, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

"Don't cry, Sato-kun."

General Zhou Fang put his right hand on his shoulder, telling him not to be so sad.


I really don't understand why it's me who spends money, but you who are heartbroken?

Although he knew that Sato Kazuma had put in a lot of effort, Zhou Fangwu's feeling of being aggrieved to comfort another man despite having suffered a greater loss made Zhou Fangwu's mood extremely complicated at this time.

"Zhou Fang...Senior."

Sato Kazuma knew that he had failed the team leader's expectations.

Although he is not responsible, in the final analysis he did not take good care of the problem children in the team.

If I could come here several times to check the ingredients, if I avoided the two of them from the beginning, wouldn't this happen?

Thinking of this, he became very angry.

"Look at what you've done, idiot Akua and idiot Megumi, what the **** have you done!"

Sato Kazuma roared loudly: "You two, don't you feel the slightest bit of guilt!"

"Sato-kun, count..."



Originally, I wanted to stop Sato Kazuma from talking too much, but when I heard the three words [guilt], I felt that there was no need to stop him.

Talk about guilt to Aqua, isn't it the first day you teamed up with them, Sato-kun!

Sure enough, Akuya didn't have the slightest remorse.

Megumin was still apologetic, but Aqua just took it for granted.

"Huh?! What are you talking about, idiot Kazuma!"

Akuya flicked her long water-blue hair, and said to Sato Kazuma who was kneeling on the ground: "I am the goddess of water wisdom, and Wu is my representative. As my believer, for the gods I believe in Isn't it natural to offer tribute?"

"But there are still those ingredients that I have worked so hard to get, why even those are eaten!"

"Hezhen is! As my believer, what's the matter with eating some tribute, what's wrong!"

"Who is a follower of your idiot goddess!"

"You, what did you say?!"

"I said, who is your believer, you idiot goddess!"

Sato Hezhenki's brain trembled, and he scolded the idiot goddess in front of him who only knew how to make trouble.


Akuya who was slandered immediately cried out, and got into Zhou Fangwu's arms to seek comfort from her beloved believer.

In fact, this is just her trick, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

As long as Zhou Fangwu doesn't pursue her fault, Sato Kazuma will let her go for the sake of the team leader.

It has to be said that in terms of evading responsibility, Akuya still has an IQ bonus.


What happened next didn't go as she expected.

"That's right. Actually, Aqua didn't do it on purpose, let's let her go this time... What, do you think I'll say that?!"

Zhou Fangwu pinched Akuya's cheek desperately, even though she was screaming in pain, he didn't let go.

Really angry!

Thinking of the 22 million Eris owed before, Zhou Fangwu couldn't forgive her easily!

"Give me a good reflection, Aqua!"

After the reprimand, the following judgment was made for Akuya's actions:

Based on his outstanding contributions to the tasks of [Fighting the Headless Horseman] and [Intercepting the Mobile Fortress Destroyer], we only need to repay Sato Kazuma's mental loss and personal food expenses, a total of 200W Eris. .

All pocket money will be deducted for the next 3 months, alcohol is not allowed for the next six months, one task will be taken and completed every 3 days, and the ghosts will be purified in the nearby cemetery every week, and the rare ingredients obtained by the team will not be eaten.

Most importantly, she is not allowed to borrow money in the name of the [Hero] team.

After Akuya signed a series of unequal treaties, Zhou Fangwu calmed down.

This is already the biggest concession.

You must know that there is still a debt of 22 million Eris that needs to be repaid.

Even though he knew that Akuya would not abide by it, as long as she could be honest for a while, Zhou Fangwu would be satisfied.

Although Sato Kazuma felt that he could not forgive her so easily, but seeing that the team leader had spoken up, he could only suppress his displeasure towards the idiot goddess and admit the stupid things she did.

After all, the lost rare ingredients have already been eaten, and it is impossible for them to spit them out again.

"That... Actually, I was also at fault, please punish me too."

After punishing Akuya, Hui Hui also raised her hand tremblingly, and said in fear: "But, please don't expel me from the team, I am willing to do anything else!"

Hey, what can you do with that little tablet?

Huihui, who knew that she had done something wrong, did not evade responsibility, but took the initiative to admit her mistake, hoping that Zhou Fangwu, who was the team leader, would issue an order to punish her.

Of course, I also hope that Zhou Fangwu will not expel her from the team because of this.

This is the last thing she wants to accept.

"If you're afraid of punishment, don't do it in the first place."

Zhou Fangwu complained.

With her appearance like this, she obviously knew the law and violated the law. She knew that this would definitely be exposed, but she still chose to be stupid with Akuya.

"Megumin, you wouldn't do such a thing, but you followed Akua's bewitchment, I'm curious about it."

"Because, because... this can increase the power of Explosion Magic, isn't it!"


"This rare ingredient can gain experience points, and after accumulating a certain amount of experience points, it will be upgraded. With skill points, can't the power of explosion magic be enhanced!"

Hui Hui's eyes were shining, and her face was flushed with excitement.

ah this...

It seems that not only he knows, but even troubled children like Hui Hui understand the importance of rare ingredients.

I really underestimated you, even if you still have some brains.

However, this is not to praise them, and there is still a punishment that should be given.

"Since this is the case, half of Akuya's 200W Eris debt will be borne by you, that's fine."

Zhou Fangwu treats all people equally, and gives Huihui half of Akuya's debt to repay the team's 200W Eris, so that she will be severely punished and at the same time have a profound lesson.

In order not to make Huihui think too much, he really broke his heart.

After hearing this, Huihui waved the magic wand in her hand and replied loudly: "Yes, I am very happy!"

It was obviously a punishment, but she was very happy.

Darkness, who was watching from the side, suddenly became excited at this moment.

While pointing at Zhou Fangwu, her face flushed, she said loudly, "Sure enough, Wu is the kind of serious person on the surface, but secretly he is an evil noble who threatens the female members of the team!"


"In order for Akua and Megumi to repay the money, Wu will definitely say something like [Hey~www.wuxiamtl.com~use your dirty bodies to make money back for me] to them!"

"..." X4

This time it wasn't just Zhou Fangwu, even the rest of the team felt that there was something wrong with Darkness.

But she didn't have any repentance, and she was still delusional.

"As a crusader, of course I won't see them suffer, but because of this, I fell into your trap step by step, fell into your claws and was played wantonly by you. It's not just me, Akua and Hui Hui will also be caught by you, and then this team will become your harem, everyone will be played by you or something..."

The more Darkness spoke, the more excited she became, her body was still trembling uncontrollably.

"Ha, ha~ huh...that's great—!"

"So, so, I don't have that idea—!"

Zhou Fangwu's brain was also trembling.

ps: It is recommended on the Internet, hope to support more.

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