Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 115: Give up, on XXX you are no match for me

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

【Adventurer's Guild】

Sato Kazuma accepts a strong reprimand from the three female members of the team.


"Ghost animal."


The unceremonious words of the third daughter were like boiling hot water, splashing on his delicate heart, causing his little heart to suffer.

But after being called obscene, Sato Kazuma yelled angrily: "Hey! Perverts and ghosts are fine, why do you still call me obscene? Where am I obscene, tell me clearly!"

"To actually take off a man's underwear or something, isn't scumbag Hezhen not obscene?"

"So, so, that was just a misunderstanding—!"

He loudly argued that what happened just now was force majeure, and looked at Zhou Fangwu as if asking for help, and said pitifully, "Senior Zhou Fang, help me quickly..."

Can't help, wait to die, farewell!

Although I really want to say this, Sato Kazuma is still a member of the team, and he can't just leave him dead. More importantly, if the perverted behavior of Sato Kazuma just spreads out, the team's reputation will be completely ruined.

But what to do?

lost in thought...

The most urgent task is to stop the spread of rumors, or to distort the rumors.

For example: what Sato Kazuma stole was not underwear, but a belt; or scarves, sweatshirts, etc.

But it also requires proof from the victim.

In other words, Yu Jian Xiangye still needs to stand up and explain that his underwear was not stolen.

It's just that there were too many people on the street at that time, so it was difficult to handle.

Moreover, after the extremely embarrassing incident of having his underwear stolen in the street, Yu Jian Xiangye was so ashamed that he dared not see anyone, and ran away while crying.

Although his team members, the spearman and the thief said harshly that they would come back, it was really hard to say where Yujian Xiangye would go.

Just when Zhou Fangwu fell into thinking and felt powerless, Yu Jian Xiangye, who escaped because his underwear was stolen, came back again!

He staggered into the Adventurer's Guild and looked around. After seeing Zhou Fangwu and his party, he came straight.

"Huh? What do you mean, why is he back?"

Zhou Fangwu was very curious about what Yu Jian Xiangye was thinking, isn't that embarrassing enough?

But this is exactly what he wants!

"Hey, isn't this the third kingdom whose **** were stolen? Why is your Excellency coming back again? Are you here for revenge?"

Since Yujian Xiangye will come back, it means that he has a reason to come back. Zhou Fangwu is not afraid that he will turn around and leave, so he teases him unscrupulously.

"You, you, you, you are really despicable villains!"

Yu Jian Xiangye pointed at the crowd tremblingly, and said with great heartache: "I thought you were the heroes who saved the village before, but I didn't expect you to be such people!"

This guy looks like he has never experienced beatings from society.

How dare you say that in front of your face?

Has he always been this brave?

Are you not afraid of being beaten?

However, before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Akuya was not happy.

"Ah?! Do you have the guts to say it again!"

She patted the table and shouted angrily: "It's fine to call scumbags and Zhen, but you dare to say that we are also despicable people?"

"Indeed! Guihuhezhen is indeed a despicable and shameless villain, but we are not like that!"

Huihui also looked at him with red eyes and was very unhappy, and asked Zhou Fangwu's opinion, and asked: "Can I give him an explosion magic? Please, please promise me, let me do it for him." Let's use Explosion Magic!"

Even Darkness was a little dissatisfied.

She said in a condensed voice: "Satou Kazu is really a villain, but I am not that kind of despicable villain! There must be a limit to my lack of manners! As a knight, I will not allow others to slander me!"

"Ah, huh? Why is it suddenly confirmed that I am a despicable person?"

Sato Kazuma was stunned.

Before he knew it, he was tricked by his teammates.

"You, you, you, how many of you... Huh—?!"

Just as Yujian Xiangye was about to say something, he suddenly saw the water-blue figure leaning on Zhou Fangwu's shoulder.

Immediately shouted in shock: "Master Akuya—?!"

Good guy!

Such a big blue retarded man, how the **** did you see it?

It might be because there were too many people just now, and because of the stolen underwear, he didn't see Akuya who was standing aside watching the show when he hurriedly exited. But now there are only a few people present, so he found it at a glance.

"That... who are you?"

"I, it's me!"

Yujian Xiangye pointed to himself, then pointed to the magic sword in his hand, and shouted: "Yujian Xiangye, I got the magic sword Gram from you, it is one of the [Reincarnators] you sent, Lady Goddess!"

"Goddess... lord? Yes, I am lord goddess!"

It may be that this long-lost "Master Goddess" made Akua feel respected by others, and she immediately stood up triumphantly, as if releasing her magnificence to devout believers.

And he didn't mention that she had forgotten about Yujian Xiangye.

"Then, my devout believer, is there anything you can do to find me, a goddess?"

"It's been a long time, Aqua-sama. As the hero chosen by you, I'm working hard every day!"

Thinking that Akuya still remembered her Yujian Kyouya, she didn't think much about it.

Instead, he asked: "By the way, why is Master Aqua here... or rather, why is Master Akua in the lower realm?"


Facing the pious believers, Akuya did not deceive Yujian Kyouya, but told him the matter.

"Ah—?! You actually brought Aqua-sama into this world, what are you thinking about?!"

He pinched Sato Kazuma's neck and reprimanded loudly.

Then he turned to Akuya and said, "Master Akuya, come with me and join my team. With your joining, we will be able to successfully defeat the Demon King!"


Face to face with the tauren?

Young man, you are not kind.

Do you know that you will be beaten like this.

For some reason, Zhou Fangwu was very angry, and the irrepressible anger burned in his heart.

"don't want!"

Aqua refused on the spot.

"Why, why?"

"I am very happy every day, and I don't want to change teams."

"With such a man, what's the fun?"

Hearing Akuya's words, Yujian Kyouya pinched Sato Kazuma's neck and shouted: "Although I don't know how this man got you, but you are a goddess... Besides, how could this kind of team be better than you?" Pass my team!"

"Hey, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said."

Zhou Fangwu, who has been robbed of the show, finally has room to play.

He said dissatisfied: "Although I don't know how brave you are to say that my team is inferior to yours, but no matter what, we have defeated the Headless Horseman, one of the leaders of the Demon King's Army.

And you are just the touted [Kingdom Number Three]!

By the way, Aqua is now living in a mansion in the suburbs, eating expensive and the best food and drinking rare bubble wine! "

"How, how could..."

"Give up, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com In terms of fame, prestige, savings, and appearance, you can't compare to me. Only I can bring happiness to Akuya!"


This swearing of sovereignty completely made Yujian Kyouya despair, and immediately fled the Adventurer's Guild in shame.

And Zhou Fangwu, laughing like a victor, completely forgot to restore the image of Sato Kazuma and the team.


If you get along with this group of problem children for a long time, your IQ will also drop!

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