, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

When I got up again, the sky was dim.

It has a soft feel in the bosom and a very pure taste.

Looking down, he nodded knowingly.

Oh, it turned out to be Aqua...


Aqua? !

Looking at her beautiful sleeping face, and looking at the open door, he knew that Akuya must have sleepwalked again last night.



Gently let go of the hugging hands, then quickly got up and left.

If someone else sees her, it's time to make a fuss, and it's better to get out quickly.

Just right.

Today's weather is good, and we can't stop our daily morning exercises.

Came to the courtyard and began to practice breathing.

Simple morning exercises ensure that your skills will not be unfamiliar.

An hour later, Sato Kazuma came to look for him.

"Senior Zhou Fang, it's time for breakfast!"


After saying that, he finished his morning exercise and returned with him. But as soon as I sat at the dining table, I realized that someone was not there.

"Hey, where's Darkness?"

Sato Kazuma, Aqua, and Megumin were all there, but Koknis didn't appear here.

Could it be because I was too shy last night, so I didn't dare to show up?

Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Huihui replied: "Yes, it's really rare for Darkness to sleep in or something! You guys go eat first, I'll go and see her."


Everyone nodded.

Then, everyone began to enjoy breakfast.

After a simple breakfast.

Akuya, Sato Kazuma, and Zhou Fangwu began to organize their equipment.

The squad is fully equipped, even if Darkness doesn't go on an adventure today, it doesn't matter, Zhou Fangwu will fill the vacant seat, there is no problem at all.

Rather, the current him, except for Akuya, can be replaced by anyone else.

Waited for a while.

Megumin came out of Darkness's room.

"Hey, Megumi, how is Darkness, is she sick?"

Sato Kazuma said loudly: "If you are sick, let Aqua treat her, after all, she is that one."

"Which [that] is!"

Aqua loudly refuted him very dissatisfied.

But at the same time, he agreed with his words very much, and said triumphantly with his plump chest: "But waste materials and truth are also right, I am the most important high priest of the team, treatment and so on are a piece of cake for me! "

Aqua is the goddess of water, so the healing is of course powerful!

However, Huihui said: "No, Darkness is not sick, she just simply doesn't want to come out, doesn't want to do the mission."




Hearing what Megumin said, Zhou Fangwu and the other three had different expressions.

Aqua and Sato Kazuma clearly sensed that something was wrong.

As usual, Darkness is the one who likes to take risks the most in the team, and she is more diligent than Huihui who releases the explosion magic every day!

After all, Huihui just wanted to release the explosion magic, and didn't care about taking risks to do the mission.

But Darkness is different, every day she fantasizes about [being done such and such invisible things], it is rare that she doesn't want to take risks and do missions?

So suspicious!

Really suspicious!

This time, not only Sato Kazuma, but even Akua was keenly aware of the problem.

"Well, let Darkness be lazy for a day. She has been working hard all this time, so it's okay to take a day off. Don't worry, although I'm not a crusader, it's easy to take Darkness's place."

Just when the two wanted to think deeply, Zhou Fangwu quickly interrupted their conjecture.

He knew that Darkness was too shy to come out to meet him, so he quickly changed the subject. If the two of them questioned Darkness again, Zhou Fangwu didn't know if that perverted crusader would expose the charming process of last night.

Especially Akuya, who has a full stat point of catching traitors, is even more afraid of Darkness, who will cheat in a few words.


It's better to quickly change the topic, take them out of the mansion, and then he will slowly enlighten Darkness later.

"Yes, let's go to the task!"

Even Zhou Fangwu didn't expect that it was Huihui who catered to his proposal first.

The great magister raised the staff in his hand and said loudly: "Since yesterday, I haven't released the explosion magic, and I'm about to overflow now! No, I'm about to die, give me something big and hard!" !"

"Hey! You idiot Megumin! Don't say such misleading things!"

In the past few days, it was because of Huihui's loud and misleading words in the union that he attracted the hostility of adventurers. Although he was in the mansion now, and there were no other adventurers around him, he still subconsciously yelled out this deep-seated complaint.

But thanks to Megumi, Sato Kazuma didn't worry about Darkness anymore. Instead, he nodded in agreement with what Zhou Fangwu said.

"Senior Zhou Fang can certainly take Darkness's position here... No! Rather, it would be better if Darkness wasn't here!"

Sato Kazuma compared the prudent Zhou Fang-senpai and the perverted Darkness, and found that the gap is really too big!

If possible, he really wanted to find an unknown reason to drive Darkness out of the [Hero] team in one fell swoop!

— Sato Kazuma, it is true to bring villains.

"Okay, let's go on an adventure!"

"Oh!" X3

Zhou Fangwu knew that Sato Kazuma didn't want to delve into it anymore, so he quickly shouted loudly, so that Akuya could be separated from this matter.


Sure enough, Akuya was no longer entangled.

Since Megumin said that Darkness was not sick, she stopped thinking about it.

Huihui took the time to eat breakfast.

After that, everyone came to the Adventurer's Guild.

It was discovered that the adventurers who drank to death yesterday were now accepting the mission in high spirits.

After seeing Zhou Fangwu and his party, they all greeted loudly.

"Oh! Isn't this Wu?!"

"Good morning, hero!"

"Morning, Wu!"

It may be that they admired the boldness of drinking yesterday. When they saw Zhou Fangwu, they greeted Zhou Fangwu warmly, and Zhou Fangwu also greeted them.

"Morning, good morning, everyone!"

His image is the image of the team, of course he won't ignore it coldly, and he still needs to have the superficial skills he should have.

Accept the task.

"Choose this, choose this!"

Huihui pointed to the task of [Fighting the Bear], her eyes glowed red and she said pantingly: "I have a feeling, this guy is a strong enemy! It is suitable for tempering my explosion magic!"

"No! Let's do a simpler task today."

This time, before Sato Kazuma jumped out and refused, Zhou Fangwu rejected her first, "To be honest, I'm still a little worried about Darkness, it's better to go back earlier."

"Hey—! Don't—! I don't want to, I want to do advanced tasks, I want to do advanced tasks!"

Huihui was very dissatisfied and protested loudly.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't care about her embarrassing mood at all, and chose the task of "Fighting Demon Wolf".

Along the way, Huihui always had a very unhappy expression~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's just that after she released the explosion magic on the magic wolf, her face was full of comfort.

"Okay! Let's go back!"

Zhou Fangwu returned to the trade union with Huihui on his back, and after receiving the bounty, several people divided it equally.

He ordered a sumptuous lunch, but he didn't enjoy it with the other three. Instead, he packed a lot of food and said to the others, "I'm still a little worried about Darkness, so I'll go back first."

"Let's go back together!" Sato Kazuma suggested.

"No, I'll just go back by myself."

Rejecting his kindness, he said to him again: "Sato-kun, watch Akua, don't let her drink too much."

"Oh, don't worry!"


Nodding in satisfaction, she returned to the mansion alone.

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