Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 113: Royal Sword Sounds Night Strikes

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

In the afternoon, Sato and Shino returned to the mansion noisily.

Seeing that Darkness was eating in the restaurant, they stepped forward to care about her situation.

And Darkness just said that she didn't go on an adventure with everyone because she felt a little tired today, and apologized to everyone.

This in itself is not a big deal.

What everyone didn't expect was that Darkness, who has always been very energetic, also wanted to be lazy one day, which made the rest of the team feel very strange.

People who didn't know the truth didn't think too much about it, but forgave her as usual.

Darkness returned to normal, and the rest of the team didn't know about this charming incident that she and Zhou Fangwu buried in their hearts.


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After the two have an unspoken secret, the relationship becomes closer!

the next day.

The team went to the Adventurer's Guild to pick up the mission as usual.

Akuya didn't go with everyone, but went alone to buy the high-end and rare sparkling wine that was sold for a limited time.

Yesterday she managed to get a lot of pocket money from Zhou Fangwu, plus the mission rewards she had accumulated for a long time, finally enough to buy expensive bubble wine.

Since Aqua bought the wine and had to go back to the villa to hide it first, they decided to act separately and finally gather at the Adventurer's Guild.

But on the way, Zhou Fangwu and the others met a very special adventurer.

"Hey! Wait!"

After he yelled, he rushed forward very impolitely, blocking Zhou Fangwu's advancing route.

He wore a headband inlaid with an unknown ruby ​​on his head, and he was wearing a knight armor with jet-black patterns, holding a oppressive knight long sword in his hand.

Although he hasn't introduced himself yet, Zhou Fangwu already knows who he is by looking at his distinctive and distinctive outfit and gorgeous long sword.

He must be Yujian Xiangye!

Of course, there is another reason for this certainty.

——Behind him are two guys who are dressed like Amazon warriors. They are the spearmen and thieves who came to the mansion to splash Sato and really dirty water.

"Uh...you are?"

Although I know who he is, it's better to pretend not to know him for now.

Because it is very troublesome.

"I am Yujian Xiangye!"

The man in front of him said his name very complacently, as if Zhou Fangwu would definitely know him after he said it.


When you were in the island country, weren't you very shy and inferior to your own name? Why did you come to another world, but feel that this very representative name of the second disease in middle school is more representative of yourself?

Good guy, are you also an eel?

"Introduce yourself? That... I'm Zhou Fangwu, hello."

Zhou Fangwu didn't humble himself, but fought against him secretly so as not to lose the wind.

After all, his name is also very famous in Xinshou Village, not weaker than the name of [Yujian Xiangye], and he also represents the external image of the [Hero] team, let alone be inferior to him.

"Eh? Don't you know me?"

He looked surprised.

Zhou Fangwu really wanted to answer him, 'You? Who? ! '

But now it's on the street, you have to be kind and polite, you can't be cold and arrogant, and you can't recruit gangsters for the team.

An honest boy will not be arrogant!

"Ahem! If I'm not mistaken, your Excellency is the third-ranked high-level adventurer in this country [Yujian Kyouya]!...Right?"

First, he praised his 'brilliant deeds', and then held his hands very kindly.

"I have admired my name for a long time! I have admired my name for a long time!"

"Where is it, we are the ones! Your [hero] team was able to defeat the cadres of the Demon King Army. It is really surprising! Please give me more advice, please give me more advice... No—!!"

Although Zhou Fangwu took the topic away for a while, he still reacted.


Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but click his tongue. He knew that troubles would come one after another, and he couldn't avoid them.

"Hey! You just clicked your tongue!"

Yu Jian Xiangye was also very angry that the man in front of him dared to treat him like this.

However, he didn't think about it. In fact, he treated others impolitely before he was treated like this by others.

"Then, why do you come to me who don't know [The Third Kingdom]?"

Zhou Fangwu's rhetoric is quite formulaic, and anyone can hear the meaning of politeness and alienation.

"I'm here to find that ghost boy from your team!"

When Yu Jian Xiangye opened his mouth, the words were very misleading.

"Hey, wait! I can't pretend I didn't hear you [ghost boy]! Are you trying to smear our team and me on purpose?"

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Sato Kazuma jumped out.

He shouted very angrily: "I didn't do anything at all, why are titles such as ghost, bastard, scum, and despicable villain placed on my head!"

Well, before anyone questioned him, he blew himself up.

What a self-destruct truck!

Then, Sato Kazuma said in a low voice, very unhappy: "You bastard, don't come here as if you are trying to stand up for the victim! Do you know that I am the victim!"

He vented his dissatisfaction loudly, and sprayed all the unreasonable disasters he suffered these days on Yujian Xiangye's face.


Mitsuken Kyouya was also taken aback by Sato Kazuma's appearance.

"After all, you came here for the two girls behind you."

Pointing at those two people, he said to Yu Jian Xiangye: "Do you know how I had conflicts with them?"

"How did the conflict happen...?"

"Let me tell you, you know that our team hunted down the Headless Horseman, right?"

"Yes, it's a pity that I went to the capital for business and was not in Xinshou Village, otherwise I would definitely attack it with my own hands!"

"The cause of the matter is here!"


Yujian Xiangye was stunned, not understanding what Sato Kazuma meant.

"The members of your team all think that only you can defeat the Headless Horseman in an upright manner, and our team was lucky enough to defeat it only by relying on opportunistic and insidious means, so they always come here to speak ill of our team and discredit our team. Squad."

Sato Kazuma briefly explained the cause and effect of the matter, and asked, "Do you know about this matter?"

"…Do not."

Yu Jian Xiangye was a little surprised, it was different from what he knew!

The two members of his team said, "The ghost boy in the [Hero] team who defeated the Headless Horseman, took advantage of the team's prestige to do his best, and even made a fuss about the two of them."

That's why he couldn't get angry, so he came to find fault.

However, what Sato Kazuma said was completely different from what the team members said!

Just when he was confused, he heard Kazuma Sato say again: "I, I really believe in feminism, no matter men and women are treated equally. I am a man who can use flying kicks on girls!"

Following his unbearable words ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ all the pedestrians passing by on the street were stunned.

"Ah, you idiot."

Zhou Fangwu held his forehead with one hand, very distressed.

He could understand that what Sato Kazuma said was actually meant to express, because at that time he did not give in to the team members of Yujian Kyoya, so such a conflict caused a lot of misunderstanding between the two parties.


This sentence will not work for Yu Jian Xiangye, who has a sense of justice and is very sick of the second disease!

Because he doesn't understand at all!


After a slight silence, Yujian Xiangye drew out the knight's long sword at his waist, and said to Sato Kazuma in front of him, "I'm sorry, but I still trust the members of my team more than you."

"Ah, ah?"

Sato Kazuma looked confused.

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