Early the next morning, Zhou Fangwu and others set off for the underground city.

When I came to the snow plain again, I found that there are still many snow spirits here.

It seems that even if General Winter is defeated, other adventurers still dare not come to take the risk.

Under the temptation of the unknown dungeon, Zhou Fangwu resolutely rejected Akuya's strong desire to capture snow spirits in exchange for bounties, even if each of these snow spirits is worth as much as 10W Eris.

Continue to walk forward, watching a big hole being pulled out, forming a crescent-shaped mountain.

Before getting close, it can be seen from a distance, the foot of the mountain is shrouded in mist, and it is about to spread to the middle of the mountain.

When they came to the periphery of the fog, everyone stopped.

Zhou Fangwu said to the people behind him: "The fog doesn't seem to be dense, but I don't know why it blocks most of the adventurers, so in order to prevent accidents, we will try to get closer to each other for a while, and we must not disperse! Do you hear me? !"

"Yes, I understand!" Darkness nodded.

But looking at her flushed face, Zhou Fangwu suspected that she might not have listened at all, but was thinking of making trouble after entering.

It seems that last night still didn't teach her enough lessons.

OK, continue tonight.

Akuya also seemed to understand, "In other words, holding hands, right?"

There's no shortage of good ideas.

Holding hands is the easiest way to stay together.

However, Sato Kazuma didn't think so.

He retorted: "Idiot Aqua, if you hold hands, what should you do if there is an accident?"

"Indeed, I thought so too."

Zhou Fangwu also nodded, "This fog doesn't look dangerous, but I don't know what's hidden in it, so it's better to be careful."

After all, he used the [Perception] skill.

The surrounding fog can basically be regarded as one of the traps of the dungeon.

This kind of thing, under normal circumstances, can be safely passed by relying on [perception] skills, and [thieves] occupations have almost become the standard equipment of every team.

It's just that, for some reason, the [Perception] skill has no effect on this fog.

Can't find anything at all!

"In other words, it's enough to dispel the fog, right?"

Aqua said what was natural.

Coupled with her ignorant and bewildered expression, everyone expressed incomprehension to her out-of-the-ordinary character.

"Let me tell you, Aqua, do you really understand..."

"So, do I need to dispel the fog?"


Sato Kazuma was so stupid, he habitually wanted to complain about Akua, but he didn't expect Akua to say such a thing instead.

Not only him, even the others were stunned.

"Oh, Akuya, who has always been unreliable, is she finally going to play a role at this critical moment?"

Megumi held up the wand in her hand, and she didn't know whether she was mocking or praising, but at this time, she still hoped that Aqua could solve the fog in front of her.

"What does it mean to be 'unreliable all the time'!" Akuya retorted excitedly and loudly: "I am the goddess of water, but I am very reliable! Even in martial arts competitions!"

Although she said so, in fact, everyone didn't care.

This goddess, despite being a goddess, is a troublemaker. Others have long understood her nature.

Zhou Fangwu came to Akuya's side and asked her: "Akuya, can you dispel this fog?"

"Well, it should be fine."

Aqua is not only a goddess, but she is also a high priest of a higher class.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary priests should not be able to solve the mist, but... who made Aqua a goddess and can use the highest level of divine power to cheat?

"Then, please, Aqua."

"Well, leave it to me!"

Aqua summoned her magic wand, which was only good-looking, and then raised it in a pretentious manner, and a gorgeous magic wand glowing with light also emerged from under her.



Bright light suddenly burst out from Akuya's body, and spread out from her as the center, and then dispelled the surrounding fog little by little, until all the fog was dispelled, revealing the shrouded foot of the mountain... and the dungeon.

"Oh oh oh—!!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Zhou Fangwu also praised: "Beautiful job, Akuya!"


She snorted arrogantly.

"Well, with the help of Akuya, we have also taken a solid step, so... let's hurry up and explore! I can't wait!"

Darkness spoke like a reserved and polite knight in the first half, but the more she spoke later, the more excited she became, the flush on her face had already exposed her true thoughts.

Then she took the lead and led the way, and the others followed behind her.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, I found that there was a hole in the middle of the mountain.

"This is the underground city."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the pitch-black hole, and wanted to look in, but there was no light at all, and he couldn't see more scenes inside.


At this time, only this skill can be relied on.

It is also because of this skill that other teams want to explore the dungeon, and [Rogue] class occupations are indispensable.

Along the wall of the mountain, the perception is groping forward a little bit.

The rest of the team waited quietly without making a sound.

"this is…"

Zhou Fangwu frowned slightly.

The cave that appeared in front of everyone, its corridor is not too long, but it extends downwards almost at a right angle, with a height of about 15 meters.

What is even more alarming is that there is actually a stone forest trap under the foothold.

Once rushing down rashly, it is very likely that the trap below will be triggered, and you will die if you are not careful.

If it were other reckless adventurers, they might really die here.

"[Absolute Ice Clean]!"

While everyone was puzzled, Zhou Fangwu used ice-attribute magic to build steps to form a staircase that could completely lead to the bottom.

"Senior Zhou Fang?"

"Ah, it's not a big problem, it's just that there's a trap down there."

Without further explanation, Zhou Fangwu opened the way ahead and led the crowd down.

Holding a bright ball of light in his hand, he said to everyone, "This is the real entrance to the dungeon."

The mist above and the stone forest below are actually traps arranged outside the dungeon.

And the 15-meter-high gate in front of everyone is the real entrance.

"Looks like we've reached the entrance, and... how do we get in?"

"Let me use 【Explosion Magic】!"

"Are you an idiot! In such a narrow terrain, using powerful magic will only bury us!"


Megumin's proposal was strongly rejected by Sato Kazuma, and Zhou Fangwu, who did not speak, actually had the same idea.

"Violence is the last resort. Before that, don't be impulsive. There is no other way. I have to look for clues."

The crowd began to move around the entrance.

This door is nothing special.

There are no patterns, no reliefs, and no hints on it.

Apart from being 15 meters high, it is just an ordinary door.

After exploring for 2 hours, the panting crowd finally gave up.

"What's going on with this door!" Akuya was the first to give up. She was always impatient.

"Ah, so annoying!"

The second is Megumi~www.wuxiamtl.com~ She is also extremely irritable, "Let me blow it up with magic, hey, let me blow it up with [Explosion Magic]!"

There was a red light in his eyes, as if he was very excited.

It may be that she has never blown such a high gate, so she is very eager to have this opportunity.

Not only the two of them, but the rest of them were also a little tired.

"Phew, there may be a special way to open this door, but we didn't notice it."

According to the usual practice, there is usually a hint at the gate, otherwise there is no need to build this dungeon.

It's just that except for him and Sato Kazuma, the rest of the team hardly use their brains.

Akuya limply lay on Zhou Fangwu's body, complaining loudly:

"A special opening method or something, you can't ask it to 'Please, please open the door' or say 'Open Sesame' or something, just open it... Wait, it really opened—?!!"

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