Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 333: A group of monsters, thieves, and zombies are attacking, and everyone is in trouble...

Find very hard objects and jump over them at a very extreme distance...

"Is it really you idiot, Darkness!"

Just when Sato Kazuma looked at Darkness with an angry gaze, he found that this hopeless pervert was looking at the group of monsters attacking her with a flushed face.

"Wu, Wu...Look at them! That hot, undisguised and extremely revealing gaze, the rage that wanted to pin me down, really resembles you yesterday!"

"Hey, wait for me, stop talking!"

This idiot, if he exposes what he did yesterday, then he will really be hit with a hatchet!

"Ha, ha... ha, what, what should I do... Wu! My body is so hot, what should I do!"

Darkness lay on Zhou Fangwu's body panting, her charming nasal voice made Zhou Fangwu move his index finger.

Coincidentally, the coachman driving the carriage in front also stuck his head into the carriage.

"My lord! A group of monsters have come to attack the convoy... No, it might be better to say that they came here for our two carriages! By the way, what should we do?"

The coachman was not in the slightest nervous.

After all, all the members of the team called "Heroes" are present, and these monsters will definitely be resolved in a few clicks.

"Huh, there is no way, please get the carriage out of the convoy and stop."

"Okay, okay!"

The coachman tightened the reins and let the galloping carriage divert to the track.

Stop slowly after leaving the convoy.

"Wu, Wu! Those monsters must be coming for the Adamantite! You know, my armor is made of the hardest Adamantite!"

Darkness anxiously explained, but no matter how she looked at it, it felt like she was covering up some facts.

But Zhou Fangwu sized her up, and unceremoniously revealed the truth she had hidden: "Hmph...is that so? How can I suspect that they think your body is harder than ore?"

"How, how is it possible!"

Darkness was not happy for a moment, she shouted loudly: "My body is not that hard yet! Didn't you know (feel) (feel) this point last night!"

"Hey, wait for me, don't say any more!"

This idiot's talk is getting more and more dangerous.

When Zhou Fangwu saw the other people around him, they looked at him with strange eyes.

"Really, idiot Darkness."

In view of the troubles that Darkness caused him, Zhou Fangwu pushed all his brains on the attacking monster group.

"Okay, let me deal with them neatly."

Zhou Fangwu stretched, and drew out the long knife at his waist.

"Extreme breath, wind, one sword for a hundred people!"

The huge light blade slashed horizontally from 40 meters past the attacking monsters at an extremely fast speed. Those monsters who escaped danger with "dangerous but narrow escapes" did not escape the rapid attack. the light blade.

Blood burst out instantly and splashed in mid-air.

All the monsters were cut from the chest in a uniform manner, and then slid to the ground very simply.

Dead bodies all over the place.

"Okay, it's over."

Zhou Fangwu breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the scene was a bit bloody, so Zhou Fangwu told the women in the team to go back to the carriage and not watch the scenes that made them feel uncomfortable.

And the owner of the team "coincidentally" came to Zhou Fangwu.

"Look, you are indeed the lord who has been praised as a [hero]. His strength is really exaggerated! To express your help to the convoy, a little heart is not enough to show respect."

As he spoke, he brought up a bag of Eris with both hands.

Signaled Zhou Fangwu to accept it.

But it was rejected.

"Boss, we are the cause of this incident, so we will not take back the money... Besides, boss, you don't have to flatter me like this. You should know that I hate this kind of flattery."

"...Yes, that's what you said."

The team boss saw that he didn't hug his thigh but made the lord angry, his face was slightly gloomy, and he turned and left.

He only walked a few steps, and heard the lord behind him say: "You are a member of Axel Village, as a lord, it is natural to protect your safety, so you don't have to bow down to please me, just be yourself Just fine."

"...Yes, you said so!"

Although the words were the same, the face of the team owner was completely opposite to what it was just now.

The journey is still going on.

Even after the monster group attack in the morning, it still couldn't stop them from enjoying the wild scenery leisurely.

During the period, there were several waves of monsters attacking.

It's just that the monsters that came were weak, and the other adventurer guards easily dealt with them, but Zhou Fangwu didn't make a move.

until evening.

While passing through the mountains, another accident happened.

— Thieves group.

This kind of group that survives by robbing money, of course, will not miss this excellent opportunity when it sees such a big fat sheep as the convoy.

"Little ones, get on!"

"oh" xN

After the leader of the thieves gave the order, a group of thieves rushed down from the mountain and took control of the entire convoy.

And Zhou Fangwu's carriage was surrounded by thieves.

bang bang bang!

The rough knock on the door made everyone in the carriage frown.

Disrespectful man!

"You guys, come down quickly!"

The leader of the thieves was yelling like a monkey outside, and his rude words were mixed with abuse.

What do you mean, do you have hatred for nobles?

With this question in mind, Zhou Fangwu and the others stepped out of the carriage.

"Hey hey, it's a big fish."

When the leader of the thieves saw the people in the carriage, he was very happy, thinking that he had caught a big fish.

Little did they know that this big fish was actually a whale.

"Hey, are you a thieves group?"

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Hui Hui took a step forward and questioned the leader of the thieves in front of him.

And it's exactly the same as the tone of the thief leader before, they are all very unfriendly... Of course, it is impossible to be friendly in this situation.

"Which... are you?"

The head thief tilted his head and pursed his lips, looking at Huihui with an uneasy face.

I feel very uncomfortable with this loli who suddenly questioned me in front of me, and I feel that her appearance interrupted my action of continuing to oppress others.

"Hmph...you asked."

When Huihui heard that the thief leader was asking herself~www.wuxiamtl.com~, she immediately flicked the cloak behind her, and then put on a very middle-class posture, loudly introduced herself to the thief leader, saying:

"My name is Huihui, and I am the number one magician of the Crimson Demon Clan, and also [the number one person in Explosion Magic]! Say, worship me!"

The atmosphere was once cold.

"This guy, there is something wrong with his brain."

The thief leader scratched Mohawk's head and asked everyone a question, then he took another bite and said viciously: "I don't have time to talk to you, you little bastard, let me get out of the way!"


Huihui was taken aback, and then her excited eyes glowed red again.

"You, you said it!

How dare you say that I'm a little guy or something... See if I don't teach you a lesson! "

Huihui was angry.

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