnipotent, you don't understand the truth that two fists can defeat four hands, right? Don't give in to the present, and look to the future, Sato-kun. "

In the end, Sato Kazuma, full of pain, agreed to Huihui to join the team.

"Huihui, after discussion, we have agreed for you to join the team."

Zhou Fangwu smiled and said to her: "We are eager for a genius like you to join us!"


Huihui didn't expect that she would be accepted by the team one day.

You know, after the previous team members discovered that she could only burst magic, they all bluntly said that she was not suitable to be an adventurer and expelled her from the team.

How could it be like now, there are still teams who will praise her as a genius and still yearn for her to join? !

"Of course, joining us is conditional!"

"What conditions?"

"Your magic..."

"No! I don't want to learn other magic!"

Before Zhou Fangwu finished speaking, Hui Hui interrupted him not to continue.

The previous team also raised this issue, but Hui Hui rejected them all, which was why she didn't have an adventurer team to ask for her.

"If you learn other magical adventures, it will be easier..." Sato Kazuma wanted to persuade her.

"I refuse!" Huihui caressed the staff lightly, then her eyes narrowed slightly, she declared like this:

"I only love explosion magic, and I only know explosion magic. Explosion magic is all I have!"

It can be seen that no one can shake her determination.

"That's amazing!" Akuya was moved by Megumin's determination.

"No, you misunderstood."

Zhou Fangwu tapped the table, "I'm not asking you to give up the explosion magic, on the contrary, I also ask you to increase the damage of the explosion magic as much as possible."


Hui Hui was at a loss.

"To be honest, our team has a mission."


"Yes, the mission, the mission to defeat the devil."

"The Demon King?!"

As soon as you said this, Huihui became energetic.

Her face was flushed, and she looked at Zhou Fangwu with red eyes, "What you said is true?"

"Senior Zhou Fang, it's not good to say this to her." Sato Kazuma pulled Zhou Fangwu, not wanting him to continue talking.

But this also exposed the fact that Zhou Fangwu was telling the truth.

"It doesn't matter, we are companions. And explosion magic is the best way to deal with the devil king, and it is also the strongest magic of human beings that can defeat the devil king!"

There are thousands of kinds of magic, bursting is the first.

"The power of explosion magic is obvious to all, and it is not unreasonable to use it as the main means of defeating the devil. Even under certain circumstances, Megumi's explosion magic has a higher priority than Aqua's weakening magic!"

"As mentioned above, Huihui, we need you, we need your explosion magic!"

Zhou Fangwu stretched out his right hand to her, "How about it, do you want to join us?"

"I wish I could!"

Huihui held Zhou Fangwu's hand tightly with great enthusiasm and did not let go, "I will definitely do my best for the team and present the most powerful and gorgeous explosion magic!"

Huihui has already fantasized about the moment when she defeats the Demon King.

At that time, her long-cherished wish will definitely be fulfilled, and someone will definitely say: "This is the most powerful explosion magic I have ever seen!"

She is so hilarious!

"Welcome to the [Hero] team, little loli." Sato Kazuma saw that he couldn't change the result, so he began to bully her.

"Hey, I have the name 'Hui Hui', don't call me little loli, you pervert and true!"

"You remove the titles of pervert and true first, and then talk about it, junior!"

Megumi just joined and got together with Sato Kazuma, and she integrated into the team very quickly.

Zhou Fang handed the menu to Akuya, asked her to order some food, and said at the same time: "Then, let's recruit more people."

"Do you want to recruit more people?"

Akuya quickly ordered a few delicacies. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"The configuration of the team is not perfect, and other members are needed to join." Pass the menu to Megumin and Sato Kazuma, and ask them to order their favorite food.

"It's good that the next teammate isn't a problem child like 'Little Lolita'."

"Call me 'Huihui'! And I'm not a problem child!"

Huihui scanned the menu, pointed to the slightly more expensive set meal and asked, "Can I order this?"


General Zhou Fang handed the menu to the waitress and said, "Please give this great magister a children's set menu."

"Okay, I know."

The sweet and cheerful waitress took away the menu with a smile on her face.

While everyone was waiting for the food to be served, a cold female voice came from behind them.

"Excuse me, are you recruiting teammates?"


Are you here too.

"Yes, that's right!"

The person talking to everyone is a female knight, and she is also a super beautiful blonde girl! The whole body is covered in pure white armor, with no visible body shape, but quite feminine.

She is a full-fledged iceberg beauty type!

By the way, who are you? !

My Darkness can't be this beautiful!

Oh, we just met, it's okay.

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