Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 196: New equipment——【Cognitive Impairment Cloak】

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

early morning

Get up and exercise again facing the rising sun, but this time the location is not the previous mansion, but has become Bill's forging workshop.

Thanks to him, the team would not have to check into the hotel.

However, although the problem of accommodation has been resolved, this accommodation is not very friendly to the team members.

Because it is too noisy!

That guy Bill is indeed a famous blacksmith, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a [iron maniac].

It was already late at night without rest, and he was still beating pig iron by the fire, and he got up earlier than Zhou Fangwu the next day, and now he went to forge weapons by the fire again.

Therefore, the romance of the blacksmith is really incomprehensible.

"Wu... good morning."

Akuya came out of the room in a daze, and when she saw Zhou Fangwu, she didn't care that he was exercising in the morning, and immediately hugged him.

"Good morning."

Zhou Fangwu stood with his saber back, looked down at her and asked, "What's wrong, Akuya."

"It's so noisy, I didn't sleep well last night."

"Please be patient with this. It's good to have a place to live. It's better not to be too picky."

"why is it like this…"

Aqua curled her lips aggrievedly.

You don't need to guess what Aqua is thinking, so it's better to ignore her request until she speaks out.

Living in the stables before was even worse than the current accommodation environment, didn't I stick to it?

It's better for her to insist on this point, and it's better not to leave the mansion before the renovation is completed.

Because the funds needed next will be huge.

The mansion is rebuilt, rare ingredients are purchased, and supplies for the team to survive the winter also need to be purchased.

Because of the collapse of the mansion after the explosion, all the clothes and daily necessities were unusable, so it was necessary to buy them again.

A large amount of funds have flowed out, and the team's deposits are already in a hurry.

"As a goddess, I can only live here..."

Akuya was very dissatisfied, but after knowing the reason why she couldn't move away, she could only accept her fate, turned around and went back to sleep again.

By coincidence, the rest of the squad got up.

"Good morning, Senior Zhou Fang."

"Wu, good morning."

"Aqua, Takeshi, good morning."

Seeing their listless appearance, Zhou Fangwu also greeted them, "Good morning, Sato-kun, Darkness, Huihui, you woke up very early today."

"Yes, I can't sleep after all."

Huihui stretched her waist and rubbed her sleepy eyes, and said not soberly: "Because I'm not used to sleeping after changing the bed, and the sound of iron hammering all night, I didn't fall asleep at all."

"that's right."


Sato Kazuma and Darkness echoed her words.

"You guys..."

"That's really sorry!"

Just when Zhou Fangwu was about to say something, Bill appeared behind the crowd and said loudly to his teammates: "Because there is urgent equipment that needs to be built, so I worked a little bit harder. Ah, please rest assured, starting today It won't, because I've already built everything."

"I'm sorry, Bill."

Zhou Fangwu said apologetically: "Obviously we were taken in with good intentions, but we were picked and picked by this group of problem children."

"no problem, no problem!"

Bill grinned widely, his teeth turned white under the morning sun, "I don't care about such a small matter, aren't we companions?"

So you are somewhat dissatisfied anyway!

Such a hearty smile made me even more embarrassed.

You're such a nice guy, Bill.

The farce of the morning is over, and the next thing is business.

"Wu, the equipment I entrusted to build has not been handed over to you, what should I do?"

Bill went to the mansion yesterday just to give Zhou Fangwu the special equipment he ordered before.

Although it is custom-made, it is not a weapon, but equipment.

—A pure white cloak.

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget."

Zhou Fangwu slapped his head, "Where is that dress, can you give it to me now?"

"Of course, it's in the weapon store in front, and you can get it now."


After speaking, Bill took the cloak over.

Looking at the cloak in front of them, the team members all had curious expressions.

"Senior Zhou Fang, is this the team's new uniform?"

Kazuma Sato pulled the cloak and found that it was made of the same material as the team's cloak, but the style was different.

Akuya also asked curiously: "Could it be that it's going to be winter, so you changed the cloak for a cloak?"

"I still think the cloak is more handsome."

The great magister of the second disease of middle school shook the cloak behind her. Compared with the warm cloak, she preferred the cloak behind her.

"If that's the case, please pardon me."

Shaking M, the perverted female cross knight shouted at the side: "I don't need it anymore! Imagine walking in the snow in the cold winter wearing thin clothes, the icy wind and snow blowing violently, and the body is frozen. Stiff but I have to take risks. Because if I don’t do this, I will be punished by the leader of the team... Yes, I disobeyed the order but was stripped naked by the evil leader, and walked in the cold snow with nothing... That kind of feeling , great—!”

As she spoke, she began to tremble again with a flushed face.

Zhou Fangwu doubted that if she really walked in the snow naked, she would not get cold, because the body temperature she had been taking from F could make her not feel the cold.

"No, this cloak is for myself."

What they said made them even more puzzled.

"What does it mean?"

"Could it be that this is the [leader's] equipment?"


"Stupid Aqua, it's like the leader and the members, there must be something that clearly distinguishes the two, that is to say [the cloak is the unique equipment of the leader]."

"I see, I understand...Hey, don't call me an idiot!"

The members of the team were talking all over the place, but they still said something wrong.

"No, I think you've all misunderstood."

Zhou Fangwu explained: "This cloak is my special-purpose equipment, and it is not suitable for the current [hero] team that wants to be famous."

"Special role?"

"Well, I'm going to describe a magic circle on this piece of equipment, which is a magic that can prevent others from peeping, divert others' attention, and reduce my own sense of existence."

Magic - [Cognitive Impairment]

This technology was requested by Zhou Fangwu from Roswaal, which is the magic circle depicted on the cloak with the [Magic Bird] that Roswaal made for Emilia.

Being able to make others ignore him is a very useful piece of equipment for Zhou Fangwu, a traveler who walks in the heavens.

But this is a tasteless for the [hero] team who want to make a name for themselves~www.wuxiamtl.com~Of course, this piece of equipment is also very suitable for Sato-kun, if you want it too, I will make one for you too . "

"Please, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Without even thinking about it, Sato Kazuma asked Zhou Fangwu to help him make one.

In his vision, this piece of equipment is really a sharp weapon for lurking assassination and life-saving for a thieves-specialized adventurer like him.

"Then, let me describe the magic circle and finish it."

Putting the cloak neatly on the counter, Zhou Fangwu began to draw the magic circle.

"This way, this way, this way... okay."

Half an hour later, the magic circle was engraved, and an inconspicuous light flashed.

[Cognitive Impairment Cloak] Production is complete!

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