Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 112: flicker, then flicker

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Back at the mansion, Darkness didn't appear to have stepped out of the room.

The whole mansion was silent.

But it took too long, and he went straight to her room and knocked on the door.

bang bang!

"Darkness, are you awake?"

bang bang!


She didn't speak, and there was no sound in the room.

Could it be... Darkness is still resting, is she sleeping?

No, it's impossible!

Darkness is a muscular and idiot female knight with the most energy. It is impossible for her to sleep on the bed like Akua and the others.

It must be because I was too shy to face myself, so I pretended not to hear, and pretended not to get up yet.


Zhou Fangwu did not guess wrong.

Just as he imagined, at this time Darkness was curled up on the bed, wrapped tightly in the quilt, wriggling back and forth on the bed like a maggot.

She was too shy to face it.

Regretting why I was so impulsive last night, why I was so bold.

At the same time, she was also angry that the props that Wiz sold her had such a side effect, bigger than she imagined!

That's right!

Darkness was so bold last night for a reason!

She has a good relationship with Wiz, and is a frequent visitor to Wiz's magic shop, and often goes to buy some magical products that Wiz sells to her.

And just some time ago, Wiz recommended to her a special potion that can maintain the skin and make the skin smooth, smooth and shiny again.

This potion is especially popular among female adventurers, and some noble ladies are also using it!


There are side effects!

That is, it will make people's personality change greatly during use!

Gentleness becomes violent, laziness becomes diligent, innocence becomes black-bellied, shaking M will also become shaking S.

Of course, weakness can also become tough!

That's what Darkness is!

Because she has always been very shy, afraid that she will frighten everyone by doing something abrupt in front of everyone-although she often does.

But yesterday, the team members were all drunk, and Darkness thought this was a good opportunity to use the potion.

It's just that she just applied the potion when a man broke in.

It's the team leader, Zhou Fangwu.

This surprised her.

The heart began to pound, the face was hot, and the brain was almost unable to turn around.

Zhou Fangwu proposed to leave, but he wanted to nod in agreement.

But never expected!

The effect of the potion played so quickly, and in just a few sentences, her character changed instantly and became extremely tough, forcing him to stay!

And even asked him to wipe his back? !

The most important thing is that in the end, he still wanted to take him down by force!

However, I still remember all of them!

I'm so ashamed!

The more Darkness thought about it, the more shy she became, wishing she could shrink herself into a ball and crawl into the cracks in the ground.

But just when she didn't know what to do, she heard a voice close at hand.

"Really, since you are awake, Darkness, then say something, I am very worried about you."


Get your head out of the quilt and see the figure standing aside.


"Well, it's me."

"How could you..."

As he spoke, he saw the door of his room being opened.

I heard him say again: "I'm sorry! Because you haven't replied and there is no sound in the room, this makes me very worried, so I used a little trick."


It happened so suddenly that she couldn't speak.

"Alright, get up, Darkness!"

"don't want."


Seeing that Darkness was still curled up in the bed, Zhou Fangwu knew that she was too shy to meet people, so he wanted to forcibly drag her off the bed.

"Hurry up, get up for me—!"

He lifted the quilt, revealing the figure inside.


The eyes are full of holy light!

The bright sun shone on her body, and the white skin reflected the light of the sun. Zhou Fangwu's sight was blocked by the white screen.

Although the long pale golden hair scattered on her fragrant shoulders is very beautiful, but it is a little regretful not to see the real beauty.

Damn it!

Who is the Paladin?

Hurry up and kick me!


Darkness screamed, quickly snatched the quilt from Zhou Fangwu's hand, wrapped herself up again and curled up into a ball.

This time, Darkness didn't show her face.


Zhou Fangwu was a little embarrassed.

He also didn't expect that Darkness was still the same as last night, naked and naked.

But this is not the time to apologize.

Because an apology would make Darkness even more shy, so he was going to take a slanted sword.

"Oh, Darkness is really perverted, it's actually fruit sleep, it's really unexpected."

"I, I, I, I...it's not like that! I just, just..."

Darkness tried to quibble.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't give her a chance at all, and said: "Why are you shy, don't you always want to be treated like this? For example, like this..."

After speaking, he stretched his hand into the bed.

Caressing Darkness's silky skin like Dove, sliding back and forth from top to bottom, from neck to chest and abdomen.

Her body became stiff, and tiny goosebumps gradually emerged.

She is nervous.

But at the same time, she looked forward to it!

Zhou Fangwu could feel it.

Because Darkness's breathing became heavier, and her body temperature also increased!

However, Zhou Fangwu stopped what he was doing just right.

This made Darkness even more dissatisfied.

Twirling her delicate body, she said in an extremely perverted manner: "Wu, you, you, you, you, did you do it on purpose?! Make me look like this... But, this feeling... is great—!"


This method seems to be a bit overdone.

"Then, would you like to talk to me, Darkness?"

Seeing that it was almost done, Zhou Fangwu asked, "What happened last night, why did you become like that?"


She didn't speak, just twisted her body in protest.

And Zhou Fangwu continued to whip her with words, and said very boldly: "Didn't we all meet honestly last night? Don't you think it's a bit late to be shy now?"

Darkness huddled in the quilt, and replied in a sullen tone: "Yesterday, yesterday, I was, just because of the potion..."

"Oh, because of the potion?"

Zhou Fangwu heard an interesting and sensitive word, and he continued to ask: "So, where did you get this potion, and what is its effect?"


Then, Darkness told him everything about the potion.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is..."

Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly, "I basically understand that it is Wiz's special potion that made you change so much...?"

Knowing the cause and effect, he had some headaches.

That Wiz, there is such a troublesome thing.

But that's right, and only she can sell that kind of weird and confusing products.

But now, the first thing to consider is how to bring Darkness back to normal.

"I said, Darkness."

"...What, what's wrong."

"How long do you want to dawdle, get up for me!"


"Hey what! Isn't it normal for team members to be honest with each other? How long are you going to be shy!"

"Ah, huh?"

"Get up quickly! You perverted Darkness, how long are you going to stay in bed!"


"Why do you have to be coy and shy about such a trivial matter? You idiot!"

The more she said, the more confused Darkness became.

She couldn't understand what Zhou Fangwu had to say anymore.

Was she mistaken, was there something wrong with her?

Can the team members really be honest with each other?

Isn't it normal to be shy when something like that happens?

But why did Zhou Fangwu take it for granted?

she does not know!

She can't think at all!

Zhou Fangwu tried to bias her cognition.

Although she will react later, the most important thing now is to get her out of this shy state first.

"Get up quickly, Darkness! Akuya and the others are very worried about you, hurry up and get me back to normal!"

"Hey~www.wuxiamtl.com~Welfare] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base Camp] Read books every day to draw cash/point coins!

"Get up quickly!"

"Y-but I haven't put on any clothes yet~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hurry up, get up, get up!"

Zhou Fangwu's tone became more and more tough, and he kept urging her to get up without giving her time to think.

"Ju, you actually let the girl change clothes in front of you, Wu, you are really obscene, I misjudged you!"

Even though Darkness said so, her blushing face was not convincing at all.

Zhou Fangwu even suspected that she enjoyed such tough demands.

But it was also because of this that Darkness was able to escape from being extremely shy and afraid to meet people.

It's just the price, but Zhou Fangwu's glorious image in her eyes collapsed instantly.

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