Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 334: A group of monsters, thieves, and zombies are attacking, and everyone is in trouble...

"That's why, hurry up and get out of the way for this uncle, this uncle is looking for her!"

The leader of the thieves pushed Hui Hui away and into Zhou Fangwu's arms, then pointed at a certain girl standing in the crowd.



Yoyo also looked dazed, completely unable to understand why the leader of the thieves came to him.

And the leader of the thieves also gave a reasonable explanation. He looked at Yoyo and said firmly:

"Yo, you must be some noble lady."

"Wait for me!...Why do you say that, why am I not a noble daughter?!"

Huihui, who was huddled in Zhou Fangwu's arms, felt insulted. She shouted at the bandit leader with a face full of resentment, and asked him to give a reasonable explanation.

"Hahaha, what stupid things are you talking about, you idiot little loli?"

The leader of the thieves laughed loudly, "I don't even look at you. You are thin and small, and you are as rude and impolite as me in both behavior and words. Don't you feel ashamed to say that you are the daughter of a nobleman?"

This sentence really makes people can't help complaining.

You also know that you are rude and impolite?

But let's praise the thief leader first, although Yoyo is not the daughter of a nobleman, but at least she is the daughter of the head of the Crimson Demon Clan, so she can be considered a nobleman.

But at the same time, he also guessed wrong, Yoyo just looks like a real noble lady.

Most importantly, did you know that some people are noble daughters, but they are actually hopeless perverts?

Turning her head to look at Darkness aside, she found that she did not fall into delusions with a flushed face. Instead, she drew her big sword and raised her round shield, with a serious look on her face to guard against the thieves who surrounded her.


Zhou Fangwu wondered if something was wrong?

Darkness, who sensed her sight, asked in confusion: "Wu, why are you looking at me like that, now there are enemies surrounding you."

"...No, you always feel like a knight."

"Hey! I was originally a knight!"

Darkness waved the knight sword and round shield dissatisfied, but she didn't hurt the thieves approaching at all.

Her attack still misses the enemy as always.

At this time, Hui Hui, who was curled up in Zhou Fangwu's arms, was furious, she was indeed insulted.

"You bastard, you actually think I'm rude?!"

Huihui raised her wand angrily, and said to the leader of the thieves in front of her, "I can bear to say that I have a problem with my brain, but I'm actually a short Lolita Douding, with a flat plate and no breasts, rude and impolite... It's not a crime Forgiveness, I must kill you!"

"...Hiss, did I just say that?"

"No, not at all."

Obviously, Huihui was adding drama to herself.

"Ah! It's so troublesome to chatter!"

The leader of the thieves was obviously impatient. He pointed the machete at Huihui and said vicious words, "You stinky girl, if you don't open too much, don't blame me for bullying you!"

The leader of the thieves has misunderstood.

He might see Huihui's petite figure and immature face, and mistakenly think that Huihui, a great magister, has no combat power and is just a simple pendant.

He likes to bully such a loli the most.

Every time, as long as they frighten them, they will collapse and cry and call their mother.

This time is no exception!

...The leader of the thieves thought so, but he didn't see Hui Hui crying.

Instead, Huihui's eyes glowed red, she held up the wand in her hand, and the huge amount of magic power in her body began to surge rapidly, even she was still shouting the spell of [Explosion Magic]!

"Blacker than black

darker than dark

Let me entrust my true red golden light here!

No, no, no, no!

Well-! "

Zhou Fangwu covered Huihui's mouth, preventing her from continuing to sing.

Fortunately, this guy Huihui would still subconsciously chant the second spell even if he was angry, so he could interrupt her spellcasting in time, otherwise these people at the scene would definitely be blown to the sky.

Use [Touch of Absorption] to absorb all of Megumi's magic power.

He didn't let Huihui go until the giant magic circle under him dissipated.

"Wu, Wu! What are you doing! My magic, my 【Explosion Magic】it—!"

From Huihui's excited look, she knew that she was dissatisfied with Zhou Fangwu's forceful interruption of her spellcasting.

【once a day】

Of course she was upset that such a precious opportunity to cast a spell was interrupted so easily.

Similarly, Zhou Fangwu was even more upset.

"You idiot, look at the occasion!"

Zhou Fangwu forcibly fixed her, and then slapped her **** several times as punishment for her impulsiveness.

"Hey! What are you doing, Wu!"

"You are the one! Stupid Huihui, if your magic is released at close range, your life will be lost. Pay more attention to the safety of yourself and others!"

Even if he can immediately open the protective cover to protect the people around him, the rest of the team will go to heaven.


Huihui also knew that she was in the wrong, but she could only curl her lips when she wanted to defend herself, and endured it.

At this time, the leader of the thieves on the opposite side knew that he had provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked when he saw the huge magic circle appearing at his feet.

A great magister who can use such powerful magic can easily kill him.

The big knife in his hand fell to the ground in fright on the spot, and then hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy loudly.

He didn't look as arrogant as he did at the beginning.

"I'm sorry, it's a villain with blind eyes, please show me your hands and spare me!"

With the leader's surrender, his younger brothers naturally lost their resistance.

They clearly had an absolute advantage in the last second, but they simply knelt down in the next second. This kind of result made them unacceptable! …while also being unable to resist.

With such a big magic circle, no matter how stupid they are, they know that once they enter the battle, they will inevitably be instantly killed.

A quick surrender may also leave a small life.


Don't even think about it, who can escape from a powerful magister?

"Huh? Surrendered?"

Huihui was still dissatisfied with Zhou Fangwu for stopping her from getting angry just now, but when she saw the thieves kneeling down and begging for mercy, she immediately puffed up her flat chest and looked at the others triumphantly... her eyes focused on Yoyo's body.

She always wants to compare, of course she has to show off.

Zhou Fangwu made a mistake.

If the thieves resisted, he would kill them without mercy.

But when they confessed their mistake and knelt down to beg for mercy, his status as a "hero" did not allow him to slaughter those who had no resistance.

"There is a question, you have to answer me truthfully, if you dare to lie to me...do you understand?"

"Understand, understand! The little one understands, the little one understands!"

"So...you guys, have you ever killed someone?"

Zhou Fangwu will punish them according to their answers.

If so, definitely remove it!

"No no no no! We didn't, really didn't!"

The thief leader quickly shook his head, and he explained:

"Our purpose is to rob money, or tolls. If we kill people, we will scare away other convoys, so we never kill people."

"Then you just now..."

"That's just trying to scare that noble magister, and wanting to capture the noble lady is just wanting to kidnap her for ransom... Hehehe."

The thief leader scratched Mohawk's head in embarrassment.

I thought it was safe, but unfortunately I didn't succeed. Instead, I was scared to surrender... It's embarrassing.


Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction~www.wuxiamtl.com~The head thief replied that he was very satisfied.

However, capital crimes can be counted as living crimes, and they still have to be severely punished.

Got it!

Isn't Barnier going to rebuild the dungeon? If you don't have enough manpower, just use them and treat it as a punishment.

"You guys go to Akusel Novice Village, [Wiz Magic Tool Store], find a man wearing a mask, and say that [Lord Lord] asked you to help build the dungeon."

At the same time, Zhou Fangwu also tapped him a few times, leaving behind a conspicuous small magic circle.

"this is…?"

"This is my mark, which is specially used to monitor you. If you dare to escape halfway...you understand."

"Understand, understand! The little one understands, the little one understands!"

The leader of the thieves nodded quickly, unable to raise the slightest desire to resist.

Then he left with his little brothers.

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