Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 53: Operation of Akuya Zhixi

After parting with Sato Kazuma, Zhou Fangwu did not go straight back to the mansion, but instead went to the Adventurer's Guild.

There was an uproar in the guild.

The adventurers are scattered in every corner in groups of three or four, some are bragging about their heroic deeds, some are talking about what they have gained today, and some male adventurers are whispering about secret gossip.

Noisy, the atmosphere is extremely cheerful.

The life of an adventurer is so unpretentious and...not boring.

"Welcome-! Ah, it's Zhou Fang-kun, you're here."

"Yo, Luna, good evening."

"good evening."

Although the Adventurer's Union will also operate until late at night, not all the waiters will work overtime, and only one or two waiters will be left every day.

Today, it happened to be the counter lady—Luna.

Luna, a flower of the Adventurer's Guild.

If one had to describe her in one sentence, then "an older young woman who yearns for a happy marriage" would be the most suitable for her.

to be honest.

Luna's appearance is well-known in the Adventurer's Guild, needless to say, her plump but huge chest attracts most of the male adventurers to pay their respects.

But for some reason, despite her superior appearance, no one came to strike up a conversation and took away this delicate and charming rose.

"Are you on duty today?"

"It's me. Mr. Zhou Fang, do you want to order?"

"No, forget it tonight."

Luna smiled and wanted to take Zhou Fangwu to sit aside, but Zhou Fangwu bluntly refused.

"I'm here to receive the task bounty."

Zhou Fangwu explained the purpose of his visit.

"The [Exorcism of the Mansion's Evil Spirit] task I received before was completed last night, so I'm here today to collect the bounty."

"Ah, that's right! Unexpectedly, it was Zhou Fangjun's team that completed this mission. It's amazing!"

Luna praised him in surprise, and then turned to take him to the counter.

"Zhou Fang-jun, please follow me."

Coming to the counter, Luna began to go through the formalities.

She is proficient in business, and she flew up quickly, and she cleared all the mission rewards in a short while.

"Here is 1.5 million Eris, which is the entire mission bounty."

"Oh, thanks."

General Zhou Fang put away the money and asked again:

"By the way, what's going on with this mission, why are there so many evil spirits gathered in the mansion, do you know the reason?"

"what about this…"

Luna pointed her chin with her slender fingers, and after careful consideration, she said, "Isn't there a public cemetery near that mansion? Because someone played a prank, a large enchantment was set up in the cemetery. Therefore, there is no evil place in the residence." Ling followed the trend and moved into the empty mansion."



Is it really you, Aqua!

As expected of you!

When he saw this task, he already knew that Akuya must be lazy, simply set up a large enchantment and just let it go, and he definitely didn't think about the consequences of doing so.

Tsk, doesn't it appear that I'm deliberately planning a mansion?

An honest boy would never do such a shameless thing!

Forget it, the 1.5 million Eris is worthless!

Return it to that noble lord, and treat it as an extra 1.5 million Eris when buying a house.

At this time, an adventurer who wanted to order was calling her loudly.

"Luna—! This way, this way—!"

"Okay! Come right away, please wait a moment!"

After Luna responded loudly, she asked again: "Zhou Fang-jun, do you have any questions?"

"No, no, thank you."

"Then I'm sorry."


Luna got up to entertain the guests, and Zhou Fangwu also left the Adventurer's Guild after recovering.

Back to the mansion in the suburbs.

"I am back."

"Welcome back, Wu!"

Akuya was half lying on the sofa, and when she saw Zhou Fangwu came back, she greeted him lazily.

When she saw only Zhou Fangwu appeared, she asked aloud, "Hey, where did Kazuma go?"

"Did Hezhen come back with Wu?"

Aqua felt very strange not seeing Kazuma Sato.

"Sato-kun will not be coming back tonight."

Zhou Fangwu lied to Akuya, who was owed IQ, "He has some things to do...very important things."

The tone is slightly aggravated, appearing to be serious.

"Things, what's the matter?"

Akuya was even more surprised, "That guy Kazuma is just a nerd, what important things can there be?"

"A matter related to his future!" Zhou Fangwu fooled her ambiguously.

"Let's not talk about this first..."

In order to dispel her inquisitive curiosity, she turned to the question of the evil spirit in the mansion.

"By the way, Akuya, do you know where the evil spirits in this mansion come from?"


"Public cemetery next to the mansion."


Akuya, who was half lying on the sofa, immediately stiffened.

She seemed to know why.

"It seems that you have thought of it."

Zhou Fangwu directly pointed out the reason, "That's right, it's the task of [purifying the cemetery] that I asked you to do earlier."

"...Because of the large barrier I set up, those spirits couldn't go home, so..."

Akuya's face instantly became mentally retarded.

I thought the spirits would dissipate automatically, but I didn't expect that they ran to this mansion instead and caused huge troubles to others.

She does it every time.

The mind-stopping operations continued one after another, but in the end, she always wiped her **** helplessly.

"Akua, you..."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry—!"

Before Zhou Fangwu could say anything, Akuya jumped up instantly, holding his head firmly and not letting go.

"Hey, let go, let go quickly!"

Zhou Fangwu understood that she didn't mean anything else.

He simply wanted Zhou Fangwu to deduct her pocket money so that she would have spare money to buy bubble wine next month.

It's just that the posture of the two of them at this time is extremely indecent.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu's head happened to be buried in her chest.

"Alright, Akua, I don't mean to blame you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Zhou Fangwu comforted her and said, "It's just the combination of the task and the purchase of a luxury house, which makes me feel guilty of defrauding others."

"Eh? Yes, I'm sorry."

Aqua apologized in a low voice.

"It's okay, so in order to fill up the guilt, I decided to return the 1.5 million Eris reward for this time, is that okay?"

"Wu said so..."

She was supposed to pay for the mistakes she made, so what could she say?

"That's it, let me go, Aqua."

Akuya let go of her hands, allowing Zhou Fangwu to feel the beauty of the air again.

"Aqua, where are Darkness and Megumin?"

Zhou Fangwu turned around but didn't see the two women, so he asked aloud.

"Darkness has been staying in the room since she came back, and Megumin has already rested after taking a bath."

"Then why don't you go to rest?"

"Me? I'm waiting for Wu to come back."

Akua raised her bright smiling face and looked at him with a smile, that beautiful face was right in front of her eyes.


The heart beat hard.

not good!

this feeling is...

Shaking his head, he threw out the unrealistic delusion in his mind.

"I'm tired, I'm so tired today."

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly changed the topic, "I'll take a shower and then go to sleep, Akuya will go to sleep first."

"Well, Wu also rests earlier."

After getting the answer, Akua bounced away.

Zhou Fangwu calmed down and went to the bathroom.

ps: Sorry for the late update, there will be a chapter to summarize later, and the readers will report the results.

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