Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 338: Dating? Alone with Darkness

The hotel was thought to be decorated in a Japanese style, but in fact the interior structure is more Western-style.

The room is big enough for 2 people.

Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma are men, and the luggage they brought over was not much, and they were put away in about 10 minutes.

Then the two sat on the sofa and waited for Akua and the others to come back, chatting at the same time.

After a while, everyone gathered together again.

"Sure enough, I'm going to go sightseeing."

This is the first time Sato Kazuma and the others have left Akusel Novice Village, and no matter what, they have to go out and take a good tour of the beautiful scenery of the water capital.

Everyone began to group according to the room.

However, Aqua asked to act alone.

"I'm going to visit the church here! By the way, Darkness is a member of the Eris Church. Isn't it good to go to Axis to teach? ...Wait, Darkness joined my family, right? , then how can you say that you are a member of the Eris sect!"

The idiot Aqua finally discovered the blind spot.

But even if she said so, it would be impossible to convert Darkness in a short time.

"That's it, I'll go first."

Before Zhou Fangwu told her not to cause trouble, Akuya disappeared from everyone's sight in a flash.

"This guy... definitely went to church to enjoy the praise of others."

Sato Kazuma knew this idiot very well, as long as she praised her a little bit, her tail would rise to the sky, and she didn't think about why at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the Axis Cult was her sect, Sato Kazuma would definitely ask Zhou Fangwu to destroy it!

and many more!

Think about it carefully, isn't it precisely because you believe in Akuya, a cruel idiot, that makes other people shy away?

He seems to have found the reason.

"Then, let's go sightseeing in the neighborhood, too."


Huihui and Yoyo set off together.

Wiz and Betty had a discussion just now, and they felt that a coordinate point should be established in this hot spring city. It is a very enjoyable thing to be able to come here to soak in hot springs anytime and anywhere.

Betty uses teleportation, and Wiz uses teleportation.

Both of them were interested in their own magic, so they went to study together.

And Sato Kazuma said to enjoy the hot spring.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu knew that he definitely had other thoughts - [mixed bathing] and the like.

However, they have just arrived, and Kazuma Sato is not sure if there is any, so Zhou Fangwu suspects that he is going to visit the spot, and he may go to [Mixed Bath] to enjoy it at night.

[Mixed Bathing] This very special bathing pool, Sato Kazuma, as the representative of the new era of hooligans, of course will not miss this great opportunity.

He held up his thumb and winked at Zhou Fangwu, as if he was inviting Zhou Fangwu to go with him.

But it was rejected by Zhou Fangwu.

"Darkness, what are you going to do next?"

"To be insulted!... No, it's to go sightseeing!"

"...Sure enough, you can't let yourself act alone."

Zhou Fangwu lifted his forehead and sighed.

This perverted knight, after being bullied by the old man who blocked the way with that kind of eyes, Darkness turned on an indescribable switch, and he must be imagining bad things in his mind.

"Eh, eh—?! No, no need, I, I can do it by myself!"

"...Before you say this, how about wiping your drool off?"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Darkness's face instantly turned red, and then unconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth.

Zhou Fangwu looked at Sato Kazuma, and said, "That's it, sorry, Sato-kun, this time it's just you alone."

"No, it doesn't matter. With Darkness's abnormality, Senior Zhou Fang is the hardest one, isn't it?"

Kazuma Sato was not disappointed at all.

Even when he found out that Zhou Fangwu was able to enjoy the fun alone by leaving the trouble to Zhou Fangwu, he felt secretly happy.

"Then let's go too."

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu took Darkness out.

Walking on the bustling street, the two enjoyed the different customs of Axel Novice Village.

"Darkness, you rarely leave the village."

"Well, because my father is the lord, I seldom come out until I am an adult."

Darkness' identity is the lord's daughter.

As the daughter of a nobleman, she was imprisoned in a cage since she was a child, and she was rarely able to travel.

If she hadn't sneaked out to become a monk (her father's indulgence), she might not have contacted the outside world yet.

"Then, let me, a traveler who is good at traveling, lead Ms. Lalatina around this beautiful city of water."

He stretched out his hand to the blond girl in normal clothes next to him, inviting her to play together.

"Don't call me by that name!"

Darkness routinely retorted, which had become her subconscious reaction.

However, she still gracefully put her hand on Zhou Fangwu's, and then took advantage of the situation to wrap her arms around Zhou Fangwu's arm.


"What's wrong?"

"No, how should I put it... It feels like I'm on a date."

"What, what... what are you talking about!"

Darkness blushed instantly and lowered her head shyly, but she didn't let go of Zhou Fangwu's arm.

"Then, let's go!"


"By the way, Miss Lalatina, your outfit today really suits you."

"What—Wu, you—!"

"Ahaha—, what I said is true."

After a fight, both of them walked towards the center of the town with smiles on their faces.

This water capital is worthy of being a major tourist area.

The behavior of the people in this town, whether it's doing business, attracting customers, or tricking passers-by to join the Axis Cult, is quite astonishing.

To be precise, it's like fighting a war.

Just as Zhou Fangwu and Darkness were walking on the street, there was suddenly a loud shout in front of a certain store.

The two walked forward quickly, and found that it was two adjacent shops, and they suddenly quarreled.

"As for the things in a vulgar store like yours, no customers will come to buy them at all! They are all made of ordinary materials, without a trace of elegance! The noble customers who come and go should buy our elves made of pure natural materials. Steamed buns, not your wild boar buns!"

The one who spoke was a kind of fairy...?

Let's call him that.

He was a tall, fair-skinned, handsome man with long ears and green hair.

On the other side, there are standard dwarves.

He is short and fat, but has a thick beard that almost reaches the belly button, and his appearance is also very rough.

He also raised his voice loudly and sarcastically went back.

"You **** pretends to be noble! You skinny bastard! Things are more affordable than expensive. Not all good things are expensive, okay! Guest, you should buy the meat made by my dwarves." Steamed buns, big stuffing, thin skin and rich gravy, delicious and not choking!"

Unlike the elegant goblin boss, the dwarf boss is full of foul language.

"You are a disrespectful person, full of swear words, you are not noble or elegant at all!"

"You are! You are a hypocrite!"

The two continued to quarrel.

On the contrary, Daknis looked like a child. She pointed to the two people in the quarrel and said to Zhou Fangwu: "The goblin and the dwarf, their appearance is exactly the same as the ones I heard when I was a child!"

"Well, indeed."

Zhou Fangwu didn't feel anything.

Because I saw too many in "Faulty Ground".

But in order not to spoil the fun, he still echoed what Darkness said.

It's just that the way Darkness's eyes shine~www.wuxiamtl.com~ seems to have misunderstood the two bosses in front of her.

"Look at you, the customer obviously wanted to buy my products, but now you are frightened!"

"Nonsense! Obviously the customer wants to buy my products!"

The two continued to quarrel.

Darkness knew that the two of them were arguing because of her, and she, who became the center of the incident without knowing why, decided to end the quarrel between the two parties.

"Well, please listen to me! If that's the case, I'll buy both of your products!"

"Thank you for your patronage—!" X2

The two bosses stopped arguing in an instant, and thanked Darkness for her patronage together.

"Ah, ah...?!"

Darkness was confused.

She always felt like she was being tricked.

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