Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 114: Have you never let go of a man's penis?

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Facing the [fencing] invitation from the man in front of him, Sato Kazuma was extremely flustered.

What a joke!

I am the most **** [adventurer], how can I fight against the top-ranked [sword master]?

"Senior Zhou Fang..."

He had no choice but to turn to his team leader, the reliable and reassuring senior Zhou Fang, for help.

"No, I can't help you this time either, sorry."

"Zhou, Senior Zhou Fang—?!"

And the leader's words shattered his hope, the endless cold like falling into an abyss was slowly eroding his weak heart.

Shaking and cold!

Cold sweat all over the body on a hot day with cold hands and feet!

I sigh in my heart, whether this world can be better, I, Sato Kazuma, will be satisfied with how I live!

Are feminists so unpopular in another world? !

The tears stayed down without disappointment, this different world was full of oppression and harm to him everywhere!

When will I, Sato Kazuma, really stand up!

"Ahem, sorry, can we discuss tactics first?"

Zhou Fangwu said to Yujian Xiangye: "Don't worry, Kazuma Sato will fight you. Adventurers will not avoid fighting. You should understand."

"It doesn't matter! If you want to discuss tactics, feel free."

Without thinking about it, Yujian Xiangye agreed to Zhou Fangwu's request to discuss tactics before the battle, and did not intend to let Sato and Zhen Susu "fencing" with him.

at the same time.

He also clapped the knight's long sword in his hand, and said confidently: "If the opponent is that man, I will defeat no matter what tricks I use! My partner and I will not lose!"

Maybe in the subconscious of Yujian Xiangye, Sato Kazuma has been regarded as a ghost, animal and scum who can only play tricks.

Seeing how he looked down on him so much, Kazuma Sato grinned and wanted to spray back.

But Zhou Fangwu hastily stopped him.

"Wait, Sato-kun! It's okay to let him be proud, and let him bow his head and admit his mistake later?"

"No, I will make him kneel down and beg for mercy later!"

Sato and Zhenxin's anger could no longer be suppressed.

Zhou Fangwu took the opportunity to explain to him:

"It's not that I don't help you, but that the cause of this incident is yours. If I fight on your behalf, isn't it an admission that you are wrong. And..."

He whispered seductively in his ear:

"That man is the third in the kingdom. If you can defeat him, isn't it a disguised expression that you are the third in the kingdom? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also an excellent opportunity to make the team famous. Don't let me down Oh."


Sato Kazuma was silent for a while.

And anxiously whispered: "But I'm just the weakest [adventurer], how could I beat him?"

Sato Kazuma is not the kind of troubled child that Megumi can easily solve by being fooled.

He is very rational and knows clearly that he is a scum that can be broken at the first touch, and it is impossible to confront Yujian Xiangye head-on.


Zhou Fangwu knew that he was just nervous, after all, he easily won Yujian Xiangye in the original book.

But in order to make him feel at ease, it's better to tell him the way to defeat Yujian Xiangye.

"Listen to me, Sato-kun."

Zhou Fangwu whispered in his ear:

"His name is Yujian Xiangye, and you can tell from his name that he is also an islander, and he must be one of the [Heroes] that Akua sent over before.

Did you see the knight's long sword in his hand? It was the [cheat] he chose from Aqua. So, as long as you steal his magic sword, you can easily defeat him, do you understand? "

Sato Kazuma has been told how to easily defeat Yujian Kyoya.

"Oh, that's it, that's it..."

Sato Kazuma looked at Yujian Kyouya with malicious intent, and asked in a low voice: "But, is that magic sword really that easy to steal? It was given to him by Aqua .”

Well, still not confident.

You must know that his lucky value is so high that the [Stealing] skill is invincible, and combined with the strongest auxiliary [Varn] skill in another world, isn't it easy to take the magic sword?

In the end, I still didn't dare to fight after knowing that Yujian Xiangye had a cheat.

Forget it, give him some comfort.

"Ahem, if this is the case, then let's use a little trick."

Zhou Fangwu raised his right hand, as if he wanted to discuss tactics with him at close range, but in fact, he added strengthening magic to him.

【Magic Inspiration】

This skill was imitated from Betty. It is very similar to absorbing and absorbing magic power, and there is no change in appearance.

The more magic power, the more obvious the effect. It is a very useful and convenient skill.

But there are drawbacks!

That is, after the effect of the skill disappears, he will become sore all over, and cannot get out of bed for three days.

However, with Aqua's recovery magic, these are not problems.

"Ooooh! This feeling...!"

Sato Kazuma suddenly felt full of vitality.

"Satou-kun, you have been strengthened, time is limited, go and send it!"


He answered loudly, and then responded aggressively.

Yujian Kyoya was also taken aback by Sato Kazuma's high-spirited appearance, but he was confident that he would not lose!

"Looks like you're ready."


Yujian Xiangye also wanted to say some more cruel words before the battle to satisfy his desire to perform in the second disease, but Sato Kazuma knew that his brave state would not last long, so he didn't give him a chance to speak.

"The veil!"

Apart from anything else, he first released the ability to block the line of sight.

Pedestrians on the street were startled by the sudden black fog, and ran around yelling.


"What's wrong!"

"What happened?!"

"Ah! Don't touch me! It's a pervert!"

For a moment, the streets were incomparably flustered.

Sato Kazuma saw that his plan was successfully implemented, and showed an extremely sinister smile.

The streets are in chaos, Yu Jian Xiangye is also defenseless at this time, this is the best time to steal the magic sword!

Seeing this, he used the [Perception] skill to detect Yujian Xiangye's location.

Shout out at the same time: "steal—!" (to steal)

A dazzling light emerged from his right hand, extremely conspicuous on the street full of black mist.

Zhou Fangwu knew that he should have succeeded, so he quickly released the wind magic to blow away the black mist on the street, preventing the street from rioting, and at the same time wanted others to see how Sato Kazuma defeated Yujian Kyoya.


The situation did not develop as he thought!

When the black mist dissipated, Sato Kazuma and Yujian Kyouya were revealed.

It was found that Yujian Xiangye was not injured, and he still held the oppressive magic sword in his hand.

Obviously, his magic sword has not been stolen!

On the other hand, Sato Kazuma, he was half-kneeling on the ground while holding something tightly in his right hand.

Zhou Fangwu thought that Kazuma Sato had failed, but seeing his satisfied expression, he knew that he must have stolen something.


When Sato Kazuma opened his right hand, something unexpected was shown in front of everyone.

It is triangular in shape, pure white in color, and pure cotton in texture.


"Ah, ah?!"

Sato Kazuma looked confused.

He obviously aimed at the magic sword, but how did he steal the underwear? !

Is this reasonable?

For a while, the street was silent.

"What happened?"

At this time, Akuya has returned from the mansion, UU reading www. uukanshu.com She squeezed in to join in the fun.

But when he saw the pure white ** held high in Sato Kazuma's hand, and looked at Yujian Kyoya standing opposite him, he immediately covered his chest and backed away in fear.

At the same time, he said: "Your perversion is really unbearable to look at directly. It's fine to attack the female adventurers of other teams. I didn't expect you to be so perverted that you can't even let a man's **** go?"

"No, it's not like that, listen to me!"

Sato Kazuma wanted to explain again, but it was obvious that there was no room for him to justify under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Although the method was different, he still defeated Mitsuki Kyoya.

It's just that at the same time, he has also confirmed the name of "human scum, ghosts, beasts and truth".

"Listen to my explanation—!"

Sato Kazuma's desperate cries echoed in the silent Novice Village.

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