Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 356: Akua can't remember

Return to the Lord's Mansion.

At this time, Akuya was lazily lying on the sofa. After seeing Zhou Fangwu coming back, she quickly got up and ran to Zhou Fangwu's side.

"Wu, Wu! Bounty, what happened to the bounty?!"

It was obvious that Aqua was interested in the bounty.

When she heard that the bounty was as high as 500 million Eris, her eyes shone with greed, and she might even think about how much pocket money she could get.

"Well, the 500 million bounty has been obtained, but most of it is already stored in the bank."

Zhou Fangwu did not disappoint her, and took out a deposit ticket with a face value of 100W from his pocket.

"Here, a reward for Aqua's efforts in defeating Hans."


Although it was very small compared to 500 million, Aqua was still very excited.

She hugged Zhou Fangwu and gnawed on it.

"Wait! Drool, drool!"

He really enjoyed Aqua's enthusiasm, but there were other people beside him.

Sato Kazuma disliked He Huihui and didn't care, but Yunyun was too shy to look directly at him, and Darkness felt even stronger stimulation, she watched the two panting heavily, as if delusional to a deeper level what.

This guy, I must clean you up at night!

Glaring at her covertly made Darkness even more excited.

After Zhou Fangwu pushed Akuya away, he continued to tell everyone the news he had just received from the Adventurer's Guild.

"According to Luna, the counter lady of the Adventurer's Guild, an unknown dungeon has appeared in the next town. She wants to entrust us to solve this dungeon that suddenly appeared."

"Oh? An unknown dungeon?"

Everyone's eyes brightened slightly.

Since the crusade against Hans two days ago, they suddenly swelled up.

They obviously didn't come in handy, but they just feel inexplicably confident in their own strength.

Well, it's not that I can't understand them.

After all, [Enhui] has been improved, so I feel that I can do it again.

That's right, after the crusade against Hans, all members of the [Hero] team, including the main force, Zhou Fangwu, have been promoted.

Zhou Fangwu is now at lv6!

Others have also been promoted to lv2, but they don't have the same full attribute sss as Zhou Fangwu, and their proficiency increases according to their specialties, and they reach the critical point of upgrading.

"Well, under normal circumstances, we don't need to pay much attention, but..."

Zhou Fangwu paused and glanced at Huihui, and explained in her doubts: "Last time, before the hot spring trip, it might be Huihui's [Explosion Magic]'s powerful bombardment, which caused the underground city hidden at the foot of the mountain to be revealed. Out."


Everyone turned their heads to look at Hui Hui again.

This made the 【Grand Magister of the Crimson Demon Clan】, who often caused troubles in the town, feel aggrieved.

"This is not my fault!"

She anxiously explained: "Last time, it was Wu who said that I could use the magic power at will and release [Explosion Magic] to the maximum, so I didn't hold back! ... This is the development."

"However, I didn't tell you to blow up the hidden dungeon."

"Are you trying to find fault, **** and true!"

Megumi was very angry when she heard Sato Kazuma's merciless dismantling. If Darkness hadn't stopped her, Megumin might have hit Sato Kazuma on the face with the [Explosion Magic].

"Well, Huihui is right, this is my problem. Actually, I didn't expect this to happen."

Zhou Fangwu, as the team leader, admitted his mistake.

The previous mountain was deserted, not to mention people, not even a single monster.

But who would have thought that there would be a hidden dungeon at the foot of that mountain?

No, or, because there are dungeons, there are no monsters?

"The dungeon is connected to the town next door, but it is releasing fog all the time. Although the fog has no effect now, if it continues like this, it may interfere with our town after a while."

"So we're going to fix it, right?"

Darkness looked very excited.

She has always been like this, when there is an unknown danger, she can always get excited in strange places... Obviously I have it all.

Zhou Fangwu didn't deny it either, but nodded and said, "That's right, so we're going to solve it."

"Well...but, how to do it?"

Sato Kazuma spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, "Even if our strength is not weak, the unknown dungeon is still too dangerous. If there is no information, we will definitely be in a hurry."

"Ah, about that..."

Zhou Fangwu turned his head to look at Akuya again, met her curious big water blue eyes, and asked, "You, do you know [Sage]...or in other words, skills related to [Sage] (cheat) ?”

As Zhou Fangwu said before.

This so-called [Sage] is most likely not a resident of "Su Qing", but was sent by Akuya, one of the so-called "Heroes".

It is also because of the help of cheats that it can be called "Sage".

It's just that Aqua didn't seem to remember it at all.


Akuya was puzzled after hearing this, but she still thought about it carefully.

"That's right... something like [Sage] does exist in my skills (cheats), but that kind of thing can only see through the essence of things, and it is almost useless... Rather, in my impression There is no one who chooses this skill (plug-in) at all!"

Seeing Akuya so determined, Zhou Fangwu was slightly silent.

He had a strong premonition.

This [Sage] is definitely related to Aqua!

"Forget it, no matter what, we have to explore. Even if there is danger, with Akuya around, we can always gain the ability to fight again."

"That's right! Just like what Wu said, with me, the goddess of water, Aqua, you can boldly explore unknown territories with confidence!"

Akuya was flattering herself crazily.

She regards herself as the most perfect logistics support, and thinks that her importance in the team is the highest.

Zhou Fangwu also recognized this point.

The only difference is that other people in the team think that Zhou Fangwu is indispensable, while Akuya can only be ranked last.

It's just that it's already late today, and there are still some preparations to be made, so everyone is not in a hurry.

The time to explore the dungeon is set for tomorrow.

"By the way, since we got the bounty, why don't we go and have a big meal!"

Akuya waved the million deposit note in his hand.

Being rich, she certainly has the confidence to say such things.

"Good idea! I want to have a big meal!" Huihui followed closely behind.

Yoyo and Darkness didn't speak, but the desire in their eyes was also telling their true thoughts.

"Senior Zhou Fang?"

"...Okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~Actually, I still want to make it at home."

In this case, it is not easy for Zhou Fangwu to dismiss them.

With a little thought, one can guess that they want to go to the Adventurer's Guild to have a big meal. The main purpose is not to eat, but to show off.

Especially Aqua and Sato Kazuma.

Akuya simply wanted to show off, so as to attract more family members; while Sato Kazuma wanted to erase the indecent title from her body, although it had long been impossible to erase it.

Afterwards, everyone went to the Adventurer's Guild.

Here again.

Zhou Fangwu also, in order to increase his reputation, decided to entertain all the adventurers present.

This night, it was very lively.

PS: This original dungeon plot is very important, it is a cheat about the next world.

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