Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

: On March 7th, test the water and launch the line, and achieve it!

First of all, thank you readers for your support.

With recommendation tickets and collection rewards, we have the motivation to continue coding.

Because of your strong support, we were able to enter the next round of recommendation and have a higher exposure rate.

Thank you very much!


how to say.

It feels unreal.

There are very few fans of "Su Qing", and there are not many fans who use "Su Qing" as the main world!

To be honest, I was a little apprehensive.

When I started writing, it was my hobbies that drove me.

Thinking in my heart:

[Even if no one reads it, I still want to write it down! 】

But with more readers and more feedback, it makes us feel that we are not alone in the stand-alone game, and we are not self-imagining and deep in the delusions of self-indulgence.

We are newcomers after all.

Pure newcomer!

Some ideas, logic, writing style, etc., are definitely not as good as those big names who have been famous for a long time.

But we will not admit defeat!

Learn from the master's writing style, learn from the master's conception, and learn from the master's logical framework!

Absorb their experience and turn it into your own cornerstone, absolutely must write your own novel, and give everyone a satisfactory result!

I thought the first round was going to sink, but I didn't expect to start exerting strength halfway through, pushing us in abruptly!

Is this the power of the readers?

Love love love!

Report on the results of this week.

Collection increase 2500+/recommended increase 900+

Sure enough, Master Reader's power is great.

At this point, this week's water testing is over, but next week's recommendation is coming again!

So we have the cheek to ask everyone to vote for more recommendations and add more favorites!

Our fate is in your hands!

【I really want more people to read this book! 】


Help the kids!

Because I am a newcomer, I don't understand many things.

I don’t have the awareness of self-control on the update time and the amount of updates, and I can’t even find this book anywhere when I go to the app’s category push.

How to improve rankings, how to stick comments to the top, how to turn on voting, how to set the highlights of this book, how to change character cards, how to calculate rankings...

blah blah blah, I don't know all about it.

but i know a

— That is to write your own writing style and dedicate the best novels to everyone!


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