Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 194: The murder caused by the kotatsu

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!


It is a unique daily necessities in the island country.

For Zhou Fangwu, it is just a prop that often appears in anime,

After all, he is a pure celestial man. Although he has seen it before, he has never used it.

Briefly explain.

The so-called kotatsu is also called warm table and torch (da, two tones).

It is to cover the table with a quilt, and then fix a heat source under the table. In this way, with the cover of the quilt, the temperature can be preserved in it, which is a way to keep warm in winter.


"Satou-kun, it's not good to just move the kotatsu out."

Zhou Fangwu reprimanded Sato Kazuma who was curled up in the kotatsu, and strongly condemned his lazy behavior, "Although the weather has turned cold recently and the temperature has dropped rapidly, it's just winter, isn't it a bit lazy to be so lazy?" Too much."

"Senior Zhou Fangwu, I just finished the task with Daxter and the others, so let me take a rest, please."

Sato and Makoto were lazy in the kotatsu.

Looking at Zhou Fangwu who was also sitting in the kotatsu, although I really wanted to say, 'Aren't you the same! ’ This sentence, but I am afraid that I will be beaten when I finish speaking, so it is better to keep silent.

But Sato Kazun dare not say, it doesn't mean someone will be silent.

"Wu don't stay at home anymore, go do missions with us!"

Huihui lay on Zhou Fangwu's back, hugging his neck and trying to pull him out, "If this continues, I will definitely become a scumbag and a good-for-nothing!"

"Hey, forget it this time, if I hear you slandering me like this again, I will really kick it over."

Kazuma Sato, who claims to be a feminist, huddled in the kotatsu, and his words made people think that he was a real scum, but for some reason, he didn't have any threatening power.

"That is to say, Wu, hurry up and go to the task!"

Darkness can ooze juice even in the cold winter, she said with a flushed face: "Akuya and Megumin haven't done any missions yet, and the punishment is not over yet!"

"Yeah, the punishment will end after doing a few more missions, and I must have a good drink by then!"

Akuya looked at Zhou Fangwu with a gleam in her eyes, "Wu, it's not because you don't want to do missions with us, right?"


so awkward.

It's embarrassing to be told by them.

Humans always have a great interest in novel objects, even Zhou Fangwu is no exception.

You always want to experience something you haven't experienced, don't you?

But after a short rest, I can no longer be so lazy.

Coming out of the warm kotatsu, the cold wind blew by and made him shiver uncontrollably.

The weather is indeed a bit cold.

Looking at the very tempting kotatsu, the open quilt is like a hospitable girl posing in front of you to seduce you, the heat in the kotatsu is floating in the air, and it seems like she is saying in your ear The soft-spoken voice.

[Master, come and play! 】

In this case.

"No no no!"

Hastily waved his hand to wake up from its bewitchment.

As if he suddenly thought of something, Zhou Fangwu asked Kazuma Sato who was still curled up in the kotatsu, "Sato-kun, you made this kotatsu, right?"

"Yes, I did it."

Sato Kazuma raised his right hand high, "Because it was too cold, I moved out the kotatsu ahead of time."

"Then, I have a question I want to ask you."


"What is the heat source of the kotatsu?"

Zhou Fangwu was also sitting in the kotatsu just now, and he didn't feel anything acting as a heat source.

Things like kotatsu need a heat source.

Some are charcoal fires, some are electric heaters, and some other props act as heat sources.

But this is a different world, there is no such thing as [electricity], and there is no charcoal fire in the kotatsu just now.

So, what is the fever?

"Ah, this...it depends on this."

Saying that, Sato Kazuma took out a fiery red crystal block from the kotatsu.

"This, this is...?!"

Zhou Fangwu involuntarily took two steps back, and opened the distance between Sato and Makoto with Huihui on his back.

Aqua and Darkness, who didn't know why, also felt bad, and unconsciously followed Zhou Fangwu's footsteps and took a few steps back.

