Everyone gathered in the restaurant of the newly moved mansion, eating breakfast in silence.

Happy to move to a new house and have a hearty breakfast in the empty restaurant.

It feels good.

It's just that the atmosphere is a little awkward.

"That... I was wrong, I was really wrong, please forgive me."

Sato Kazuma admitted his mistake in a low voice, and his attitude was very sincere.


Aqua did not choose to forgive him after hearing his apology.

After snorting coldly, he asked him again loudly, "Hezhen lived in the brigade last night, did he look down on me?"

It turned out that Kazuma Sato did not live in the mansion last night, but ran to a hotel in the town to stay.

"I thought that as a goddess and part-time high priest, I couldn't get rid of the evil spirits of the mansion, so the timid Kazuma sneaked out to stay in the hotel, didn't he?!"

The more Akuya spoke, the angrier she became, and she slammed the table.

She felt that Sato Kazuma was looking down on herself and didn't believe in her professional ability as a goddess, so she was very angry.

"That's right, I didn't expect Kazuma to abandon us."

Hui Hui insulted him mercilessly, "As expected of a scumbag and Zhen, he is really a sinister and villain."

In fact, Megumi blamed Sato Kazuma for not blaming him for not staying in the mansion last night, but for not calling her when he left.

'Do you know how much mental torture I endured last night, why did you sneak out by yourself! ! '

She growled inwardly and annoyed at the same time.

That's right, since I'm afraid of evil spirits, wouldn't it be good to go out and stay for one night!

Why didn't she think of this method?

Isn't it okay to come back after Aqua, Darkness, and Zhou Fangwu have expelled the evil spirits?

Why do you still have to live here?

Why is she so stupid!

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Sato Kazuma clasped his hands together, and bowed his head in a rare way to admit his mistake, "I was the first person to focus on the puppet possessed by the evil spirit last night, and I hid in a moment of fear."

Oh I got it.

No wonder, I didn't see him after making such a loud noise last night. It turned out that I was too afraid to run away because of being scared by the evil spirit.

"Senior Zhou Fang..."

Sato Kazuma winked at Zhou Fangwu, hoping that he would say good things for him and strive for forgiveness.


Zhou Fangwu sighed and did not intercede for him.

Has anyone abandoned their teammates?

It was indeed Sato Kazuma who did wrong in this matter, and this move was really excessive, so it is not to blame Akua and the others for not forgiving Sato Kazuma.

Darkness, on the other hand, did not participate in the whole process.

Without saying a word, she silently ate the food in front of her.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that her thoughts have drifted to nowhere.

It's just that after meeting Zhou Fangwu's eyes suddenly, he quickly lowered his head and staggered away, not daring to look at Zhou Fangwu.

She could vaguely see the slender fair skin on her neck, stained with an attractive pink.


You are too innocent, Darkness!

The image of a high-cold beauty who refused to be seen thousands of miles away instantly broke her mouth and teeth!

Zhou Fangwu was also shy, but he was much better than Darkness.

Although he is only 20 years old and has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running.

The photos imprinted deep in his mind are tempting, but he is confident that he can still maintain a normal mind.

It's just that for some reason, he was also a little afraid to look at Darkness.

An inexplicable charming feeling slowly spread between the two.

Sato Kazuma was finally forgiven.

After agreeing to treat the team members to a sumptuous meal, Akuya and Megumin forgave him.

Pity his shriveled wallet.

Gu Daju knew that money should not be spent indiscriminately, so he didn't ask Zhou Fangwu for the bounty of the cabbage harvest season as pocket money before, so he really didn't have much savings in his small coffers.

He never thought that he would be targeted by two big eaters, Akuya and Huihui.

He also knew that what he did this time was really too much, so he didn't mean to shirk and run away when he apologized for the treat.

that night.

At the invitation of Sato Kazuma's "graciousness is hard to turn down", everyone "reluctantly" had a sumptuous dinner.

After all, he did not escape this catastrophe.


Sato and Zhen wanted to cry but counted the few coins left in their hands.

