Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 193: Temptation of Wiz

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Since the ingredients were stolen by Akua and Megumin, Megumin's [Teleportation] skill could only be delayed for a while.

But that didn't stop the squad from throwing a banquet.

Escorted Akua to the Adventurer's Guild, repaid the huge debt she owed, and then accepted a task of [purifying the ghosts that harass the residential area] by the way.

After completing the task, the team held a banquet.

Of course, everyone was drunk, except for Darkness and Zhou Fangwu, because they still had the task of taking them back.

The days that followed were rather boring.

In order to repay the 200W debt owed by Eris, Akuya and Huihui were forced to go into business. Under Zhou Fangwu's compulsory request, the two women would go out to pick up tasks every day, set off in the morning and return in the evening, and so on.

While Darkness accompanied them on the grounds of training, Sato Kazuma received a commission to temporarily leave the team, and went to do missions with Taylor and Duster.

For some reason, Zhou Fangwu suddenly became idle.

"By the way, I have to write a letter to Darkness's father."

Zhou Fangwu suddenly remembered what he said before, and wanted Lord Dustinis to help him pay attention to the rare ingredients, so he wrote a letter to report his safety and entrusted him with this matter.

There should be no problem.

With the prestige and connections of the Dustinis family, as long as the money is in place, no matter how rare the ingredients are, they will definitely be able to buy them.

It really complied with the sentence, [Money can turn ghosts, you get what you pay for].

Write the letter, come to the Adventurer's Guild, and hand it over to the courier.

Before leaving, he was entangled by Luna, and it took a lot of effort to escape from her broad chest in embarrassment.

Miss Luna, who is so enthusiastic, is overwhelming.

Without the two goalkeepers Akuya and Huihui blocking the front, try not to come here alone.

Staggering, he passed Wiz's magic item shop unknowingly.

After thinking about it, I decided to go in and have a look.

I habitually don't knock on the door, but when I push the door in, I find an exciting scene.

Wiz was lying on the ground, his upper body got under the counter, his plump buttocks were sticking out and shaking slightly...

This picture is really exciting!

looking at the sky~

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help raising his head.

See no evil, hear no evil, hear no evil.

An upright boy will not take advantage of peeking!

Even if I, Zhou Fangwu, were to die, even if I jumped from here, I wouldn't steal a glance at Wiz's ass!

It smells so good!

It wasn't me who was wrong, it was Wiz!

Because she is really too tempting!

Maybe Zhou Fangwu's footsteps came in lightly without making a sound, so that Wiz, who was lying on the ground, didn't hear the sound of the door being opened, so she didn't know that there was already a person standing behind her.

After waiting for a long time, Wiz shook more and more, and Zhou Fangwu couldn't bear it anymore.

"Cough cough."

Clenching his right hand to his chin, he coughed lightly.

A small noise was deliberately made, so that Wiz, who was lying on the ground focused, could hear it, letting her know that a customer from the item shop had arrived.


Wiz's shaking movement stopped suddenly, she should have known that someone was coming.

Then she got up quickly and wanted to receive customers who came to her door.

But she completely forgot that she was lying on the ground at this time, and got under the counter.

As soon as she looked up, she made intimate contact with the bottom of the counter.


A clear voice came from the back of Wiz's head, together with her cry of pain: "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

It's not over yet!

Because Wiz stood up very hard, the reaction force after she collided with the counter was also great.

This caused the bottles and cans on the counter to collide with each other, and all the liquid in the bottles spilled out and flowed down from the counter, all dripping on Wiz.

White, yellow, and transparent liquids.

It was all stained on Wiz's body and face, the brightly colored slime contrasted sharply with her dark purple dress.

Not only that, but her long brown hair was also stained a lot.

[(shi) body (you) confusion! 】

"Wiz, are you okay!"

Concerning and asking with apology, Zhou Fangwu took a step forward and dragged the confused girl out from under the counter.

If she hadn't made a sudden noise, Wiz wouldn't have bumped her head, and covered her body with these unknown liquids, putting her in an unseemly embarrassing situation.

But the poor shopkeeper in front of him obviously had a strange brain circuit.

She didn't care how embarrassed she was at this moment, but cared about the bottles and jars that were knocked down, and the slime of different colors.

After getting up, he didn't care about Zhou Fangwu. Instead, he cleaned up the mess on the counter, trying to recover a little loss.

Then, looking at the scattered slime, he said something unconsciously.

"Ah, what a waste."

Wiz looked at the slime that had been scattered on the ground with great pain, and complained regretfully in his mouth.

"No, even if there is only this point, it can't be wasted."

As she spoke, she filled her index finger with the white slime stuck to her clothes, and then put it into her mouth.



No, no, no!

This picture is full of sense, it is too exciting!

Especially Wiz's innocent and heartbroken expression made Zhou Fangwu break his defense in an instant.

Clamping the buttocks, the waist is also arched back.

'Stop tempting me! '

As much as he wanted to say that, the little devil in his head was shouting loudly: 'Come again! '

If you go on like this, you will definitely make mistakes!

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly asked: "Ahem, cough, Wiz, what are you doing?"

"Ah, it's Wu!"

Only then did Wiz recover from his heartache, and found that the leader of the [Hero] team appeared in the store, so he greeted him.

"So, what were you doing just now, why did you lie on the ground?"

"That... Actually, the product was accidentally dropped under the counter, and I tried to pick it up but couldn't reach it anyway. It's almost impossible to say."

Wiz wrapped his arms around his chest, and said with an extremely regretful expression, "It would be great if I could take it back."

Hey, you will make Megumin jealous!

Looking at Wiz's broad chest, Zhou Fangwu knew why she was lying on the ground for so long just now.

After understanding, he pointed to the products on the counter and asked, "Then, what are these bottles and cans? They accidentally spilled them, and you seem to be heartbroken."

"That's right! These are really expensive and rare commodities!"

It's okay not to say, but it hurts even more when Wiz said it.

While collecting the remaining mucus, she explained: "These are edible skin care products that are popular among female adventurers. This one is lychee-flavored, this one is mango-flavored, and this one is apple-flavored."

I see.

Sorry, I misunderstood.

Hurry up and take off the yellow glasses you are wearing to prevent yourself from looking at everything in yellow.

"Sorry, Wiz, these items are expensive."

Zhou Fangwu apologized and said, "It's all my fault. The sudden noise frightened you, which made these products unavailable for sale."

"No, it's okay, please don't worry too much."

Wiz waved his hand to show that he didn't need to pay too much attention, and then said lightly, "I can still afford this level. If I only drink water for the next month, I can make up for this loss."

"One month, wouldn't you starve to death?!"

Zhou Fangwu was so shocked by her speech that he was speechless, "Well, I will buy these skin care products."

"Yes, can you?"

"Ah~www.wuxiamtl.com~Of course."

Zhou Fangwu nodded and said, "It was my fault in the first place, and don't worry about it. We have three girls in our team."

"Really, really?!"

Wiz looked extremely happy, she bowed and thanked: "Thank you, thank you for your patronage!"


Seeing her so grateful made Zhou Fangwu feel embarrassed. It was his fault in the first place, why did he suddenly become Wiz's benefactor again?

Is this something wrong?

The three skin care products bought from Wiz were all given to Akuya and the others by Zhou Fangwu.

The three girls who received the gift were very happy and very happy.

This made Zhou Fangwu even more confused.

Is there really nothing wrong?

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