"The thing that senior Zhou Fang brought back is surprisingly useful. It has such a high temperature in such a small amount, and it lasts for a long time. It has such a high temperature in the past night. It must be a very rare material. Bar."

Sato Kazuma stroked the fiery red crystal block in his hand, and rubbed it against his cheek back and forth.

It can be seen that he likes the small crystal block in his hand very much.

If only he could always like it like this.

"I'm sorry, Zhou Fang-senpai. I'm really sorry that I moved your things without your permission."

Sato Kazuma put down his hand rubbing his cheek, and then showed an embarrassed expression.

"Where, as long as you like it, as long as you like it."

For some reason, he felt that the leader's expression was very stiff at this time.

But he didn't think too much, but asked instead: "Speaking of which, why did senior Zhou Fangwu stay so far away from me, and why did the three of you stay so far away? What's going on, you guys are so suspicious."

Kazuma Sato was very curious, and got up to get out of the kotatsu.

But at the moment he got up, Zhou Fangwu suddenly stopped him.

"and many more!"

"What, what's wrong, Senior Zhou Fang! Why did you call me out loud all of a sudden, what happened?"

Sato Kazuma was obviously frightened, his body stiffened, and he was fixed in mid-air without daring to move.

Seeing him get up, Zhou Fangwu unconsciously took the girls back a few steps, and said to Sato Kazuma who was at a loss: "It may be a little late to explain to you, but Sato-kun knows that you have What is it wearing?"

When Sato Kazuma heard this, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Combined with their behavior, he felt as if he had done something wrong.

Swallowing his saliva, he asked dryly, "What the **** is this, what is it...?"

"Fire magic stone."

Zhou Fangwu explained: "This is a magic ore called [Fire Magic Stone], which can generate high temperature and is a very practical and versatile magic stone."

"What, isn't this just an ordinary magic stone?"

"It may seem right to you, but..."


Originally, Sato Kazuma was relieved, but Zhou Fangwu's "but" made him feel relieved again.

"However, this magic ore has this characteristic, that is, it can release all the heat in an instant. Therefore, it is basically made into a weapon that can explode instantly... yes, it is a bomb."

Just like what they thought in their hearts, amidst everyone's tense expressions, the answer to the mystery was slowly revealed.

This thing was brought back by Zhou Fangwu from the Zero World, and it was the magic ore that the Witch Cult placed in the dragon cart to blow up Emilia.

The purpose at the beginning was simply to give Aqua and the others a few props for self-defense.

But I was afraid that they would use it indiscriminately and cause damage, so I placed it in the basement where few people go.

Unexpectedly, it would be taken out by Sato Kazuma.

And it's still in an activated state!

At this time, as long as you hit it lightly again... it will explode instantly to complete 5 kills!



Sato Kazuma's hand holding the fire magic stone couldn't stop shaking, even though it was cold winter, his sweat couldn't stop flowing down.

It's not hot, it's scary.

Only then did he discover that the seemingly useful heat source is actually a hot potato!

"What, what, what, what to do, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Quickly seek help from a reliable leader and let him think of a way.

"Take it easy, Sato-kun."

Zhou Fangwu instructed him: "As long as this thing is not hit violently, it will not explode. Just throw it far away during this period."

"Oh, oh, I see. It's just a short-distance impact, simple, simple."

After relaxing, Sato Kazuma fell limp, and it was really exhausting to keep standing up, but after learning the solution, he was not so nervous.

But he forgot one thing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

That is, there is a red magic stone in the kotatsu!

Because he lay down with great force, even if the kotatsu had a layer of quilt as a cushion, it caused the low table below to collide violently.


"It's over."

As if taking this as a signal, a dazzling and hot light burst out from the kotatsu.

To explode!

"Yin system magic - space barrier!"

At the critical moment, Zhou Fangwu released this magic, covering the women behind him.



There were two deafening explosions in succession, and the mansion collapsed at this moment.

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