In the end, Zhou Fangwu couldn't stand it anymore, and gave the poor man 100,000 Eris as pocket money.

"Thank you, Senior Zhou Fang..."

Sato and Zhen Mixi thanked in a low voice.

"Thank you, this is part of your bounty for capturing the cabbage earlier, and you deserve it."

Although Sato Kazuma didn't ask for a bounty, and contributed the money as the team's common working capital; but Zhou Fangwu is not a brave man who can only get in and out, so he will still give the pocket money that should be given.

"Okay, we should go back after eating."

Zhou Fangwu greeted the people who had enough to eat and drink to go back home.

"Wait, Senior Zhou Fang."

Sato Kazuma stopped everyone who had already got up and was about to leave.

"I'll be back later."

"What's the matter Sato-kun, do you need our help?"

"This is my own business... No, senior Zhou Fang, can you help me?"

Originally, Sato Kazuma wanted to refuse, but he changed his words the next second, and said pointedly: "It's enough for Senior Zhou Fang to come alone!"

"Hmm... only one person is needed... that's fine."

Since there is no need for the entire team to be dispatched, let the others go back and rest first.

"Akuya, Megumi and Darkness, you guys go back first."

"Okay." X2


Darkness remained silent, she had been like this for a whole day.

Some people care about her state.

Then parted ways with the three women, and Zhou Fangwu followed behind Sato Kazuma.

"Sato-kun, where are we going?"

"Ahem...Senior Zhou Fang just follow me."

Sato Kazuma sneaked and walked in remote alleys along the way, turning around and making people dizzy, and asked him where he was going, but he didn't tell the truth in a secret manner.

He knew why until the two came to a shop hidden in an alley.

—Succubus shop

There is also a row of small characters below: let you have a good dream at night.

Sato Kazuma pointed at the store and whispered:

"This is the secret of the male adventurers, the holy place that Geese and Daxter told me about."

"Holy Land... just a shop run by a succubus?"

Zhou Fangwu had nothing to say about this.

"So, what do you mean?"

"Let's go together."

Sato Kazuma answered in seconds.

"No, I'll let it go."

Zhou Fangwu refused immediately.

"Wait a minute, please listen to me Senior Zhou Fang, this kind of succubus is not harmful to us male adventurers!"

Seeing that Zhou Fangwu turned around and was about to leave, he hurriedly stopped him to explain.

"These succubi only take advantage of our sleep..."

"They only let male adventurers dream of **** and exciting scenes while they are sleeping.

In return, they will absorb part of the energy as food, and at the same time help the male adventurers to dissipate their exuberant energy...

isn't it? "

"Ah...you know, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Senior Zhou Fang?!"


In fact, Zhou Fangwu knew that such a succubus shop existed.

But he didn't look for it specifically, nor did he want to experience it.

"That, that..."

"It's fine if you go by yourself."

Zhou Fangwu saw that he had an idea and didn't stop him.

Men will always have such a day, but sooner or later.

"By the way, Sato-kun is not going back tonight."

Zhou Fangwu seemed to have thought of something, and said to him:

"That guy, Akua, definitely set up a holy barrier around the mansion. Succubus are undead, so they will definitely be discovered by Akua."

"Uh...Senior Zhou Fang is right."

Sato Kazuma nodded, indicating that it was true.

With Akuya's personality, she would definitely set up a sacred barrier near the mansion as Zhou Fangwu said.

The succubus is an undead race, how could Akuya let it go?

When the succubus begs for mercy and then exposes itself, wouldn't it be a complete social death?

Kazuma Sato thought for a while, and said, "Well...I'd better stay in a hotel at night."

"Okay, I'll explain to the three of them."

"Thank you Senior Zhou Fang, I'm leaving!"

"be careful."

Seeing Sato and Zhen running in excitedly, Zhou Fangwu shook his head and laughed.

This guy, even if he stepped up to the adult ladder spiritually, he didn't really become an adult.

and many more!

Wouldn't it be more serious?


Spirit or body, which is more unacceptable?

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