Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 8: First venture failed miserably

"Why did it become like this?"

"Having excellent equipment and the ability to cheat like a cheat, two things that complement each other coincide, but they didn't complete the commission neatly..."

"Why on earth is this!"

In Axel Novice Village, Zhou Fangwu, Akuya, and Sato Kazuma sat wet and sticky on the main road, their eyes were absent, revealing endless confusion about the future, and they stared blankly at the sky.

"Looking at the sky~"


Aqua couldn't stop crying.

She was very wronged, as a goddess, she didn't have the majesty of a goddess. Instead, she was ravaged by junior monsters from Xinshou Village.

Sato Kazuma stepped aside in disgust and pretended not to know each other, Zhou Fangwu also wanted to leave but was held tightly by Akuya and couldn't move, and passers-by looked over with strange eyes.

never mind.

There is a saying that goes, 'As long as I don't feel embarrassed, it's someone else who is embarrassed. '

Good guy, old Ah Q is gone.

"Akuya, don't cry, let's take a bath first."

Zhou Fangwu comforted Akuya, who was still crying, and pulled her up from the ground, "It's so dirty that it hurts your image as a goddess. Let's talk about the team after taking a shower."

"Yeah." Akuya stopped crying.

The three of them rushed to the public bathhouse and washed themselves well.

The cause of the matter started from the purchase of equipment yesterday——

"100,000 Eris is especially important to us as novice adventurers. There is definitely no need to worry about equipment, but there is a problem that we want to consider."

Zhou Fangwu threw the money bag up and down, and said to the two: "The choice of equipment is very important!"

"The choice of equipment?"

"What's the meaning?"

Aqua and Sato Kazuma looked puzzled.

"100,000 Eris, if we just buy ordinary novice equipment, we can indeed arm us to the teeth, but soon, we will change the equipment again."

This is the same as the game mode of character development, upgrading and fighting monsters in Japanese RPG.

The protagonist is a brave man who defeated the devil. The initial level is very weak, but as he embarks on the road to defeat the devil, the level will increase a little bit, and the skills will become stronger and stronger. Of course, the equipment will be replaced generation by generation.

You can't let the brave take a small wooden stick to beat the devil.

At least it has to be a holy sword!

It doesn't matter if the 100,000 Eris in front of them is their own, as long as they have enough equipment for the next stage before their level rises to a certain level.

Make money—invest in buying equipment—make more money—reinvest in buying equipment, so that a good cycle can be formed.

But the current problem is:

The money was not their own, it was borrowed from Wiz.

After working hard to upgrade the level, I finally saved enough money to buy the equipment for the next stage, but it can only be used to pay off foreign debts.

This will lead to the formation of faults in equipment.

You may be thinking, "Isn't there still [Cabbage Harvest Battle] coming soon?"

Granted, there will be a nice side income during the harvest season.

But it's just a matter of dismantling things and making up for things, filling in the current shortfall with future money.

In the final analysis, we still have to pay for the present.

But if the money is used wisely, buying less low-level equipment and buying one or two high-level equipment, wouldn't it be possible to save money?

It's time to skip this stage and go straight to the next stage.

No one would not understand the principle of fast step by step, right?


The problem arises here!

The three of them are all novice adventurers. In order to develop a tacit understanding among the three, they chose a commission that novice adventurers must do.

—Fight the giant toad.

Giant toads, or giant frogs, are the lowest level monsters that often attack cattle and sheep in the farmland, and novices who are "fully armed" as the counter lady said can easily defeat them.

With Zhou Fangwu's sword worth 40,000 Eris on his waist, Sato Kazuma holding a bow and arrow worth 30,000 Eris and a dagger worth 20,000 Eris, can't destroy the mere monsters in Xinshou Village?

By the way, Aqua is holding a staff worth 5,000 Eris.

As a goddess, she can do without a staff, but seeing that the other two have new equipment, she cried and asked Zhou Fangwu to buy one for her too.

I had no choice but to buy her a staff too.

And this staff is nothing special, it just looks good.

5 thousand Eris, heartache!

The three of them set off from Novice Village to the plain confidently, and saw three giant toads standing on the grass.

200 meters from the Giant Toad.

Zhou Fang held the sword in his hand and said to the two of them: "Akuya blesses and strengthens me. I will attract the monsters and restrain them. Sato-kun will hit them one by one with the longbow."

"it is good!"

"give it to me!"

Afterwards, Akua gave Zhou Fangwu a blessing to strengthen his magic, and Zhou Fangwu kicked his legs on the ground and rushed out at an extremely fast speed, heading straight for the three giant toads.

Zhou Fangwu's positioning is very clear, that is to use it as a bait to attract the attention of monsters and create opportunities for Sato Kazuma to kill monsters.

Among the three, he has the best physical ability and is also the most suitable candidate for bait.

Zhou Fangwu didn't have the idea of ​​attacking with a knife, and the knife in his hand was just for emergencies. He knew that he didn't know any skills at all, and the knife was just slashing randomly. Put yourself in danger.

So, just keep your head down and run!

Akuya's additional blessings are also strengthening magic in terms of lightness and endurance.

"Sato-kun, it's now!"

As they involved and attracted hatred, the three giant toads lined up to chase Zhou Fangwu's pace, revealing the best attack gap and time.

"Oh, look at me!"

Sato Kazuma's eyes were fixed, the bowstring in his hand was tensed, and then he let go of the arrow.

'call out! '

The arrow shot straight at the giant toad behind Zhou Fangwu, and then...the shot missed...

Missed? !

Made a mistake? !

"What are you doing, good-for-nothing Kazuma!"


Akuya yelled and cursed, Sato Kazuma also stood on the spot in a daze, he never thought that he would miss the shot, normally speaking, shouldn't he be the one who carried the audience and became the best Mvp?

"Ah, so that's the case, I don't know how to use a bow~"

The current Sato Kazuma is only a level 1 adventurer, and has not yet learned the skills of bow and arrow. Of course, it is impossible to hit the target at a super long distance.

Even Zhou Fangwu had forgotten this point!

It's over!

Zhou Fangwu is not an iron man either, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com gradually exhausted his strength, and was swallowed into his mouth by a giant toad chasing after him.

"Wu, I'm here to save you! Damn it, Shenguangquan!"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu being swallowed, Akuya immediately ran over from a distance, and with a shining light in her hand, she punched the giant toad's belly, causing waves of fleshy flesh.

Aqua, failed to penetrate the enemy's armor!

Strike skills have no effect on giant toads!

"...Boy, take a closer look, the toad is actually quite cute." The sense of sight once again appeared in front of his eyes, and then Akua was swallowed.

"Senior Zhou Fang!! Aqua!!"

Sato Kazuma, who is the only hope, hurried over to save the world. Since the bow and arrow can't hit it, then use the dagger!

"Ooooh! Take it!"

Afterwards, he was swallowed by the giant toad that was left.

A radish and a hole, three toads sitting in a row.

completely annihilated!

At this time, Zhou Fangwu, who was in the mouth of the giant toad, recalled the real meaning of "fully armed" that the counter lady of the Adventurer's Union said.

—Giant toads are disgusted with adventurers covered in iron.

"Ah, die to me!"

In the end, it was Zhou Fangwu who used the excellent sword in his hand to attack the giant toad from the inside, breaking its chest and abdomen and killing it.

Then he killed and devoured Aqua and Sato Kazuma two giant toads, and rescued them.

Luckily the giant toad doesn't move during digestion, otherwise it would have been even more troublesome.

PS: There are at least 10 memes in this chapter, how many have you found?

In addition, please recommend tickets, please collect!

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