Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 335: A group of monsters, thieves, and zombies are attacking, and everyone is in trouble...

After watching the leader of the thieves leave, everyone prepared to return to the carriage.

It was just a blip in the journey, nothing serious.

They all think so.

After all, the mere thieves group did not bring them any trouble at all, and it was easily resolved.

But other people don't think so.

Especially the other adventurers who followed the convoy as guards, when they were surrounded by groups of thieves, they didn't have any mentality of resistance.

The reason is that the adventurers in Axel Novice Village are too weak.

…No, that might not be quite right.

There are still powerful adventurers in Axel Novice Village, but they are all hidden bosses, and this time they did not follow the convoy either.

"Wait, wait!"

Just as they were about to return to the carriage, the owner of the team ran up to the crowd again.

"Ahahaha, as expected of the lord, you are indeed powerful! I didn't expect you to drive away the thieves without any effort!"

The team owner was very happy.

After all, there were no casualties, and the goods were not robbed, so he was naturally happy that he had no loss.

"No, this time it's not due to me, but to her—Huihui, the great magister of the [First Person in Explosion Magic] in the [Hero] team! It's her credit!"

Introduce Huihui who is curled up in his arms to the team owner.

Although the title is a bit of a mouthful, Zhou Fangwu still started her name and fulfilled her desire to be famous all the time.

"That's right! It's me, Huihui!"

"Ahaha, you are indeed Axel's 'most famous' great magister!"

Hearing the team boss's praise, Zhou Fangwu even suspected that he was acting strangely.

But when he took out a bag of Eris (money), he knew that he was sincerely praising Huihui.

"This is my humble opinion, please don't be polite, my lord magister."

Although he said so, his eyes kept looking at Zhou Fangwu, even with a little pleading meaning.

Is it because I was rejected by myself, and then I want to please Huihui again... No, is it sincere?

"Huihui, you decide this matter yourself."

"Hmph! Then of course I will accept it!"

As Zhou Fangwu thought, Megumin took Eris away without hesitation.

But it's what she deserves.

It's not something everyone can do to frighten off the thieves with their own efforts, and she can take this money with peace of mind.

The team owner lightened his hand, and he didn't feel distressed after the bloated purse was taken away, but grinned happily.

"Hehehe, then I won't bother everyone in the [Hero] team, and I have to go to the front to rectify the team."

With that, he turned and left.

As expected of a shrewd businessman, his communication skills are quite clever.

"Okay, let's go back too."

Zhou Fangwu carried Huihui back to the carriage, and the others went back together.

This time the enemy attacked them as melon eaters, they didn't help at all, they just stood there and watched the show.

They knew Huihui's details, but those thieves didn't.

Watching Huihui pretend to be a great magister who can use many magics, and then effortlessly scare off the bandits, and finally get a high bounty.

A little envious.

Back in the carriage, Zhou Fangwu replenished Huihui's strength until she could move freely.

Then Betty once again seized the throne in Zhou Fangwu's arms.

This is her exclusive position and will not be given up to others...unless there are special circumstances.

The carriage started slowly again, and the convoy continued on.


On a piece of Gobi Desert, the team set up a tent here, preparing to rest for a night in this place with a wide view.

[Hero] The people in the team gathered together.

The bonfire lit up all faces.

"By the way, Sato-kun, I suddenly forgot someone!"

"Huh? Who?"

"Chris! I would have called her if I had known."

Zhou Fangwu patted his forehead, blaming himself for forgetting the other goddess.

Chris is not only Darkness's friend, but also the object of Sato Kazuma's current love, although he still doesn't know Chris' true identity.


Sato Kazuma was silent for a while, and said, "Actually, I want to find her too."

"Then why..."

"Because it's a team activity, isn't it?"

Kazuma Sato said what was natural.

It's just that he hasn't discovered that the [Heroes] team isn't the only one among these people.

"What are you talking about, Kazuma! Wiz is not a member of our team, but isn't she still with us!"


Sato Kazuma was stunned for a moment, then suddenly hugged his head and roared loudly: "I didn't expect this, what a fool, I—!"

There is regret in the long roar.

But it's too late to say anything now.

It may be because of this relationship that Sato Kazuma was not in high spirits at night, and after chatting for a few words, everyone lay down to rest.

late at night

A kind of subtle fluctuation made Zhou Fangwu wake up instantly.

Gently pulled out the left and right hands held by Aqua and Darkness, and then put down Betty who was sleeping soundly in his arms, Zhou Fangwu stood up lightly.


The skills with a wide range spread out in an instant, enveloping unknown creatures in the distance.

There were shocking gaps on their black and purple bodies, and large pieces of carrion hung on them, and they walked towards the camp with one step at a time.

"...Sure enough, it's a group of zombies."

Akua's physique for attracting zombies was too strong, so the group of zombies came to him.

Just when Zhou Fangwu wanted to solve it alone, the adventurers who were in charge of the night watch at the camp shouted sharply:

"Hey, get up! There are enemies, everyone, get up!"

With such a loud shout in the silent night, other people would be woken up no matter how deeply they slept. Zhou Fangwu sighed slightly as he watched everyone get up quickly.

have to.

After all, it woke them up.

Obviously, he can easily solve it by himself.

"Wu... what happened?"

Akuya propped herself up, then fell into Zhou Fangwu's arms again, asking the reason in a daze.

Zhou Fangwu replied truthfully: "A group of zombies are coming towards us."

"... Zombies?!"

Aqua woke up instantly.

She was naturally sensitive to these undead, and when she heard the words of zombies, she immediately became sober.

"It's actually a zombie?!"

Akuya jumped up from Zhou Fangwu's arms, and then came to the zombie group.

"Hey, get out of there, it's dangerous!"

When the other adventurers saw Aqua approaching unsuspectingly, they expressed great doubts about her safety, and at the same time yelled at her to leave quickly.

But they didn't know what Akuya's real identity was.

"You group of undead monsters dared to attack the goddess while she was asleep, you really have the guts!"

Akua's long water-blue hair fluttered in mid-air, her body glowed brightly, and her face carried an inaccessible holiness.

"Rest in peace, lost souls!

【tunrnundead】—! ! "

A wide range of warm white light expanded with Akuya's shouts.


"what is this?!!"

"What an exaggeration—!"

Seeing this, the people around exclaimed in surprise, expressing disbelief.

And all the zombies who came across the light from Aqua were purified one after another.

Seeing this, people's exclamation turned into cheers again.

"What, what a beautiful priest... she is almost like a goddess!"

"Ah, the zombies have been purified, and we are safe! How lucky!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Wait! Look, isn't that lady priest riding in the same carriage as [Lord Lord]... So, she is also a member of [Heroes]?"

"It must be so!"

They were convinced in the Dihua, and then they praised Aqua loudly, shouting her name.

Akua became complacent again.

...It was clearly her fault.

But seeing her little expression of wanting to be praised as she ran up to him, Zhou Fangwu couldn't bear to scold her.

"Good job~www.wuxiamtl.com~Akuya."

"Hey hey."

Aqua smiled foolishly.

Zhou Fangwu patted her head, then looked at Wiz who was squatting on the ground beside her.

"It's okay, Wiz."

"Yes, I am not affected."

Knowing that Wiz is a lich, Zhou Fangwu released the protective cover ahead of time, isolating the space within 1 meter of her.

Akuya's holy magic couldn't touch her, and she escaped the disaster smoothly.

Otherwise, Wiz will have to suffer a little bit.

At this time, the owner of the team came again. He held up the money bag in his hand while running, and shouted loudly:

"Oh! I didn't expect to be saved by you again. Thank you so much!"

The team boss came to send money again.

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