Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 337: person, room, true, real

Unlike Darkness who actively sought to be bullied, Akuya was often praised along the way.

"This beautiful lady, your hair is so beautiful, the color is actually the same color as Aqua, the goddess of water, it's really enviable! ... By the way, this lady, do you join the Axis Cult?"

"This beautiful lady, you have really good taste, and the style of your clothes is actually similar to that of the goddess of water, Aqua! You really have a discerning eye! ... By the way, this lady, do you join the Axis Cult? "

"This noble lady, your haori is so beautiful! The style and color are exactly the same as Aqua, the goddess of water, and it really matches you! ... By the way, this lady, do you join the Axis Cult?"

"This elegant lady, your..."


Old man, aunt, younger brother, eldest sister, these people have similar speech skills.

Compliments first to make you feel better, and then finally reveal your true intentions.

—Join the Axis Cult.

It's just that their speech skills are almost the same template, Zhou Fangwu and others feel bored after listening to it 2 or 3 times, and the speed of progress has accelerated a lot.

But Akuya likes this one the most.

From wilting like a withered flower without watering at the beginning, to the goddess of water who puffed up her chest and regained her brilliance at the end.

She loves flattery and bragging!

...Just can't admit that he is the person they boasted about, which makes Aqua feel very entangled.

After being followed and harassed by countless talkers, everyone finally arrived at the largest hot spring hotel in [Alcanredia].

This building is very large, and almost the entire mountain has been remodeled.


The impression of the team owner has been deeply embedded in everyone's minds.

As soon as they walked in, a servant came up to entertain them.

"How many guests are there in total?"

"8 people."

"Is it 8 people? It's really a rare and huge tourist group..."

The attendant counted and saw that there were 6 women and 2 men among the 8 people, and he knew that all 8 people were present.

"Then, my guest, please follow me."

Bring the crowd to the foreground.

There, a gentle and pretty young girl was serving as an usher.

When she saw Zhou Fangwu, there was a sweet smile on her face.

"Excuse me, are there 8 guests?"

"Well, that's right."

"According to the male-female ratio of distinguished guests, I suggest you open 4 rooms, is that okay?"

"4 rooms..."

Zhou Fangwu turned his head and made some plans in his mind.

I have a room with Sato Kazuma, and the remaining 6 girls are assigned by themselves, and the room for the two is just right.

"Ah, four rooms are enough, please."

"Okay, 4 rooms, the key is here, please take it."

"Well, thank you."

The polite behavior of the lady at the front desk made Zhou Fangwu answer with the same attitude, turned around with the key and was about to leave.


"Wait a moment, gentlemen."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Before guests enjoy the hot spring, please read this!"

The lady at the front desk changed her gentleness just now, and stabbed everyone with a wolf-like light in her eyes, holding an application form that made people shun three colors, and said quickly in her mouth:

"It must be the first time for all the guests to come to our hotel! It is no exaggeration to say that this hot spring hotel is the best in Alcanredia, but relatively speaking, the price is also the highest! But, all guests, please look at this! As long as If you sign this contract, you can enjoy 3 days of the most advanced service in this hot spring hotel! 3 days, the most advanced, service, oh!"


The front desk lady's temperament changed drastically, she couldn't stop panting after posting it suddenly, this crazy look made Huihui and Yoyo subconsciously take several steps back.

This is too exaggerated!

The degree of paranoia is even more terrifying than theirs.

Huihui's secondary illness was just a pediatrics in front of her.

Zhou Fangwu hurried forward, stopped the two scared great magisters, and at the same time took out a few hot spring coupons from his bosom as a gift from the team owner.

"No! Thank you for your kindness, we have this."

Hurry up and hand her the hot spring voucher in your hand.

"This is a coupon for this store... Tsk, did you fail?"

The lady at the front desk looked at the hot spring coupon in her hand, her expression changed and she clicked her tongue subconsciously, looking very upset.

She was in a bad mood for failing to get them to join the Axis Cult.

"Then, I have no choice but to wish the eight guests enjoy themselves..."

Her expression and voice were not as sweet as before.

The attitude suddenly reversed, becoming extremely perfunctory.

This is too real!

Be careful I sue you!

Not only her, but even the servants who brought them in, their complexion changed instantly, from respect at the beginning to disgust.

The attendant turned his head and led the way without saying a word.

The attitude is too bad!


Is this town really okay?

Although I have prepared for a long time, but after actually coming here to experience, I can really understand their xenophobic atmosphere, it is too cold and violent!

The world is real!

Everyone first came to Zhou Fangwu's room and made a simple room assignment.

Zhou Fangwu, as the team leader, began to divide them into groups, "I and Sato-kun, Darkness and Aqua, Yoyo and Megumi, Beatrice and Wiz, is this okay?"

"Yes, no problem!"

"I can too!"

"I have no opinion."


Several people thought it was okay to be grouped like this, but only Hui Hui and Beatrice were slightly dissatisfied.

Huihui simply didn't want to share a room with Yoyo, because Yoyo would keep pestering her to ask for a duel. Originally, this trip was for relaxation, but if she stayed with Yoyo all the time, it would definitely turn into an 'exciting' duel trip again.

But Yoyo was already shy and couldn't let go, and no one else was as close to Yoyo as she was.

After many times of persuasion by Zhou Fangwu, she finally agreed to share a room with Yoyo.

Beatrice was more straightforward.

She wants to share a room with Zhou Fangwu.

As a great elf contracted by Zhou Fangwu, isn't it natural for him to live with his contractor?

However, the purpose of this trip is to let Wiz have a good relationship with them~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If Wiz lives alone, it will appear even more alienated.

Even so, Sato Kazuma and Aqua couldn't be in the same room with her.

Because this would make Wiz, who is a Lich, dangerous in every sense.

"So, Beatrice, please be considerate, and I will make it up to you."

"Hmph, since Wu Du said so."

As Zhou Fangwu's great elf, Betty naturally wouldn't embarrass her contractor, it's just that she could get compensation for this kind of complaint, so she spoke out.

"Then, let's tidy up the room first and gather here in an hour."

Zhou Fangwu raised his hands high, allowing them to move freely.

"Now, disband!"

"Oh!" X7

Then everyone dispersed and tidied up the room.

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