Good guy, this door is actually voice-activated!

Seeing the rumbling door opening little by little, Zhou Fangwu's premonition grew stronger.

He felt more and more that this so-called [sage] had a great connection with Aqua.

But it is also certain that this [Sage] is definitely one of the people from another world who was sent over!

"This gate...Senior Zhou Fang?"

"Ah, it's probably what you think."

Zhou Fangwu also became a riddle man. Looking at the pitch-black entrance, his doubts and curiosity grew stronger.

"Anyway, let's go in!"

"Wait, let me check first."

Zhou Fangwu believes in his own strength, but he believes in the feedback brought by his skills even more. It is better to investigate first.

[Perception] Skills pave the way again, and continue to go deeper into the dark entrance.

This passage is straight, and it is also a standard square right-angle passage.

As we all know, the corridor is generally arched in order to bear the pressure, except for special cases, it is rarely such a regular shape.

Most importantly, this corridor seems to be made of very special materials.

It is neither soil nor iron, and even his [Perception] skill cannot penetrate it.

It seems that it is deliberately restricting [thieves] occupations.

Why in the end is more and more curious.

And after passing through the corridor about 20 meters long, he touched a gate again. The material of this gate is also the same as that of the corridor, and the [Perception] skill cannot penetrate it again.

"You wait here, I'll try it out."

As the most powerful person in the [Hero] team, Zhou Fangwu took the initiative to take on the job of scout.

Step on the corridor lightly.


There was a soft sound.

Zhou Fangwu retreated immediately.

But in fact, it wasn't the trap that was triggered, but the lights in the corridor were lit up, and what was displayed in front of everyone was a corridor with a very futuristic sci-fi style.

"this is…?!"

With curiosity, Zhou Fangwu set foot on the tunnel again.

The speed is very slow, with a short distance of 20 meters, always alert to the danger of sudden attacks around.

But all this seems to be doing useless work.

Because there was no danger at all, Zhou Fangwu came to the second gate after 20 minutes.

"It seems that there is no danger..." Zhou Fangwu returned to his senses and shouted to the people behind him: "There should be no danger, you can come here!"

The relieved people walked up in big strides.

It was the same door as the outside again.

The only difference is that there is a hint on this door.

—It's written in Japanese!

"Is this a special language?"

Darkness, Megumin, and Yoyo, the three of them can't read Japanese.

Sato Kazuma took the initiative to act as an interpreter. He pointed to the text above and translated to everyone: "Since I can find this place, I have to praise your wisdom...wisdom?"

He looked at Akuya suspiciously, not understanding how wise she was?

She has always claimed to be the goddess of wisdom, she must be mentally retarded at first glance!

"Why are you looking at me like that?"


Sato Kazuma turned his head and continued to translate: "I found the secret dungeon, broke through the fog, and found hidden dangers... You must have already searched for clues from my autobiography - [Sage's Travels]" Bar."

...No, it just happened to break in.

"However, don't be too complacent... The first three tests are just a small test, and the real tribulation lies behind... Even if you are also an islander, it is not an easy task to get my results... If you die halfway , don’t blame me...that’s what’s written on it.”

"So that's it, is it really one of the [Heroes] that was sent over?"

Zhou Fangwu nodded.

It seems that I accidentally stumbled into this dungeon where the [Sage] prepares things for future generations.

According to the information above, we can know.

This "sage" had already laid out clues in "Sage's Travels" long ago, and was waiting for a certain brave man who traveled from the same island country to get his gift by relying on his own wisdom and strength.

Relying on strength, wisdom, and the title of "Sage"... Is it worthy of the style of fantasizing about another world?

It's just a coincidence that he didn't wait for the person who discovered this place through [Sage's Travel Notes].

But what is even more coincidental is that Zhou Fangwu and others are indeed one of the [braves] who also traveled through time.

"The result... what is it?"

Adventurous... no, it's Akua who is greedy for money. When she heard this word, she immediately had a stress reaction, and she couldn't wait to explore it.

"I don't know, there is no explanation on this door."

Sato Kazuma turned his head and said to everyone: "It's just...under the information, there is a grid, and there are several numbers in the grid."


Everyone took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case.

This is a grid divided into 9X9, and there are several numbers on it, and the placement does not seem to have any rules.

Not only are there grid numbers, but there are also 9 boxes below, all of which are number cards.

From 1-9.

"what is this?"

Huihui picked up a number curiously, and carefully examined what was strange about it.

But no matter how you look at it, it is no different from the numbers in the grid.

"It's Sudoku."

Zhou Fangwu immediately understood that the Sudoku set before everyone was the first test of [Sage].

Presumably, as long as this Sudoku is completed, the door that blocks everyone should be able to open.


The rules of Sudoku are very easy, it is a pure logic game.

As long as each row, column, and number in each palace contains 1-9, and the numbers in each row, column, and palace are not repeated, the game is considered clear.

Very simple.

Even if their IQ is worrying, as long as they go through repeated calculations and scrutiny, they can solve this Sudoku with a little more time.

Well, it looks like this is an appetizer to try.

If you think about it, even [Sage] will increase the difficulty a little bit. If you can't go up, it will be a hell-level level, right?

"Hey, Huihui, what are you doing?"

"Ah... my hand slipped."


"Stupid, stupid! Take it off!"

"No, I can't move at all!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-!!!"

When Zhou Fangwu was about to draw a checking grid on the ground, the people behind him began to shout in panic.

"What's wrong?"

I quickly got up and asked, and when I turned around, I saw a number card attached to the Sudoku puzzle as a level.

Not only that, a screen is displayed below.

There is a 3-minute countdown on it!

Oh no, there are only 2 minutes and 55 seconds left!

WTF? !

"Ah! What should I do ~ What should I do?!" Akuya was in a hurry.

"Will it explode? It will explode! It must explode!" Darkness was even more excited.

Sato Kazuma and Yoyo yelled in unison: "Megumin, you idiot!" X2

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous! I'll find a way!"

Comforting everyone habitually, Zhou Fangwu began to recall the solution of Sudoku.

"That, that... wear nine shoes, one on the left, three on the right, seven on the right, two and four have shoulders... and then what is it?"

"It's over! The reliable senior Zhou Fang is also silent!"

Ah, it may be a bit late at this time.

Although Zhou Fangwu is mature in mind, he is indeed an out-and-out fool.

- He is not smart at all.

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