, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Getting Huihui to learn the [Teleportation] skill is the most important thing for her right now.

However, [Teleport] is not as easy to acquire as [Teleportation].

As an advanced movement magic, of course, it requires a huge number of skill points.

Even if Huihui is the second highest-ranked member of the team, she can't afford this exaggerated value at the moment.

If you want to talk about why, it's because every time she upgrades, she spends all the upgraded points on [Explosion Magic]!

However, this is not a problem.

Zhou Fangwu has other solutions.

—Just let Megumin upgrade.

Upgrade = Skill Points = [Teleportation]

The perfect conversion formula!

Therefore, at this time, Kazuma Sato needs to appear!

Asked Sato Kazuma, who was looking around, "Sato-kun, those rare ingredients that I asked you to buy before..."

"Oh, it's finally this day, I can't wait!" Hearing the leader's inquiry, Sato Kazuma had an excited expression.

He shook the key to the basement of the mansion, and said as if asking for credit: "I have worked hard to collect the two months that senior Zhou Fang left. Those rare ingredients were not only bought with a lot of money, but also a small part of them were bought by me. Spoils of war for doing missions with others."


Zhou Fangwu looked at him in surprise.

"It seems that Sato-kun has worked hard during this period, not bad, and worthy of praise."

He thought that after he left, Sato Kazuma would leave this matter behind and run around behind Eris' ass, but he never expected that he would actually take what he ordered to heart.

And judging from his performance, it seems that he has really collected a lot of ingredients.

"Of course, Zhou Fang-senpai!"

Sato Kazuma looked proud, he tilted his head back and laughed loudly: "As the most reliable man in this team other than you, how can I be with this group of problem children who do nothing but squat at home?" Are you the same?!"

"Oh, you are awesome."

Zhou Fangwu slapped his hands, which can be regarded as his recognition of his efforts during this period.

Darkness on the side heard it, and said loudly in dissatisfaction: "Hey, Kazuma! I've been stuck at home for the past 2 months. This matter has nothing to do with me, right?"


This perverted aristocratic young lady who shakes M first went to the royal capital to participate in the social debut of the princess, and then was confined at home by her father for 2 months.

If she insisted on explaining, she didn't even know that Zhou Fangwu went out to practice, so how could she collect rare ingredients?


Can this be done?

It suddenly occurred to me that the Dustinis family is a great lord, wouldn't it be easier to buy it from there?

Money is not a problem, the most important thing is quantity.

It’s like rare ingredients obtained through hard work. Although it is a sense of accomplishment, it is too time-consuming, and it is not worthwhile for the [hero] team who is short on time.

In this case, it's time to talk to Lord Dustinis about the entrustment in this regard...

Zhou Fangwu fell into deep thought for a while.

It was also because of this that he did not notice the abnormality of the other two problem children in the team.



Aqua and Megumin looked at Sato Kazuma who was showing off how hard he worked, and it was rare that he didn't refute and defend himself.

something wrong.

What an anomaly!

Sato Kazuma's danger radar suddenly activated, and he felt an inexplicable malice rushing towards his face. His intuition told him that it must have something to do with the mentally retarded goddess of water and the great magister of the red demon clan with the second disease.


Scanning the two problem children with his eyes, he found that the two of them were guilty of looking away from him.

Sato Kazuma felt more and more bad, he asked in a low and dangerous voice: "Hey, you two idiots, didn't you do anything unreasonable wrong?"

"No, no, no, no! I'm a goddess, and my words and deeds flaunt the principles of a goddess, so of course I won't do anything bad."

"Hey, how do you look like a goddess?"

Ignoring Sato Kazuma's complaints, Aqua patted her chest, as if clarifying her identity again, but this made her even more suspicious.

Then he turned his gaze to Hui Hui who was standing beside her.

As another problem child staying in the mansion, as long as she is not related to [Explosion Magic], she will not do anything outrageous under normal circumstances...

As long as it is not associated with 【Explosion Magic】

Associated with 【Explosion Magic】

【Explosion Magic】

! !

Sato Kazuma suffers cardiac arrest!

He twisted his neck repeatedly, and even Zhou Fangwu, who was distracted, could hear the rusty rubbing sound of an old machine at his collarbone.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fangwu was curious.

Sato Kazuma asked in a tone of uncertainty, "Hey, Megumin, you won't, won't..."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Huihui held the magic wand in her hand, as if this long cylinder with thick arms could bring her a little warmth in this cold winter.

But that didn't seem to satisfy her.

Then he hurriedly ran behind Akua and hid, only showing a small head, and said weakly: "I, I, I, I, I don't know anything, I have been with Akua all the time, what? None!"

What he said was not as confident as usual, and his tone gradually became strange.

As much as she wanted to prove that she hadn't done anything bad, her appearance made her look even more suspicious.

"Hey, is there some strange tone mixed in!" Sato Kazuma complained, and then the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"You two are very suspicious! No, I always have a bad feeling! Senior Zhou Fang, I'll go back and have a look first!"


"No, wait..."

Before Megumin and Aqua could stop him, Kazuma Sato greeted the leader of the team, turned around and ran towards the mansion.

The abnormal performance of the two made Zhou Fangwu also feel that something was wrong.

But I don't know what happened now, and categorically reprimanding them can easily cause a gap between the two of them.

Because he left for 2 months and was busy with Darkness after he came back, he didn't ask too many questions about the rare ingredients, so he didn't know what was going on.

Darkness, who also didn't know the cause and effect, also said to the members of the team: "Although we don't know what's going on, we should hurry back to the mansion."

"Yes. Even if there is no result staying here, let's hurry up and follow."

Zhou Fangwu nodded in agreement with Darkness's proposal, and then he beckoned the three girls around him to follow quickly.

Very slow.

The equipment on Darkness was too heavy, even if she ran with all her strength, it took half an hour before she returned to the mansion.

Go to the basement and see that the door has been opened.

At this time, Sato Kazuya was really staying in the basement, he was the only one in the empty basement~www.wuxiamtl.com~ That's right.

[Only] him in the empty basement, without a trace of rare ingredients!


He was kneeling on his knees with his head in his hands, his facial expression was extremely distorted, he looked so painful, and the despair overflowed, reaching the depths of the hearts of everyone standing behind him.


(Please refer to Munch's "The Scream")

"My ingredients...my ingredients...the ingredients I worked so hard to collect..."

Sato Kazuma was heartbroken by the empty basement in front of him.


He yelled loudly, and the sense of desperation breaking through the sky was heartbreaking, and it was really sad for those who heard it and tears for the listener.

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