Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 195: Healing Magic Cannot Heal Wounds

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

A mansion in the suburbs that has collapsed.

Among the covered ruins, Zhou Fangwu used magic to prop up a small space, protecting the women behind him at the critical moment.

"Wind Element Magic—Wind Blade Impact!"

Then use magic to break through the gravel on the head, and see the sun again.

Then he asked the women behind him with concern, "Are you all right, Akuya, Darkness, Hui Hui, you are not injured, are you?"

"That idiot Kazuma!"

"It's a pity that I didn't experience the thrill of being overwhelmed by a collapsed mansion."

"Ah, it's okay, I'm fine."

Although the answers they gave were different, it could be heard that they were not injured and looked very energetic.

Fortunately they were not injured.

"That's right, Sato-kun!"

Suddenly remembering Sato Kazuma who experienced the explosion at close range, Zhou Fangwu called the girls sitting on the ruins to find his trace.

"Tsk, just leave him alone."

Akuya obviously still hated Sato Kazuma's fault of blowing up the mansion just now. It is estimated that she has no idea of ​​resurrecting him at all at this time.

"What are you talking about, Aqua, aren't we companions?"

"That is to say. Although Kazuma is a dirty, ghost, and a real scumbag, he is still a member of the [Heroes] team anyway. Let's save him."

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Darkness and Huihui pleaded for him first, although there was strong dissatisfaction in the pleading.


Aqua snorted lightly, without any movement.

Seeing her like this, the others didn't persuade her anymore.

At this time, Akua couldn't listen to anything, so it's better to let her rest for a while to calm down.

Finally, after a long busy day.

The three found the remains of Kazuma Sato at the bottom of the ruins, which had been charred and torn apart by the blast.


Those were two close-range explosions in a row. If he survived like this, Zhou Fangwu would wonder if he was wearing the skin of a muscular female cross knight in the team. After all, he is just an ordinary [adventurer] .

After searching for half a day, I found the various parts that were blown up, and then spliced ​​them together.

"Aqua, please."


Although Akua is still upset with Sato Kazuma, this is the request of her favorite warrior, even if she is upset, she will agree to the resurrection of the warrior Sato Kazuma.

[Goddess Privilege—Resurrection! 】

As Aqua showed the posture of a real goddess, a dazzling light shot up from the magic circle that surrounded Sato Kazuma in front of her.

After a dozen breaths, the scorched Sato Kazuma returned to normal.

He is resurrected.

But after his resurrection, he obviously hasn't recovered yet.

Even though he opened his eyes, his eyes were dull and confused, no matter how much he called his name, there was no response.

Zhou Fangwu looked at him suspiciously, and asked Akuya: "Hey, Akuya, what's wrong with him?"

"Hmph, who knows."

Akuya turned her head and replied unhappily: "I just resurrected him as usual, I don't know why the idiot Kazuma became like this."


"It's over, Kazuma has become a fool."

When Darkness and Megumin looked at Sato Kazuma, there was strong sympathy in their eyes.

Has Sato Kazuma, who has always called them idiots, finally become a fool on this day?

It's really... so satisfying!

However, they obviously thought too much.

In less than a minute, Sato Kazuma came back to his senses.

"Am I resurrected?"

Sato Kazuma groped his body up and down, and found that his body was not injured at all, and his body was still half wrapped in the team uniform. Combined with what happened before, it is not difficult to guess that he was resurrected by Aqua again.

"So what's the matter, Sato-kun."

Zhou Fangwu used the healing magic to heal him again, and at the same time asked with concern: "Are you all right, is there any discomfort, do you need to heal you again?"

Sato Kazuma shook his head after hearing this.

He still had a dull expression on his face, and he replied in a daze: "I'm fine, Senior Zhou Fang, I just found out something suddenly."

"What's up?"

"Healing magic can't heal trauma."

"Puff cough!"

I was amused by Sato Kazuma's incomprehensible look.

Obviously still in this situation, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help laughing out loud. Seeing that Sato Kazuma was fine, he stopped the healing magic in his hand.

"Okay, what to do next, everyone."

Zhou Fangwu asked the team members: "It was an accident that the mansion collapsed. Now we want a new residence. Do you have any good ideas?"

Akua said: "For that kind of thing, ask the idiot Kazuma who initiated it."

Even though the resurrection magic was used just now, Aqua was still targeting Kazuma Sato.

But hearing that Akua didn't respond to his Sato Kazuma, maybe he is still in shock.

"Wu, you decide."

"Yes, Wu."

Both Darkness and Huihui said that they followed the leader's arrangement.


Zhou Fangwu began to think.

The mansion, which had been newly built for less than three months, collapsed on the first day of winter.

Very troublesome.

Because it has already entered the winter, those craftsmen will stop working and get through this cold winter with peace of mind. Even if they start work as soon as possible, they will start the spring of the next year.

In this way, if you want to build it again, you don't know that it is the year of the monkey.

So it is imperative to find a new place to live.

Are you going to stay in a hotel again, or are you going to borrow someone else's house?

How about going to Wiz's magic item shop?

‘Wiz, our mansion is in ruins, so please allow us to stay here for a while. During the period, we will pay the room fee and help organize the item shop, please. '


Zhou Fangwu was happy to use this roundabout way to lighten the burden on the poor store manager, and more importantly, the team members could cultivate their relationship with her.

Kill two birds with one stone!

no no no!

Forget it.

With Wiz's character, he would definitely agree to the team members' move-in without even thinking about it, but Zhou Fangwu still didn't decide to ask Wiz to take him in, because he was afraid that he would not help Wiz by then, but would continue to cause trouble for her.

This group of problem children will definitely do that kind of thing.

Forget it, let's not bother her anymore.

Do you want to stay in a hotel?

However, the hotel costs a lot, and there is indeed a lot of pressure on the [hero] team currently purchasing rare ingredients.

How to do?

Just when Zhou Fangwu was having a hard time making a choice, another member of the [Hero] team appeared.

— Bill from the support staff.

"How is this going?!"

Bill looked at the ruins in front of him, and he was very surprised that no trace of the mansion had disappeared.

"Oh, it's Bill."

Zhou Fangwu greeted him, "Well, there was an accident. As you can see, our house was in ruins accidentally."

"oh oh."

Seeing their sluggish expressions, Bill thought it would be better not to ask too many questions.

"By the way, why are you here, Bill?"

"I'm here to bring you equipment."

Bill picked up the package in his hand, "The new equipment you asked me to build has been forged, but when I walked not far from here~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I saw an explosion rising into the sky, so I Came here."

"Yes. Thank you for your concern in every way, Bill."

"What are you talking about, aren't we companions? Anyway, I'm also part of the [Hero] team."

Bill patted his chest with a smile, and asked with concern: "By the way, there is no place to live. Have you decided where to live?"

"No, actually we are also thinking about where to live, and we still can't make up our minds."

"If that's the case, how about staying with me?"

"Hey, is it okay, won't it bother you?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I happen to have a lot of rooms vacant in my backyard. Although it is not as good as your mansion, Lord Lord, it can still accommodate a few people."

"Really? Thank you so much!"

In this way, the team members have a new residence.

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