Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 339: Sightseeing this hopeless town

"Am I being tricked?"

Darkness held the steamed buns and steamed buns in her hands, with a dazed expression that she didn't realize after being cheated.

The two bosses, after she persuaded them to buy both, changed their quarreling faces in an instant.

Darkness is perverted, but her IQ is still online.

This kind of result had to make her suspect that she had been tricked.

"...That's right, Darkness, you may have been tricked, but you also bought what you wanted, didn't you?"

Zhou Fangwu naturally wouldn't say that she was just being tricked.

Instead, she told her with a high EQ that there was a souvenir for her servant.

Of the two bosses, one seemed to be a fairy and the other seemed to be a dwarf, but in fact Zhou Fangwu discovered that they were acting.

The purpose is to get customers like Darkness hooked.

Seeing the way the two of them bicker so naturally.

This kind of small routine abounds in life, and it is true that it catches the weakness of human nature.

And in order to increase sales and make money, the two of them were able to do such a thing!

Really are…

Well, to make money, not to be shabby.

The method is a bit inappropriate, but who made Darkness be too simple and be deceived instead.

Not only that!

There was one more thing Zhou Fangwu was afraid of hitting Darkness, so he didn't dare to say it.

The goblin boss has fake ears, and the dwarf boss has fake beards.

It is possible that the two of them are really elves and dwarves, but the quarrel between the two of them is definitely acting, or role-playing?

If Darkness knew about this, her mind would definitely explode.

In order to take care of her feelings, Zhou Fangwu decided not to tell her this cruel fact.

To prevent Darkness from being disillusioned in childhood, I am really a qualified team leader!

…Zhou Fangwu thought so.

Walking in the alley with the speechless Darkness, suddenly at the intersection came a very old woman.

She held a bag of apples in her hand.

It might be that the apple was too heavy, and her already hunched waist was pressed down a lot.

He staggered and wobbled, walking very slowly and with great difficulty.

Just as Zhou Fangwu and Darkness passed by, her foot became unsteady, the bag in her hand suddenly dropped, and the apples inside fell to the ground.

"Ah, ah, ah, my apple~"

The old woman complained distressedly, then knelt down to pick up apples again.

But probably because of her advanced age, her movements are slow and stiff.

Zhou Fangwu and Darkness stepped forward to help.

"Ah~ ah~ I really appreciate your help." The old woman said thank you, but she held Zhou Fangwu's hand tightly with both hands, "Thanks to your help, if possible, please let me repay you." you."


Look at the hand that was being held vigorously by the old man, and look at the surrounding buildings.

Only then did he realize that the town he was in was not Axel!

"no need!"

"No, please allow me to report to you!"

"No, you are too polite!"

"No, no, I must repay you!"

The hand that was about to be pulled out was grasped even harder, making Zhou Fangwu wonder if she was really old?

At the same time, I also strengthened my thoughts just now:

This old man is definitely a fraud!

as predicted!

The old man warmly invited the two of them, pointed to a shop not far away, and said, "Over there, there is a cafe run by the Axis Cult, why don't we go there and have a good chat!"

"Excuse me for refusing!"

Zhou Fangwu didn't want to go at all.

If it was an invitation from a beautiful girl, he might still consider it, but if it was the old woman in front of him, he would refuse without even thinking about it!

"Don't say that!"

The old man didn't let go at all. She looked at Darkness and said, "You two are a couple! To tell you the truth, I can also do divination! Come on, let me do a divination for you two as a thank you." The gift is ready! It's free!"

"Excuse me for refusing!"

Zhou Fangwu broke free from the hands she was holding tightly to him, but the old woman hugged his waist again, and when she broke free from the waist, she caught the cloak on her body again.

So complicated!

In fact, with Zhou Fangwu's strength, there is no problem in breaking free.

But he dare not.

Although the old woman is very annoying, but she is indeed a follower of Akuya, and she is also very old. If she is hurt, Zhou Fangwu will have a hard time mentally.

"Hey, old woman, let go!"

"I do not want!"

At this time, she didn't look like she was old at all just now, as if she was burning out her last vitality, she would not let go.

More importantly, she continued to persuade.

"The divination just now has the result! If this continues, the two of you will suffer misfortune, and you two will not be happy! But! As long as the two of you join the Axis Cult, you can avoid suffering! Therefore, this kind of It's better time to join the Axis Cult!"

"I've already suffered misfortune now!... By the way, I was originally a member of the Axis Cult!"

Only then did Zhou Fangwu remember, isn't he the agent of Akuya?

In other words, I joined the Axis Cult as early as the very beginning!


The old woman obviously didn't believe it, "If that's the case, then show me the proof of joining the Axis Cult."


Is there such a thing?

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help being suspicious.

As far as he knew, although he was Akuya's representative, that idiot goddess of water never gave him any ornaments or proofs that symbolized his status.


"Why, can't you take it out? Sure enough, you are lying to me!"

The old woman worked harder.

So complicated!

Perhaps seeing Zhou Fangwu in trouble, or because he wanted more excitement, Darkness came to the rescue.

She stepped forward and pulled out a small cross from her chest...?

It is better to say that it is a cross, because the shape is very similar, but there are still some slight differences from the regular cross.

— It is a token of Eris Cult.

Zhou Fangwu knew that this was proof that she was a member of the Cult of Eris.

Seeming to understand what she was going to do, Zhou Fangwu scolded anxiously: "...Hey, you idiot, is it time to take out this thing in this situation!"

But Darkness acted as if she didn't hear it, and held the token in her hand to show the old woman clearly.

"That... I am a member of the Eris Cult. If you want to let this man join, you have to ask me first."

"You...you won't be happy!"

The old woman seemed to be cursing.

Seriously, what the **** are you talking about!

It doesn't look like Aqua's followers at all, this kind of statement is too much!

"So, let's join the Axisia Cult! Or...you see, this is my granddaughter. If you join the Axisia Cult, I will introduce my granddaughter to you!"

The old woman took out a painting from her bosom.

There is a picture of a young, beautiful girl...about 7 or 8 years old.


Zhou Fang is paralyzed.

After thinking about it, he hugged Darkness next to him.

The noble lady let out a panicked cry, and then heard the man holding her say loudly:

"Grandma, give up! I am a couple who love this woman. It is impossible for me to join the Axis Cult!"


Not only Darkness, but even the old lady who had been persuading her was shocked.

The old lady looked at the two people who were hugging each other and looked very loving.

Then, she silently let go of Zhou Fangwu's cloak, picked up the bag containing the apples, and quickly walked away from the two of them.

It's just that when she left, she looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

"...you will not be happy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"


Is this a deliberate curse?

It's too bad!

But in the end the old woman let them go.

"...Darkness, how should I put it... don't pay too much attention to what the old woman said just now."

"Uh, uh...I, I know."

"...Hey, are you excited?"


Although she said so, Zhou Fangwu knew that she was already excited when he felt the gradually rising body temperature of the noble lady who was limp in his arms.

"...this town is dangerous, let's go back."

"OK, all right."

Then the two ended their not-so-pleasant sightseeing trip.

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